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H's trip was canceled this morning. One of the vendors in the UK didn't get their work on the building done in time, so they can't move until July, when he may or may not be going.

There are good parts to this:
-I'm safer with H here and I've been in a bad place (as those in the sensitive issues section know).
-If I decide to start meds or find a new T/P, doing so with H around in case I flip out is much better.
-I'm less likely to be invaded by family members who I just can't deal with right now.
-I brought up topics with my T to discuss tonight that I probably would have postponed if H hadn't been scheduled to leave.
-I embarrassingly confessed stuff about my "states/parts" and dissociative episodes to my pastor, his wife and some friends who were going to help make sure I was OK while he was gone. I also asked for the worship team to be praying for me at band practice. I wouldn't have done so otherwise, so now I have a larger group of "support" people who are more-or-less up-to-date on where I'm at. Definitely would not have been that vulnerable without the impetus of his trip.

Bad parts:
-I feel TRICKED into being vulnerable and bringing some stuff up to T before I was ready, even though I objectively know it was a good thing.
-I wanted to sleep in my own bed for a couple of weeks and not worry about the repercussions.
-I wanted some time to myself, to not feel like a crappy, letdown of a wife, who can't even keep basic stuff under control.
-Parts of me regret not having the opportunity to do bad stuff. Frowner Not actually a bad thing, but just an angry feeling I'm going to have to live with.

Anyway, now that I know he's not leaving right now, I guess I have to speed up my processes for deciding if I'm going to get a new T and looking into meds. I am so UNmotivated right now. I'm feeling like myself for a few hours by avoiding thinking about those triggering things and I don't want to go back to falling apart like I have been the last four days. My head is throbbing so badly right now and Boo won't nap so that I can too. Frowner
Original Post

Well, like you mentioned, the silver lining is that this just kick-started the next chapter of your therapy AND broadened your support circle, both of which are great things.

I love that line - we plan, G-d laughs - and no matter how many times I watch the movie Evan Almighty, I still love the part where G-d is telling Evan's wife that when we ask for courage, we aren't given courage, but instead, given the opportunity to practice calling upon courage. When we want patience, we aren't given patience, but we're given the opportunity to practice patience.

I hope everything does work out for the best, whatever ends up happening!

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