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I had a session yesterday with a new T I have been seeing. She does a lot of body processing through somatic experiencing, which I am not used to but also am very open to trying. I processed through (or thought I did) something that came up during the session and left feeling a bit drained but calm. After the session last night and also today, I started feeling extremely anxious, like my whole body is vibrating. Sooooo uncomfortable....what is going on? I am used to anxiety but not at this level. The T told me not to drink caffiene last night. I assumed so I could sleep, but maybe there was another reason?? Could caffiene be affecting me differently because of the body work? I am wondering about that because I know strange things can when I drank 2 glasses of wine after a massage one time...NOT a good idea!!! Anyway, I didn't listen to the no caffiene instructions due to my diet coke addiction. Roll Eyes Wondering if anyone has any insight on this or may have experienced something similar???
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Thanks for your response. It is interesting that you said your arms were shaking during a weekend that you were experiencing a lot of stress. For me, the shakiness started when I got home and my H told me he had read the proposal my lawyer put together (we're divorcing) and responded with "that's not going to work." grrr.

The T did take some time to ground me before I left. I am finding it difficult to know when I am ok to leave. I think I am and then often find out later that I wasn't. I am guessing it will come with more experience?

Will definitely work on the diet coke issue....really need to anyway. Roll Eyes

I am sorry you are experiencing such anxiety. It sounds really awful. I hope the SE has been helpful in relieving it some.

Thank you, DF. Your post was helpful!
How are you doing??? So good to see you back posting. Smiler Frowner

Thanks for sharing your experiences. The therapist I saw also told me the same thing when I called her. She said the shaking is good and is a sign of the body releasing energy from trauma. I often have anxiety and actually I am still not sure whether this actually WAS worse or if it seemed worse because I was paying atention to my body so closely. Definitely felt different though.

I am quitting Diet Coke. Kind of a big deal for me. I am on day 6 and I have already noticed a difference. And oh the headaches......It will be worth it I hope.

Thanks for you kind words, Draggers.

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