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I had an appointment with the nurse specialist in EDs on Monday. After whooping at my acceptance that I am depressed and am willing to give meds a go, she said that i might need to consider thinking about changing therapy!!
Totally took me by surprise, I have been with "my man" for nearly 3 years. She said sometimes people get stuck in a rut and stagnate. I said everytime I leave the session I have a headache because he makes me think and I try not to and he makes me talk and I try not to!

I cannot imagine not going to see him anymore, it is a destabalising thought.

I will tell him when I next see him but wonder what he will think. I hope he does not agree with her Frowner
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Scars, is that good news that you’re considering going on meds? If so, well done – I personally resist meds like nothing on earth, but also recognize they can be extremely helpful and even at times necessary. Sounds like you’ve overcome your own reluctance and are prepared to try them.

Have you any idea why the ED nurse would suggest you change therapists? Does she know him? (I’m assuming they are at least onside in terms of being your ‘team’ or doesn’t it work like that?)

It’s obviously hit you out of the blue – does she have any say in the matter or do you think she was just throwing it out there as something to think about?

You’ve been seeing him for a long time and from the sounds of it, get on well with him and see therapy as helpful? Do you think there’s any merit in considering switching Ts? It does all seem a bit of an offside thing – if I were in your place I think I’d have to bring it up with T too, just in case that is what he thought as well. Hope you are seeing him again soon, and don’t have too long to sit around being freaked out by this.

(((((( Scars )))))))

My brother died 3 years ago and I have resisted meds since then.

If I bring it up it might start a discussion about attachment, and as I have never given it really much thought with to him, not sure where the conversation could lead.

It's all a bit daunting to think that change could be around the corner. We all have that fear of the unknown, good or bad.
Hey Scars,

I am depressed and am willing to give meds a go, she said that i might need to consider thinking about changing therapy!!

It's just her angle. What does she really know about you, the progress you've made, your therapy and your therapist? Next to nothing. She's just opinionated and couldn't keep it to herself.

am willing to give meds a go

So you haven't been on meds in three years and you've been seeing your therapist in three years. It seems absurd (just my opinion) to me that she might blame stagnation (were you complaining about that? No, you were complaining about depression) on your therapist when it could be partly or largely chemical and meds might truly give you that boost.

My therapist was willing to help me without meds but since I've gone on them, I notice a huge difference and I'm never going off them. Looking back, I don't know how he put up with me NOT taking them.
I am hoping the meds will make a difference after all this resistance. She has only seen me a few times and does not know me yet, though i do feel comfortable with her. I reckon he is fed up with me not opening up fast enough (just my perspective) for him. The way I have been feeling these past few weeks is really getting me down and I need help to shift the cloud. AV did not blow hard enough!!! (on another thread)

I am just going to ramble now, because I don't know where to put it and am not sure if I have already said it!

The estranged husband (live in the same house) is taking the kids away to France for christmas, but none of them have asked me what I am doing. I feel so hurt by this. The kids are 16 and 20, not youngsters. On sunday I had had a few drinks and cried in front of my daughter (I think I said that somewhere) and she said she thought it had been sorted etc.

Agh life and all.

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