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I had so many weird dreams last night, but here's the one about therapy. It's a bit blurry in parts so bear with me.

I am going to see T, but when I arrive I find out she had traded offices with someone else in her building. Her old office is mostly empty, and her new one is not yet ready. Most of the furniture is covered in drop cloths. As I come in, she is running around uncovering the couch and and getting things ready. There might be people wandering through, as well. I discover because of something playing on a speaker system that T also see clients at 6 other locations. I'm confused and I wonder why I didn't know this, since one of them would surely be closer to where I live. I feel disoriented and confused, and a little miffed. She says something about how she feels embarrassed, and I feel like it's an inappropriate disclosure.

I wind up sitting in the floor because everything is so jumbled. T is also on the floor. Part of me wants to move closer and hug her, but I also feel repulsed. I notice a blanket that clearly belonged to her kids (in reality she only has one) when they were young.

She has taken some framed things off the wall that I recognize, but they are sitting on the floor. Then I see some picture from her wedding. She's wearing a one-shouldered dress with a tropical green print. I think she looks beautiful.

The end is blurry, but I think I just leave because I feel too annoyed at all the chaos and distraction going on?
Original Post
Yay, another dream thread! I love these.

Lemme see. . .

I have a lot of dreams about moving into new houses, or discovering new rooms in an existing house. I tend to interpret them as being about self discovery and/or personal growth. Seems like the jumble of elements in your dream could be reflecting a more chaotic transition to which you still have to adjust, and maybe uncertainty on how best to do so.

I'm confused and I wonder why I didn't know this, since one of them would surely be closer to where I live.

Resenting a change, perhaps?

On some hopeful notes-- 6 other offices plus the one you are in equals 7, and 7 is the number of perfection. Your T is wearing a green wedding dress, and green is the color of life and fertility. The fact that it's a tropical print would also seem to tie in with that.

I'm sure there's more and that this could be interpreted on a much deeper level, but these are some sketchy and immediate thoughts for what they're worth.

Sweet dreams! Smiler

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