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I've talked about my transference issues with my T, the issues that I prefer to call "attachment". She has been there for me through the most difficult period of my life. She has been there for me in the most amazing ways.

This past year, my mom died, I lost my job, I left my husband/marriage of 10 years, I moved out of my home and away from my neighborhood support system (a support system which was phenomenal), I became a single mom overnight, I've experienced the fall-out of my family following the death of my mom, I've gotten lice 2 times, and now, I've been very sick with the flu and flu recovery for 2 weeks.

Through it all, there was my therapist, by my side, holding my hand, literally, comforting me, supporting me, yet still teaching me how to stand on my own two feet.

A month or so ago, I told her about my "attachment" issues. Well, actually, all along, we've talked about my attachment and the needs I have that she's meeting for me. But, I came out with the whole truth, the fact that I want her to adopt me and be my mom, because people here urged me to talk about it with her. I had written her this beautiful letter. After I read it, she was crying, and applauding my bravery and honesty, and recognizing my growth. That day, I had somehow hurt my neck, to the degree that my head had to lean over to the side. As we Texans call it, I had a "crick" in my neck. In the morning, the pain had been so bad, that I had actually thrown up (imagine throwing up when you have a crick in your neck and it hurts immensely to move it the tiniest bit. . . no fun). She said that if it's okay with me, she'd like to massage my neck. She is physical with me in appropriate ways, so it wasn't weird or anything. She has very solid boundaries, and I have always felt safe with her, and her touch has always been safe, and hasn't messed me up. My point in telling this part of the story is what she said as she was massaging my neck. As I was laying there, she said, "You gave me a beautiful gift today, now let me give to you." She saw my letter, my honesty, my opening up to her as a gift.

Later, I asked her if she already knew that I wanted her to be my mom, and she said that she had already known that, but that I had shown so much growth and insight in the letter that she was very excited about my growth.

Anyway, so, since then, I've been asking her over and over in different ways if she's ever dealt with someone who has the same issues that I do. She usually answers something like, "Many of my clients have some type of dependency needs on their therapist," or "About 50% of my clients have attachment wounds stemming back to childhood." I kept feeling like she was trying to protect me in some way, and not being exactly honest with me, so I kept asking in different ways. I wanted to know how many of her clients think about her all of the time, to the degree that it pains them when they aren't with her (Many of you know what I'm talking about, right?). When I would ask her this, she would talk about how I've had such a difficult year, and she would expect me to have big needs. Finally, last Wednesday, she told me the truth. She said, "It's rare." What a relief it was to get the truth.

On Friday, she called me to check in with me, which she does every Friday, and I told her "Thank you for being honest with me." Then, she offered more information. She said that usually she has one client in her practice at a time that she kind of considers to be her "special assignment." She initially called it her "Divine assignment" I think she meant that God told her that this is "the one", then said "special." She feels that this client needs a little more than the other clients. She gives this client a little more than she does the other clients. She gives me extra phone calls, she tells me that it's okay for me to call and leave her messages throughout the week, she returns my calls if I need it, she even wrote me six letters, one for each day that I would have had contact with her, when she went on vacation. She says she thinks about me and prays for me every day. (I often tell her, "Please don't forget about me," so that's why she tells me that she thinks about me.) She said that when she signs someone on as her "special assignment," she is signed up for the long haul, for as long as it takes. She also said that she doesn't take on anymore "special assignments," because she can only handle one at a time. So, even though there may be another person who might need it, she can't give it to them, because if she did, there would be nothing of her left to give, that is what she said. She said that for her, it becomes a special relationship, because she only has one of them at a time.

So, I am her "special assignment." Through explaining this to me, it made a lot of things finally make sense. I was pleased with the special treatment that I was getting, but I kept asking her, "How can you do this? You have a lot of clients." She would say, "Everyone has different needs." When she would say, "I'm not forgetting about you. I think about you every day." I would say, "But how can you think of 20-30 people every day?" She would say, "Everyone has different needs." It all makes sense to me now. I'm also glad to see that she has some sort of a vision with what she's doing, and she's not just driving this therapy based on her desire to connect with me or something. Because of what she said, I feel even safer than before. Somehow more protected, contained, cared for, loved, and yes, even "special."

Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

What do you think of it?
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Wow CG, your post made me cry! It just brought up a lot of the same feelings in me I guess and I can't let myself sink too far in to that atm or i'll end up a blubbering mess!

I am in awe of your T. She sounds like she has her head screwed on just right. She knows her limits and so she doesn't make promises she can't keep. That is amazing and my head is spinning just thinking about it.

How wonderful you finally got answers about the attachment feelings, you've been waiting for a long time. You did share some very intense feelings with her, leaving you vulnerable. And she nursed that vulnerability whilst probably debating how honest she should be with you. And in the end her sharing her own feelings back, well it's just beautiful! That's what therapy should be! Not everyone connects with their T the way a lot of us here do. They don't feel that need to be special. And to have that honoured and validated must feel amazing. I am so happy for you!

I know I am my T's "special" client. I have only just started to believe it, even though she has been hinting at it for a while. But we have never talked about it they way you both have. Hopefully one day. But i can relate in how it feels:

Somehow more protected, contained, cared for, loved, and yes, even "special."

And on my good days I can feel all that... well i hesitate to call it love, but that's almost how it feels... so I feel like I can gather it up and surround myself in it like bubbles in a bubble bath. Wrapping myself in the genuine human caring of my T. And it keeps me going.

I am just so happy for you! Big Grin

Dear CG Cool

I just want you to know, I scanned your message for spelling errors and I want you to know that you make me sick you darn Texan perfectionist!!! Hehehe Razzer

I'm going to blame my lack of tears (Summer and LTF you softies!) on my drug withdrawl, and I won't tell you that I laughed my butt off when I read "As we Texans call it, I had a "crick" in my neck", or maybe I will, what the heck Big Grin

Seriously though (and yes I have one weeee serious bone in my body), I'm jealous of the relationship you have with your T, it's so amazing that she is able to connect with you the way she does, and you are very lucky to have her. Same with you LTF, you are both really lucky.

My P tells me that she deals with transference alot and that she specializes in it. I'm wondering if she has more people that transfer hate (of a parent) onto her because she's not all that likable! LOL Well, I like her a lot (too much), but like I've written somewhere here today .. I'm a freak!

I'm off to rake the lawn .. under the snow .. in the rain! Big Grin

Be well!

I guess I should have been a little more specific. When she said, "It's rare," she wasn't just talking about my attachment. She was talking also about my needs, which are exacerbated by my recent losses, and she was talking about my attachment to her and longing for her. It's a combination of my needs and my attachment. When I asked her what "rare" means, she said, "It's on the low end of the bell curve." I was like, "Well, I know that, but what does it mean?" She said, "About 10% of my clients have needs similar to yours." So, rare doesn't mean 1 in 1000 or something. We're not complete freaks, just, you know, sort of freaks.
Thank you for your supportive response.

You said, "I am in awe of your T. She sounds like she has her head screwed on just right. She knows her limits and so she doesn't make promises she can't keep. That is amazing and my head is spinning just thinking about it." I am continually in awe of her. She never ceases to amaze me with her knowledge, her ability to be present, her ability to create a safe space with firm boundaries that are somehow soft and not painful, her ability to be open and honest, her generosity with herself, while at the same time completely maintaining herself and her strength, her depth of understanding. She is truly an amazing person and therapist.

"And on my good days I can feel all that... well i hesitate to call it love, but that's almost how it feels... so I feel like I can gather it up and surround myself in it like bubbles in a bubble bath. Wrapping myself in the genuine human caring of my T. And it keeps me going." I love this description. That's exactly how it feels. I hope that you find the courage to talk about this with your T.

I'm a teacher. What do you expect? No, seriously spelling errors don't really bother me. I's just giving you a hard time.

As far as the "crick" in my neck, I have some other good ones where that came from. I'm sure they'll come out over time.

