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My one-year anniversary with my T is coming up on May 4. I read some neat ideas on here, and was thinking of what I could do to make the occasion special. Then, at my last appointment with T, I mentioned that our 1-yr ann. was coming up, and he had no idea what I was talking about at first. He seemed very nonchalant about it, like "huh." Roll Eyes

Then I mentioned to a friend (who also sees him) that I was wondering about maybe sending a card or something, and she thought it was the most ridiculous thing she'd ever heard of. She actually laughed at the idea. I think her exact words were,(sounding incredulous) "You aren't seriously thinking of "celebrating" going to a therapist for a year, are you?!?"
Uhhhh.... no..... ?
I admit, I lied. Dang it, I've worked so hard to not lie anymore, but I knew she was mocking the very idea!

Regardless, I am doing something though, but her reaction made me realize that we're on two playing fields. Even though we go to the same T, we don't talk about him or therapy much. This is part of why: it's sacred to me, as in personal and "My Experience," and I don't feel comfortable sharing that with anyone who is going to mock it. I have said here before that I have NO support outside of you all, because even H, who is supportive of my GOING, doesn't understand why nor does he know all of what we discuss. SO... can I turn to you all again for some advice? I really would like to let my T know how much he means to me without making him think that I've relapsed into obsessive mode (Embarrassedagain), but I realize that the occasion means nothing to him, so anything I do may seem over the top to him, like my friend obviously would if it were her. What if he feels like she does, that it's "ridiculous" to even acknowledge such an anniversary?? I really don't want to alienate him, nor make him think I'm carrying things too far.

Hugs to you all,
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I don't think it would be such a big deal to make or get a nice card. Maybe you could put some quotes you like in it. Maybe you could write a couple of things that you have learned from him in it and tell him thank you and tell him that your experience with him has been important to you.

I did something like that once, not for an anniversary, but it was good.

I'll bet some others have even better ideas, but it seems you could at least do a card. I don't see how that would be ridiculous or over the top. Plus, remember, it's partly for you, for you to express yourself and feel good about it. Just my thought.

Starry, hi.

I made a card for my T last Thanksgiving. I gave it to her at the end of a session and to tell you the truth, it felt awkward to give it to her and it seemed like she didn't really care much about it (she did say, "Oh, this is creative"). But, I made it, my kids helped me, and it meant something to me. Maybe I'll never really 'know' if it meant something to her or not, as maybe she just had the 'T-face' on (can't show she cares one way or the other about me and our relationship). Anyway....a few sessions ago I told my therapist I was having lunch with a neighbor as soon as my therapy session was over and she was so happy for me. I said, "I can tell you are so happy." She said, "Yes, I think this is the first time you've done something like this since I started seeing you almost two years ago." The 'almost two years ago' part just hit my heart (met her in June 2010). I know she cares. And, to a lot of therapists, I think the relationship does matter.

Do what is in your heart.
Yeah, I don't get your friend's reaction at all. Why not celebrate how far you've come and (as in my case) feeling better than you have in a long time. I know your T acted really nonchalant about the whole idea but I bet he would be pleased to get feedback that you appreciated all his help. Personally, these anniversary posts are so inspiring I can't wait till August for my own T. ~D.
You all brought up such valid points, thank you. Smiler
I will give him a card (already bought THE perfect one!) and not feel any distress over it. I think what threw me was not just my friend's words but all the scoffing that went along with them. I felt like a little kid being laughed at for some "silly" idea, you know?

But I love what was said about following my heart, and that's what I'm going to do. Thank you for understanding.


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