If I were to highlight everything in this one post you would get bored of reading it, so I'll briefly outline my problem.
My mother has been an alcoholic from the day I was born (so my family have told me) but it only really started to affect me during my last year of secondary school when I was 18 and doing my final A Level exams, during which my mum went so far downhill she was starving herself and hiding booze and refusing to talk to anyone, even me. I had to move to the UK for uni soon after that, during which time we were forced to take her to Poland (where she lives now)as the country we were in did not provide alcoholic support due to Muslim religious limitations, which disgusts me by the way, and I am so angry all the doctors and psychiatrists refused to help my mother.
A while after my dad got so depressed and my mother refused to communicate with me or him, stop drinking, or even acknowledge her problem, and as you know you cannot force an alcoholic to help themselves. I was also lead to believe she suffered depression and still does, although she never actually goes through with hurting herself like she threatened to except for one time when she cut herself a tiny bit just to get a reaction out of me drunkenly.
SO finally, they went through a divorce, it was quick and easy, they knew they were never meant for eachother, and all the while I was stranded in a new country, new people, new home and with terrible anxiety. I had panic attacks all day long every day and it was the worst time of my life. But my boyfriend helped me through it, and is still an amazing support in my life, but I just wanted to hear what others in my situation might have to offer as he will never truly understand the guilt, pain and anxiety I feel towards my mum. Its affecting everything now, I have become slightly obsessive compulsive and I have very intrusive thoughts. I used to be so close to my mum all through my life when I didnt know she had a problem, but all of a sudden my relationship with her is gone, I havent seen her in nearly 2 years because she refuses to come and see me for no reason, and Im too scared to go there to see her because last time I did she had a massive drinking binge and tried to hit me and ran outside in the town half naked swearing at everyone.
We still talk over skype and the phone, but not for long and shes always telling lies and pretending shes not drunk, but i just know she is by the sound and look of her, Im sure others who have seen a loved one in a state like that so many times like I have would agree its obvious when theyve had a drink.
So thats a miniscule part of my story (even though its massive and Im sorry about that), I just need to talk and hear what others have to say. Have you lost a parent over alcoholism? Do you feel guilty even though its not your fault? Do you feel helpless? Or annoyed everytime someone says "why dont you just take her to a meeting" and feel like screaming "DONT YOU THINK I HAVE TRIED!"? Anything would be helpful.