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I am wondering if anyone has come up with any good books or websites on recovering from Eating Disorders? Everything I frin is either PRO eating disorder, or just says get into treatment (which I agree with). I want some more ideas about stuff I can work through or do on my own. There are tons of books about PTSD, BPD, Depression, all kinds of other things, but for some reason, I'm not finding anything good on recovering from disordered eating habits (and I don't need a good diet book either).

~ jane
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This one requires you join the site, but it is TOTALLY worth it - huge support for me on this site, and they have online meetings on Thursdays.

Weighing The Facts

Feasting on Research - ED related research (love this blog author)

GREAT resource here on Ed Bites

Personal website of above two resources

Actively Arielle - INCREDIBLE resource - so much stuff - videos (that I listen to when I walk) articles, just lots of stuff (she also co-hosted the June Blogger Challenge I participated in)

General, helpful articles

FEAST - don't let the family spin deter you, I did, and it took me a while to finally let myself look through this site - lots of tools!

Healthy At Every Size

Eating Disorders Anonymous (they also have a secret group on FB- PM me if you're interested in joining) This group kick-started my recovery.

An E-Book by Joanna Poppink - ED specialist

LOVE Jenni Schaefer's books - have them on my kindle - best books on recovery that I've read

Begin Within Blog - helpful overall resource

Nourishing the Soul - another great overall resource

I also have a bunch of links sprinkled throughout my blog. I'll try to pull them up and post them here, too.

Good luck Jane... it's not an easy journey, but it's worth the work.

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