I do feel very lucky to have this relationship with my T. She and I both agree that if she weren't as vulnerable as she is with me, therapy wouldn't work for me. I would close up and be all tough. So, I'm lucky to have found her. Even though she's such a great therapist, I'd still rather her adopt me and be my mom. I hope someday that those feelings go away, because when I feel that, I want her to rescue me.

That's sort of weird that your T specializes in transference. How do you specialize in transference? Do you intentionally try to create an environment in which transference will occur, or do you just bring it up when you notice it, or what?

Glad to hear that your hands are getting better.

I'm getting better, slowly, but surely. Still coughing like crazy and taking a looooooooong daily nap, though.

That's sort of weird that your T specializes in transference. How do you specialize in transference? Do you intentionally try to create an environment in which transference will occur, or do you just bring it up when you notice it, or what?

I think my current T laughs at me a little on the inside when I use the word "transference" - but when we did talk about it we agreed that my previous P was more, er, lets say, inclined to encourage and examine transference.

The difference is that my old P didn't speak as much, never shared anything about himself or what he was feeling and he kept reminding me that the most important thing for me to talk about was any thoughts or feelings I had towards him. He wouldn't even engage me in small talk at the beginning and ending of sessions.

My new T shares more of what he's thinking and feeling and more of his own experiences. I'm not saying I "know" him, but I have more of a feel for him as a person, where I was pretty much clueless about who my old P was.

Both my new T and my old P were fantastic, but they have different styles. So I thought that might help with your question Smiler
CatGirl ..

I'm a teacher. What do you expect?

Do you seriously want me to answer that? Razzer

I'm glad to hear that you're doing better with that stubborn flu.

How do you specialize in transference? Do you intentionally try to create an environment in which transference will occur, or do you just bring it up when you notice it, or what?

This is a good question! I never really thought about it until you pointed it out. Maybe she didn't say she specialized in it, but it's what I remember hearing .. or .. Maybe she see's it before the patient realizes they are experiencing it, and is good at bringing it to the surface. But that said, I suppose that my initiating the conversation of sexual transference with her shouldn't have been an issue if she was so in tune, and when I avoid talking about it, you'd think she would find a way to get it to the surface! WHO KNOWS!!!

Off to fold laundry Roll Eyes

Hi, I'm a newbie and have been reading the posts on 'transference' that everyone has so insightfully written and I have a question. What does it mean about me that I am soooo susceptible to transference(both in therapy and outside of therapy)--someone(male, female) could brush by me in a store and the gentle breeze they create against my cheek could cause me to feel like I'm in love with the person!! Does it signify how hungry I am for touch? for love? would welcome any insights. mlc
Hello Everyone,

Me again...with another question...does anyone experience rage when they think about taking care of themselves or being kind to themselves? I do..big time...and I can't seem to get over it and start treating myself better..whenever I consciously try to do something nice for myself, utter rage kicks in and prevents me from doing anything except falling asleep...I can't put words to the rage yet...I just feel like I'm being teased/patronized/being made a fool if I start imagining treating myself nice(like if I imagine giving myself a hug or something)..what is going on? I feel so confused...and I feel the rage in my crotch area(embarassing..)--like someone is teasing me there!! It literally drives me crazy!!! Any thoughts out there? mlc
Hi mlc! I'm glad you have taken the big step of posting here. I know it's hard, but you're here! And I hope you find this place as helpful as I do!

What does it mean about me that I am soooo susceptible to transference(both in therapy and outside of therapy)--someone(male, female) could brush by me in a store and the gentle breeze they create against my cheek could cause me to feel like I'm in love with the person!! Does it signify how hungry I am for touch? for love? would welcome any insights.

