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The PsychCafe
Share, connect, and learn. is my update.

Life has been really tough for me lately it seems. It's a lot about my marriage. I've been married less than two years, and it's been a challenge the entire time. Around the time I first started in therapy, I was concerned a lot with cleaning up my side of things. I had been screaming, freezing up, and other extreme behaviors in response to things my H was doing or saying, and I wanted to stop. I worked really hard on regulating my nervous system and building up some boundaries, sorting out what was mine and not mine, and I have become much less reactive than I used to be. But all along I never focused entirely on issues with my marriage, because there were so many relational issues between myself and T (trust, attachment, transference, blah blah) that were also coming up.

Anyway, I'm not sure how it happened, but as I started to improve myself, my relationship with my H almost seemed to start to resemble how a therapeutic relationship might look if the client has very insecure attachment. H would act out in very dramatic ways (not so that I was physically in danger, but certainly very unsettled), and accuse me of not caring about him at the slightest provocation. I would try to remain calm, and reassure him somehow without being overly caretaking. This has proved incredibly difficult for me, and he is still doing those things, though perhaps to a slightly lesser extent. He is in therapy himself now, but he has no apparent attachment to his T, only to me. At least, one improvement I have seen in the last year is that he now realizes (in his calmer moments) that he needs to work on his own anxiety and insecurity and not put everything on me.

Still, H remains consistently inconsistent, and I am exhausted because I never know which version of him I am going to get, the child or the adult. I have considered separation as I can't keep dealing with it forever and I don't know if there's enough positive to really make up for it. So somehow, in the last couple of weeks, therapy has finally become about my need to figure out what in the world my plan is now and facing the hard realities of where I am.

So, that is the difficult part. But along the way somewhere, there is a miracle that happened. The miracle is that I can actually have that kind of conversation with my T, and that being with her and talking about it makes me feel safer instead of more terrified. Whereas when I started, just sitting there with her attention on me was almost more than I could handle, and I spent the first 3 months or more worrying that she was going to refer me to someone else. The miracle is that even when I lapsed into (mild) SI behavior recently which I had avoided for an entire year, and I felt so horrible and ashamed part of me thought I could never face T again, another part of me was just longing to be able to sit next to her and be comforted by her presence, and instead of cancelling, even though whole episode was partly triggered by my interpretation of her last email, I emailed her and told her how I was feeling, talked to her on the phone, and made it to my session as usual.

It's kind of like somehow when I wasn't quite looking, or as I was freaking out as usual on a regular basis about how I should leave and be done already, the relationship became deeper in hard to explain ways. It feels like new territory for me. I notice the tiny things like how I can look in her eyes sometimes and it feels comforting instead of scary. I notice how I look up and we are sitting in mirrored positions, or taking a deep breath at the exact same moment. I notice how I can come in completely grumpy or out of sorts, and she just gives me a couple of looks that make me laugh and pull me right out of it. I notice that when I get overwhelmed, she notices and stops talking and just sits there with me for as long as it takes.

I expected to be done the moment I could stand my life without therapy, but I've just kept growing. I feel like I'm capable of whole worlds of things that weren't possibilities for me a year ago. Even though I feel like I'm failing miserably in my marriage and it's my own fault, at the same time I'm turning into the person I always wanted to be but didn't know how.

Here's a poem I wrote about T recently. I hope you like it:

Sometimes, we can wait a hundred years for a completion
For that thing...unnameable thing, we didn't get, and couldn't find
The void we just can't fill
And we look...everywhere
Every relationship is a disappointment, thrown away, or held at arm's length
When it didn't satisfy the longing, never felt quite right

But you were the one I couldn't seem to throw away
Although, God knows, I tried
In fact, you have been so faithfully, transparently imperfect
As though apologizing tenderly on behalf of the whole Universe, for all the times it let me down
That I finally forgave, and slowed my ceaseless searching for perfection
First around me, and then within myself
Haltingly, awkwardly at first, I stopped fighting limitation and started dancing with it
And that one change is slowly changing...everything
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That is an amazing poem BLT, thanks for sharing it here.

I can relate to both the deepening of the T relationship and marital rumblings.

