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interesting, my mom (the house) ate up the page, way too big. and trying to be very fancy, the person (of course i drew as me) peering out a window, no arms, sad face, mad hair, only visible from the chest up (a really bad sign i learn from reading on the internet...ALOT of repression, things denied) shit, sherlock! and the tree, a mere stick lolly-pop, and afterthought, single trunk, thin, with a round circle lolly-pop on top. apparently this is the father figure, T3 said, but i read also it denotes your strength of ego...mine looks pretty frail.. i think she didn't want to specify that as 'me' as that would maybe be too frightening, and never on the 'web' have i found it to signify the father figure...i think she was trying to protect me from seeing the 'alarm' of my pitiful, but somewhat accurate drawing. the kid had just rounded shoulders, no arms or hands...powerless, completely consumed by a grotesquely large house (mom).

the good news, the first thing i drew was the sidewalk OUT OF THE HOUSE from the door to the front of the page (bottom line).

i told her i am really skeptical of this type stuff, but i humored her and perhaps it is revealing. the wimpy tree (father or self), the hidden, powerless child with a sad face, the OPPRESSIVE house, with a heavy bar over the door...'lest you try to get out, my little pretty'...i can feel the tension. and that weak (ass) powerless tree/dad. as clueless as a lolly-pop!!

anyway, new tools, and we'll see where this goes, just wondering if anyone else 'colors with their T'...

always a skeptic, jill
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Hi Jill

Hm interesting stuff. Whether you're sceptical or not (and I am a dyed in the wool sceptic when it comes to interepreting things) the whole art therapy stuff seems a really good way to bypass the thinking and rationalizing that can get in the way of really knowing what's going on in you.

One of the new Ts I've seen offers something called Creative Therapy, and has paper and crayons and stuff in her office and I have to say I've found myself sitting there thinking, I wish I could just grab those crayons and start messing about on paper - dont know whther it would achieve anything but I'm so fed up of my endless thinking cycles that doing something like you describe in your post would be a welcome break from it.

Ha ha now that you've explained the premise behind your T's interpretion of your drawing, of course if I ever got aroundt to doing it I would know in advance what it's supposed to mean and that would prevent it being spontaneous.

Sounds like you're doing quite a bit of work with this new T already, that's pretty good going. I so hope she is the one for you and you can start to heal from the crap you've had with the other two. Smiler

Hi Jill,

That's really interesting. I just asked how Jones felt about art therapy, and I think it speaks volumes for it considering how skeptical you are (I don't blame you one bit..I'm just as skeptical) and what you ended up drawing. If you googled and found that the tree normally represents your self, and we kind of choose to temporarily put your T's interpretation on the sidelines, I wonder if the child is obviously yourself as a child, and the tree is you now? But, going back to what your T said, it seems logical that the tree could represent a father figure, if you imagine a big, robust tree. I suppose that would the ideal? Ha, but there's probably some happy medium. Too big a tree, and you may have had some overbearing father.

Sorry, Jill, I tend to get on these long trains of thought that just make me ramble. It sounds like there were a lot of representative things in your drawing you think your T will have you do more expressive stuff like this?
yes, i may ask her today about the tree. either way, not good. are you doing some art therapy?? has it been indicative of anything relevant?? yes, and she at least had new tricks. wonder what she'd a said if the child had been squished under the house and the tree had been dead. it'd be kinda fun to 'toy' wtih the T a bit on this one!! hee hee
oops, hey Jill, I'm sorry - I didn't mean to take this convo somewhere else by opening the art therapy thread - I just didn't see this one at the time. But we can hopefully have 2 convos about art therapy, right?

This exercise reminds me of games we used to play as teenagers - describe a house, a path, a tree, a cup, a wall... each thing is supposed to represent something inside you but I can't remember them all now.

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