You know, I don't know what it says about you. I will say that I am very succeptable to transference as well... hence the name... but I think it varies for wach person. The reasons you mentioned seem very valid and may well be the answers... some combonation of them. I think, as a whole, transference suggests that you want (consciously or not) someone to be attached to... which is a very normal, human need, especially if you have experienced any emotional or physical trauma. The other thing I'm wondering is if you have always had a lot of people in and out of your life... like you grew up always wanting to be close to someone but they were very evasve?? Just a thought and may be VERY off base...!?!

does anyone experience rage when they think about taking care of themselves or being kind to themselves? I do..big time...and I can't seem to get over it and start treating myself better..whenever I consciously try to do something nice for myself, utter rage kicks in and prevents me from doing anything except falling asleep...I can't put words to the rage yet...I just feel like I'm being teased/patronized/being made a fool if I start imagining treating myself nice(like if I imagine giving myself a hug or something)..what is going on? I feel so confused.

Thanks for sharing all of this here with us. You seem very brave and open and I like that about you. To answer your question, yes, I feel rage about taking care of myself... much less now than I used to, but I still do nonetheless. I tend to blow off any ideas I have of taking care of myself because I feel like "I don't deserve it." I don't, however, usually rage when I do something nice for myself, it's more preventative than it is "in the moment."Plus, I get really upset with my inner child at times... for being needy and inconvenient. What has really helped me though, is to think of her like an actualy child... I have to ask myself if I would actually say the things I think to my daughter (if I had one). And of course, I wouldn't.

As far as feeling teased or patronized or being made a fool of... idk, i tend to feel embarrased and ashamed; like I'm stupid for even considering being nice to myself. I guess the best way I can make sense of it is to think about the way my childhood needs were tended to when I was a child. Often, I was embarrassed or treated like I was stupid so that is why I tend to treat myself that way. It honestly is what I learned. Maybe you were patronized or made fun of for having needs... or maybe you saw someone else be treated this way? What would have happened when you were younger if you had asked for a hug?

...and I feel the rage in my crotch area(embarassing..)--like someone is teasing me there!!

I think sometimes, when you get into really deep emotions... and when you are deeply hurt, you can feel it in your body. I don't know if that makes any sense or if that's what's going on, but sometimes I get tingling sensations when I feel really hurt or offended or rejected. Just my thoughts. Anyway, I'm glad your here. Keep posting, we'd love to have you stick around!

Dear CT,

Thank You so much for your thoughtful left me with much to think seem so thoughtful and insightful(your thoughtfulness almost brought me to tears!) I just wanted to write this right away to let you know I read it...
I have tried picturing my inner child exactly like a child and I know she is extremely sad, hurt, and filled with shame. And, yes, I did have alot of people in and out of my life, so to father and mother would often go for months without talking to me except to rage at me(especially when I was a teenager). My older sister remained my only 'steady' support but she was so anxious to get out of the house whenever she came to visit that I saw her sporadically (I'm 15 yrs younger than her..she was like my mother). Anyway, I have major abandonment issues... To get back to my inner child...even though I do sometimes picture her as a child I still cannot get passed the rage...I feel like I am a fool to take care of her! I feel like, if no one else cares, why should I?..if people find me too needy/hungry..then why should I bother(of course, this is exactly why I should bother!) I just want someone else to much...if not more...(I guess all of this is keeping me stuck!)
Anyway, again, thank You for your response! I am going to think more about it, definitely..

Need to vent/write...

Yesterday, my T and I talked more about transference. Let me just say, first of all, I think she has been a wonderful T for me so far..she understands and maintains appropriate boundaries with me while at the same time provides me with great insights and support, etc. I'm having trouble with something she said in our session, though...we were sitting there being honest with each other, talking about my 'hunger' for love, etc. and she revealed to me that she was scared to work with me in the beginning because of how much 'hunger' I had...then she proceeded to say that she is well over that feeling now, etc...but her past fear of my hunger is bothering me...I feel alot of shame about it(yet greatfulness that she stuck with me) and can't let it go(even though she has moved passed her feelings)...has this happened to anyone? Has anyone had so much hunger in them for love, acceptance, nurturing,etc. that it has scared people, even a therapist? I feel like a monster...lots of sadness, anger, and shame, too... any thoughts out there? mlc

When your therapist said that she was scared to work with you because of your "hunger" that probably was more about her then you. She needs to be able to treat you objectively without getting overwhelmed with counter transference. She probably worried about putting you in a situation where she had to stop treating you.