It sounds like you're now in a position to let in the safe and unconditional love from your T. I found the more I've done this, the better my T relationship has been but the more it's opened my eyes to my own marital problems.

The marital stuff isn't your fault BLT. We all bring baggage from childhood into our adult relationships so there's no doubt your hubby is also responsible.

If he says things like you don't care, tell him that's not true and factually cite examples of the caring things you do for him. it's really hard to change marital dynamics and the process can be unsettling and involve a lot of arguments. But if you keep holding your ground and fighting for what's fair, you will get an idea of whether your husband can meet you halfway or if the relationship doesn't have the brightest future.

In my own experience, it's been hell trying to get DH to treat me better - he's threatened to leave, to take our son away from me, he's gone out driving for hours not telling me where he's going, he's tried to bully me, gotten rageful etc. but as I stood my ground more and more consistently, this acting out has reduced considerably.

I love my husband and we've been together for over 9 years, he and our son are my only family so I knew I had to explore everything before considering separation.

BLT, flat out awesome poem!!!! Do you think the more secure you are in something, the better able you are to describe it. I don't know if that makes sense but your poem to me, tells me how in tune you are in your therapy and when you describe your marriage, maybe not so much.

Sometimes I wonder if couple relationships are really worth it. I am beginning to think they are way to much work for so little return. It also sounds like your H is still searching for something he can't quite describe in his own life. I hope for your sakes he gets as far as you have in therapy. Again, I LOVED your poem. Thanks for sharing.
(((BLT))) when i read your post i thought the whole thing sounded very poetic and lovely. it's so nice to hear that you've grown so much as a result of therapy and i'm so happy for you.

just sitting there with her attention on me was almost more than I could handle

i can certainly relate to that statement. it sounds like it would be difficult, if not impossible, to put into words how you graduated from feeling this way. if it were possible i would love to hear about the transformation from the unbearable discomfort of sitting there in front of your T to the attuned comfort you feel now with your T. i'm not seeing my T right now but do intend to go back when the time is right, but the discomfort was something i struggled with each and every session, and towards the end i came to realize that what kept me going back to therapy was a subtle sense of comfort from T. so, the conflicting feelings of discomfort/comfort are issues i'll probably have to address in my future therapy.

like GE said, the marital problems are not for you to shoulder on your own. there are two people in the relationship and so you both are responsible for what's going on. whatever you decide to do on that front, i wish you the best!

thanks for the update, BLT. it was heart-warming to read and i'm happy for your personal growth.
Thank you everyone for the replies, and sorry for the delay in response.

it sounds like it would be difficult, if not impossible, to put into words how you graduated from feeling this way. if it were possible i would love to hear about the transformation from the unbearable discomfort of sitting there in front of your T to the attuned comfort you feel now with your T.

Hmm, well the first thing is that it took a while. Maybe about 9 months? And it was a gradual thing, it didn't happen all at once. In the beginning she was very sensitive to it and wouldn't look at me too much, and would sit a little far away to give me space. If I was feeling very anxious, she would tell me to look out the window because the view was calming to me, or I would sit under her weighted blanket or hold one of her teddy bears for comfort. Sometimes I would just sit there for ten minutes at a time without talking, feeling the anxiety in my body and letting it gradually settle. I think it helped that T has a body-based focus and we could work on it at that level. Also I would go home and sometimes have conversations with the parts of myself that were feeling anxious about therapy, to try to understand where they were coming from and to reassure them. I don't know if that answered your question...

So we still have not had any success finding a couples T. Yesterday in session I signed a release for T to discuss my situation with other T's while calling around to try to find someone. She said she thinks we specifically need a T who understands developmental trauma and how it manifests in couples, and how to work with that. I think it is very kind of her to call people for me...I was telling her that I felt like I got myself into this mess, so I should have to get myself out of it. She said she didn't agree with that. I told her she is so much less judgemental than me, and I hoped I could be more like her someday.

It is sad to me that lately our sessions seem almost taken up by discussing my marital problems, to the exclusion of everything else. Like yesterday I finally brought my guitar to session, which I'd been wanting to do for a long time, but I didn't get a chance to play it. On the other hand, maybe I'm finally really facing what is going on with it and actually trying to deal with it more...

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