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Hi number9,

Don't worry about posting a lot - this is a great place to go when you need to reach out, whether it's once a day, once a week, or once an hour Smiler

Anxiety meds - I personally take an anti-anxiety/anti-depressant daily. It took a while to find the right med, but this one has been working for almost a year. About 5 months ago or so, we added in Xanax on an "as needed" basis, as my regular meds need that build up in the system to be effective, whereas the Xanax is fast acting - literally within 10 minutes I feel a difference: calmer, heart slows down, I can actually catch my breath and focus. Xanax is fast acting and has a short life - so I can actually take several in a short time period if the one hasn't helped, and it won't deplete me or make me foggy.

I'd bring this up with your T or Pdoc or Dr, and let them know you're looking for some support. I'm not a fan of meds either, but just like glasses, some people need a little help to function within the range of "normal." Without my glasses I'm practically blind, but when I put them on, I see just as well as the average person. Without my meds I struggle to function, with them, I function just as well as the average person, if not better Big Grin
My advise, is first find a doc that will answer these questions for you without making you feel horrible about having the question to begin with. I love the PA I found on January 4th. She's a PA for a psychiatrist. She answers all questions. Of all the things I didn't think I necessarily thought would be cured first was my anxiety - it is gone. Now I am severely depressed, it is pretty bad, so I really need to talk to her, and I'm not sleeping, so it could just be that, that the wellbutrin has me to "up" and I can't come down enough at night to sleep (anyway....meds affect everyone so differently, but in general, I find with me I NEED INFO so I needed a doc not afraid to tell me things (and one available next day, and one available to make changes over the phone, and one willing to prescribe Ativan PRN, etc)....good luck.
Number 9,

I take WB in the morning and then I take .5mg of Xanax at night. Every night. It helps me to sleep though I don't sleep great, but that is for other reasons usually. I can take a Xanax during the day if I need it, but it has to get really bad before I'll do that because I will not take it and drive or have to be responsible for my kids. This weekend I had a really bad weekend of anxiety and I finally took half of a Xanax and it helped take the edge off, but did not make me drowsy. I think I was so keyed up that it didn't go that far.

Anyway, it depends on how often you feel anxious, but I do know that WB can cause anxiety in some people. Hopefully your pdoc will have some suggestions.
Thanks all, for the posts. I had done well on WB in the past. I seem to cycle between anxiety and inability to focus/concentrate (I MAKE myself stay on task) and depression, extreme fatigue, and inability to focus. Again, I make myself stay on task.

It seems like the anxiety feeds the depression. Often they co-exisit. It's much worse at night.

I'm on a waiting list to see a doc, and will ask about Xanax, but ask for support that will help with the pain that I experience so acutely at night. That is the best way to describe it- pain. Acute pain.

I think the options many of you mentioned here sound good, thinking about going back on the WB but first trying Xanax on an as-needed basis. I always try the Chinese herbs first, self-acupuncture, and it helps a lot, but there are times.... arrgh. As a (future) practitioner, I would never tell a patient what path to follow. Integrating Eastern and Western medicine with talk therapy is a good way to go, but there are many options, depending on severity, budget, etc. Just having the tools I may need handy when I need them is a very good thing. Been there, done that!

Another reason I need something that won't make me spacey is that I have to be ON to help others.

Ninn, in Chinese medicine, it sounds like you have a yin deficiency-type of depression. That's the kind of depression I have. I can explain it if you like, it is quite interesting, I think, but I would risk turning into a complete nerd. Smiler I like the fact that types of depression are differentiated in Chinese Medicine. I have also learned that the body requires energy to fall asleep. Seriously! And I know that I use up so much energy with worry and negative thinking that not only is my sympathetic nervous system on overdrive (the fight or flight system) but I'm literally "too tired to sleep". Eeker

I am also studying a LOT on nutritional therapy for depression and anxiety, any of you, please feel free to ask questions if you wish, but I will not impose on anyone unless they ask.

Once again, this site is really helping me get through a very tough time. Smiler Thank you so much!
I liked Ativan. I only had it while I was off any other meds because I had it "left over" from when I had gone inpatient. My psychiatrist would not prescribe it for me. I had gone off all my AD's cold turkey this past June and just had the Ativan when my anxiety came back in October (when my separation happened).

So....when I ran out of Ativan....I ran out of options....and unfortunately for me, when I made that first visit back to the doc (a new one thankfully!) I couldn't "cover up" all the other stuff that was wrong (mainly clinical depression)....I waited too long by that point (I wasn't that bad until after the 14 day break from my T)....soooo....anyway, she was HAPPY to give me 90 pills of Ativan (Xanax was too much for me) with one refill, but now that I'm on these other meds, they pretty much are taking care of the anxiety.

I have heard and read that some docs are like my first psychiatrist....since Ativan is addictive....that they use antidepressants to treat anxiety....Lexapro was used for me first (that one made me suicidal)....

Now this Depakote is the one leveling out my moods and in doing that is taking away my anxiety (which I do know Wellbutrin is adding some back in)....but WB is so good for depression....

Sorry....going off on my story....

Good luck with what you decide.

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