Hmm, about your rage in your crotch. I have a physical sexual response to therapy that does not have the corresponding mental component. (that I am aware of) Thoughts about hurting myself and wanting things has that same response for me. Frankly, I don't know what to make of it. I wanted to let you know, though, that you aren't alone there.
I don't really have a lot of time right now, but I wanted to let you know that NO! YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!

Almost everything you've described, I've experienced.

The hunger, the need pushing people away.

The transference to anyone who gave me attention (I've been looking for a "mother" my whole life)

The feeling that you're not worth taking care of

The somewhat sexual, but not really sexual (I think it's some primal emotional connection or something) feeling when I feel certain emotions, especially in therapy.

I want to elaborate, but, again, no time right now.

But, you are not alone.

You've landed in a good place here. Keep posting your feelings, your thoughts, your fears, your triumphs.

Hi Z and catgirl,

It was very nice for me to read your responses...this site is great so far...I feel really understood, validated, and not alone. I was wondering if Z, you could elaborate on 'thoughts about hurting myself and wanting things has that same response for me' do your thoughts go/what are your thoughts? How does it feel for you to want/hunger,where do you feel it in your body? etc...I'm very curious....mlc
Well, I have a an example that illustrates this pattern pretty well.

I talk to my T twice a week, I'm also in contact with him via e-mail between sessions. As you can imagine, that means that I'm probably in contact with him more days then not. I'm pretty comfortable with this arrangement, but getting here was hard on me.

At first, I saw him once a week and e-mailed him once in a while. Between sessions I felt like my life was on hold. I couldn't concentrate on anything besides the next session. Thinking about anything past the next session simply didn't work, it was like there was a black wall in my way. I would want to talk to him so badly. I felt it in the bottom of my belly, the "butterflies in my stomach" type feeling . It could get intense enough that I literally was unable to eat. My head would feel cloudy, like I was unable to connect entirely with what was going on around me. (Being incredibly distracted.)

I would want so badly to tell my T something, my thought process went something like this:

"<thought about something>"
"I want to share that with [my T]"
"I could send him an e-mail"
"Is it important / urgent enough?  I'll see him on <day>"
"No, it really isn't"
"I want a lot of attention"
"I feel really needy"
"I shouldn't bother him"
"I'm clingy"
"I hate clingy people"
"I hate myself"
"Maybe it would be better if I no one had to deal with me"

In that time I would go from feeling thoughtful and interested in whatever I was thinking about to disappointed that I wasn't going to let myself send an e-mail to my T, to feeling like I he should never have given me his e-mail address to pissed off at myself for wanting to tell him something to hating myself for being me. It was this terrible sinking feeling from my heart to my gut.

(SI Triggering)

It's the hating myself and turning any anger I have towards myself that leads to cutting. This is how "wanting things" translates directly to "wanting to hurt myself" - I won't let myself have things that I want, and wanting things makes me feel like I need to be put back in my place. I feel "sub-human" like I don't deserve nice things. When I'm in this mode, I'll feel the butterflies in my stomach and a longing for my blades. I feel warm down below, but not clearly sexual.

Cutting feels like it "puts me back in my place" - that I deserve it. Things are back the way they are supposed to be. I feel more comfortable with myself again. At this point, I usually discover that I need a fresh pair of panties, even though I wasn't aware of anything particularly sexual going on.

I hope that's helpful, or at least interesting.
Again, I don't really have time right now. I shouldn't be spending these couple of minutes here right now. I'm going camping tomorrow, and I have a homework assignment that I have to do first. Then, I have to build shelves in my daughter's room so I can clean up her stuff to get to her clothes to pack for her for the trip, then I have to pack my stuff and the camping gear, then I have to pay the bills, then I have to pick up the house, and on and on and on it goes.

I just peaked in, and I wanted to say this:


What you described so accurately describes my feelings and experiences. I haven't actually cut myself in a number of years, but a while back (during this past year), I wanted to cut myself and had no razor, so I just settled for scraping up my skin with a screw driver. It's just this drive to be in pain, because I'm supposed to be in pain. It's also a desire to take control, because I feel out of control. It's also a desire to take the attention away from the inside of me and put it on the outside. The feelings are so intense! Thank you for sharing what happens with you.

