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Hi All,
I finally saw my current T last week. I was in a good mood, so I didn't have heavy/deep stuff to talk about. We mainly talked about the counseling profession and different types of clients' situations.
I think next time I'm going to need to talk to T about my angry outbursts that have occurred several times over the last few months. Some of my family members are concerned. I'm usually quite passive and don't express anger, so now that I'm expressing it everyone is really shocked and scared. I'm confused. I've tried being passive and I usually end up feeling bad. I've tried being assertive, but not much changes.
I've had these angry outburst/yelling episodes lately. It's like the pressure and stress rises until I explode. My T would probably say breathe through it and not get to the yelling point. For some reason it seems to come on suddenly (almost like when I have panic attacks). I've also had a few more panic attacks lately because I've had more encounters with my ex husband and I've accidentally run into him (actually I was driving and he was on the sidewalk next to me jogging). I went into a bit of a panic attack and missed my turn and had to drive 3 blocks out of my way to get back.
I've also been waking up with dreams/nightmares about my abusive ex.

Anyway, I seem to be blowing up at one of my relatives, who is a child that seems to really annoy me when she whines non-stop. I don't want to be cruel to her. I love that lil gal.

Anyone else do this angry outburst/yelling thing? How do you stop it?
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Sometimes I experience those kinds of outbursts when I'm going through some kind of emotional flashback. I lose it because I'm actually reacting to something in my past, some trigger that is unconscious at the time.

It's also a sign for me that I'm overly stressed and tired.

You have a difficult ex-dh relationship so it's easy to understand why you are stressed. Talk to T about it.

Athenacus, I have been having the same problem the last couple of years. It started during a year when so many things changed in my life at seemingly the same time. None of the things were good. I was completely overwhelmed. These events actually pushed me back into therapy after a 10 year break.

It has been very hard on my relationship as he is the target of most of my anger. I kind of thought it was getting better but the anger has returned with a vengeance this summer. I exploded twice in the last month at my SO. The last time I was so out of control it scared me. I couldn't stop yelling and swearing at him. It almost felt like I was outside my body watching myself scream and I kept telling myself to stop but I couldn't stop. Then I called T's voicemail and let her have it. Then feeling really bad called back crying and apologized. It's been hell.

As I said, I thought I was getting better but the slightest uptick in stressors seems to bring the anger quickly back to the surface. It sounds like you also have a lot of stress going on. I have no answers on how to make it better as you can tell, I just wanted to let you know I understand what you are dealing with. Take care.

Thank you all for your understanding and supportive words! I knew I could come here and find people who understood. My family doesn't seem to "get it" if you know what I mean. It feels as though they view me as something is majorly wrong with me.
I wouldn't say my outburst are that often or that bad, but they have happened about three or four times in the last three months. I do have a ton on my plate lately. I'm in T training school full time, work part time, and care for my two children when I can. We live w/my parents currently, so that can be a major stressor and a major blessing all at the same time. My parents help w/the kids while I'm at work and school. I also feel like I have no say in what goes on in the house, because it is not mine (I do pay a certain amount of rent each month though). I feel like an adolescent sometimes, who is just expected to obey and comply with whatever the parents say. I haven't had much space of my own nor time to really be alone.
My ex was just married last week and at least one of my kids is acting out about that. Ex has been contacting more now because our kiddo is angry and doesn't want to talk to him.

I set up another appointment w/T in a couple of weeks. Hopefully we will have a good deep talk about the stuff that is going on with me.

Thank you again!
Hug two

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