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Hi All,

I found out that my T had to go through a surgery and won't be back in the office until the end of the week. I probably get to see her on Friday afternoon, if she doesn't cancel. I hope she is doing alright.

I'm freaking out because I just got a call to set up an appointment for an interview for grad school to become a T! I'm scared, anxious and excited!
I wish I could tell T and get her advice on how to handle the interview. The interview is just the 2nd step in the process, so the final process after the interview is to see whether or not I'd be admitted to the program. I don't know if I'll make it that far. Who knows....

Just had to share with you all. I'll let you know what happens. My next session w/my T was going to be a reflection of our relationship as we are in the termination phase, but I think I'm going to have to do some of that and some prep for this interview.
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Congratulations on both entering the termination stage of therapy and embarking on a new adventure. I'm sorry your T is out for surgery and not available. But here's the thing. I guarantee that if you are in the termination phase you carry your T within you. So sit in your head (it's comfy there as you can have any furniture you want Smiler) and have the conversation with her about your interview. I'm sure the model of her you carry with you will give you some great advice.

It seems so fitting that this is coming for you now. I hope the interview goes really well, please let us know how it goes. The best of luck to you. I also hope your T is back on her feet quickly.

Last but not least, I think preparing for you session probably is good prep for the interview. Smiler


Just wanted to congratulate you on your interview. Good luck with it. :kudos

I'm sorry your T isn't available to share in the excitement and the anxiety of it all. Frowner

Hope she feels better soon. Can't wait to hear about the interview. When you finish T school, you'll have to come back and tell us everything!

I had a session with T. She was in pain from her surgery, but able to listen and focus on me. We talked briefly about my upcoming interview. She gave me a few tips, which I appreciated. I told her I needed help with confidence, so she reminded me of many of my accomplishments over the last year or so. She helped me to see that I'm doing a wonderful job balancing being a single mom, working, and taking classes as well.
I gave her compliments too. We talked about our relationship as we had a misunderstanding about termination. I thought that due to my insurance plan and her assignment to me a couple of sessions ago that we were terminating. She said that we don't have to end. She said that as a grad student learning to become a T, I can still have sessions with her when I feel I need them and she can be my mentor. She already offered to help me out with an area of study that I'm struggling with. I thought that was sweet. I thought about this after session though...did she mean that I can give her a call to set up a session to help me w/my area of study? Or can I call her to talk over the phone about it? Or is this something she is willing to do outside of our sessions? Hmmmm....Maybe she just meant that I could call to set up an appt. and bring in my homework for a session, if I need help with it.

I'm relieved that we don't have to end though seeing as I was feeling that maybe we haven't explored everything yet and that life issues come up and I wasn't quite sure who I was going to turn to when I needed someone.

A couple of other people in the therapy/counseling field have advised me that I might want to seek a different professional though. One person said that I don't want to get dependent on my T and that it sounds like she has fuzzy boundaries and has inadvertently created a friendship like relationship. Another person in the field says that I may not want to define my relationship w/T as a mentor and that we should stick strictly to a therapeutic relationship. Hmmmm...I guess I need to do what feels right to me though.

Anyway, I let you all know by the end of next week what happened in my interview.
Update-I just finished my interview for grad school to become a T. I don't think I did so well. Frowner
Anxiety got to me quite a bit (at least that's how I see it). The lady who interviewed me had really tough questions that I felt unprepared for. ugh.
She did commend me on some steps that I have already taken to get to grad school except for in the area of certain types of volunteer work. This is the where I am deficient. She would like me to have more experience with working as a trained "counselor" for a battered women's shelter or something like that before I get to grad school. I knew that was one area I didn't have background in, but with the divorce, moving, work, kids, the classes I'm taking and my other two volunteer positions, I haven't had time.
Oh well...I tried....
I will find out if I get accepted by the end of March.

Off to do homework and deal with my ex hubby's crap again....he's trying to get me to go back to court mediation to rework custody. HA! not a chance!
It's all about the money to him.

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