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3Honeys dream:
"Last night I dreamt I was being chased by demons that could transform into animals with claws and if they caught me they would scratch and bite into my
skin. Each time they caught me I screamed out in my sleep but I couldn't wake up. I escaped but the chase began again. Sometimes I could feel them blow on the back of my neck as they were chasing me from behind. The breath was so real and so frightening. Sometimes the demons hands would break away from their bodies and grab me and I desperately tried to peel them off from me. They prodded and poked and pinched me. Again I screamed, again I tried to wake up and I couldn’t. I returned to the dream. I worked out how to kill them. I had to wrap them in a blanket by rolling them several times into it. I then had to set light to them. Meanwhile they struggled to escape. I had to hold them down and wait for the match to turn into a flame. As it burned the demon slowly burned to death. The smoke was unbearable. This time I woke up but I was still coughing with the smoke. I could still smell it while conscious. I could still feel that disgusting breath on the back of my neck. I got up for a while. And yet when I went back to my bed I was grabbed into the dream again. It was relentless. The last part of the dream I remember is having to kill 3 demons at once. All rolled up into separate blankets and piled on top of one another. I wasn't strong enough to hold them all down at once. Someone was helping me. Someone held them down while I set light to them. And as each demon burned the pile lowered. I walked away before I got the chance to see who it was who helped me.
Again I woke up and again I could still smell the smoke of the burning."

Who helped 'Honey' to destroy her threats?

I only ever dreamt of two demons. 'Honey' had a Ma Da and an abusive grandfather.

It is so easy to empathize with someone being tortured by such dreams, and impossible to imagine such a scenario being played out on a conscious level with emotion, or is it?

"Why does the eye see a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination when awake?"
Leonardo da Vinci

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