I found out that my T had to go through a surgery and won't be back in the office until the end of the week. I probably get to see her on Friday afternoon, if she doesn't cancel. I hope she is doing alright.
I'm freaking out because I just got a call to set up an appointment for an interview for grad school to become a T! I'm scared, anxious and excited!
I wish I could tell T and get her advice on how to handle the interview. The interview is just the 2nd step in the process, so the final process after the interview is to see whether or not I'd be admitted to the program. I don't know if I'll make it that far. Who knows....
Just had to share with you all. I'll let you know what happens. My next session w/my T was going to be a reflection of our relationship as we are in the termination phase, but I think I'm going to have to do some of that and some prep for this interview.