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Today I woke up with the strong "I miss former T" feeling. Sometimes I get than anyway, but today it was especially hard. For one of my classes I need to reflect on past therapy experiences and talk about how I want to be as a counselor. I have been working on that and I've been missing former T, but it's been manageable. Today I just felt like crying about missing her as a person and our work together in sessions. I wondered why it was so strong today. Then, I remembered something that I've been reading in one of my many books for school about subconsciously doing or feeling things on anniversary dates.
I went back to my therapy notes that I used to type up for my sessions with former T....sure enough my second to the last session with her was on October 12th last year!
Just thought I'd share.
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It was a year ago today that I last saw former T for a therapy session. Over the course of this past year I've run into her about 4 times (usually at the clinic she works at). Most of the encounters have been wonderful! I end up missing her more after I run into her. Seeing as I won't be going to that clinic anymore for other business, I won't be running into her. Frowner
I miss her.

Maybe around town I'll run into her. I would think it would happen seeing as we live a few miles away from each other (about 6 minutes driving by car).

Part of me wishes that I didn't need to reflect on past sessions with her for an assignment for T school. It makes me miss her even more. Although, I realize how much she taught me and how some of what she brought to my therapy sessions I want to emulate in my clients' sessions.

Ok...I need to log off to work on a paper and presentation.
Well, I didn't have a great session with T last week and I started missing former T so badly. Then, I had to type up a paper for one of my classes talking about something that former T and I talked about a few times. Of course, the overwhelming feelings of me missing her about a year after leaving her got to me. I sent her a thank you via FB. For some reason I thought she would respond because she has the last two times I wrote to her. I saw that she read my message, but she has not written back. I don't know what I expect from her. I know she told me her door is always open and that I can come back anytime I need to. I already have a new T though (who is free currently) and former T costs money that I can't afford (I'm sure she'd work with me though to make it a bit affordable).
Also, I was thinking that her office could take me on as an intern next year, but having learned from things from school profs. they probably wouldn't let me intern there due to ethics.
I've had a tough day with clients and co-counselors, so I'm not in the best of moods.
I better get to bed.
Thanks for reading!

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