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I started on the smallest dose of this, and eventually went up to 30mg over a period of a couple of years or more. The first couple of weeks were the worst for me in side effect terms (though not everyone reports side effects. It knocked me out at night, but then for me the next morning it was impossible to get up (that did slow down and wear off a bit after a while on it). I also felt a bit light headed and sometimes nauseous. The worse side effect for me, personally was the weight gain, it can increase your appetite but watching what I ate helped with the waistline issue. I took it at night to alleviate some of the side effects, like sleepiness. My mood levelled out on it, for me it became that I was not depressed but I could more function and get through work.

At the time it helped me, and eventually I came off it, in a staged withdrawal (about nearly 2 years ago) as it was making no noticeable difference to my mood, life etc (other things were in place which were helping more)

Others may have different experiences with it so what I have written here is just my personal experience with it

Pings x
(((Pingles))) (((Draggers))) Thank you. The doc did mention it might make me sleepy and to make sure I took it before bedtime.

cos i was walking around like i was drunk! i kept falling over and slurring my words

Thank you Draggers; I'll watch out for that side effect. I've had that happen a few times, but never on the NHS before Roll Eyes

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