Also, mlc, I'm glad you brought up the um, urh, feeling that's not sexual, but comes about when certain strong emotions are felt. I recently brought it up in a private chat with someone here, but I was afraid to bring it up in the main forum. You're very brave. It appears that a lot of us suffer from that. I wonder if it's the same for guys. I also wonder what it's about.

CG-thanks for replying even though you are busy. Also, thanks for saying I'm brave--I feel safe in this chat room.

Z--Thanks for describing your feelings in such detail--your example made me understand your reactions and you a little more--you seem very insightful..

I used to cut myself, too..I think I cut myself when my rage and the 'crotch' feeling that seems to go along with the rage got to be too intense--the cutting diverted my mind away from it all...

I have another question for you Z and CG(but may be too personal)..Z-you described feeling 'subhuman' you think the 'subhuman' and the sexual feelings are linked? or does the excitement of the cutting stimulate you sexually?

For me, aside from the rage/crotch link, I also feel a sexual feeling when I see/hear about someone being humiliated, raped or tortured...treated 'subhuman'...pretty sick, huh, I'm glad this site is somewhat anonymous.. All of this disturbs me a GREAT DEAL about myself..I've discussed it with my T--she thinks that when I was first becoming aware of myself and my sexual organs/sexual feelings as a baby , that I was screamed at and humiliated alot(if I'm understanding our conversation correctly) Where is the ShrinkLady? maybe she had some ideas? mlc
CG - In some ways, I'm jealous, I have way too much time to stew in my head Smiler

mlc - I *know* the subhuman feelings and the sexual ones are linked. My sexual fantasies are almost exclusively about being raped, tortured, dominated, humiliated, treated as dirt, being imprisoned, bound, etc.

I remember seeing a film in an English writing class in college where a girl was being questioned (unfairly), and the questioner put his hand on her leg, and moved it up her leg until he fingered her. It was not sexual, it was terrible and all about control, but I had such an incredibly strong sexual response to it. That creeped me out for a good long time.

I think that cutting, and especially thinking about "the cutting" as an entity somewhat separated from myself, satisfies some of these desires. In effect, I'm treating myself like dirt. At the same time, I'm treating myself well by giving myself what I want and crave. It's all quite paradoxical.

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to actually desire a man's sexual touch, in a loving and gentle way. Other times I wish I could find someone who would play with me the way I want to be played with. Of course, that's got all kinds of risks!

I think that my T being totally accepting of everything I say to him and everything I do, encouraging me, supporting me and thanking me as I bare my soul to him has slowly brought me to a place where I am more comfortable with myself and having the feelings that I have.
Z--You seem very insightful with such deep levels of understanding!...I too try to imagine desiring touch in a loving, gentle way(only of women since I am gay)..and yet I want to find someone who will understand the 'other' side of me, too and fulfill those desires...sigh...

Thank You for being so open with helps me to know I'm not alone(even though my therapist is very accepting of me as well)...and it helps me feel less like a 'monster'...mlc
Wow - everything you guys have to say makes me cry because I didn't think anyone on the planet could ever understand or relate to what I go through. I do not know if my therapist(s) are as good as yours and whether they would do as good of a job handling my transference issues. Your posts make me wonder - really, really, really....really.....wonder if they could, if I would ever just let them. It is hard because I just don't know anymore. Your posts and stories give me so much to think about. I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting them.

Thank You for what you said in your post--I feel like you, that I didn't know if there was anyone else out there that could ever understand what I go through...I hope you are able to let your T know your honest feelings--and it is hard and very very scary!...and I am grateful for this site too...I look forward to hearing from you, how your therapy goes and how you are feeling...mlc
ut her past fear of my hunger is bothering me...I feel alot of shame about it(yet greatfulness that she stuck with me) and can't let it go(even though she has moved passed her feelings)...has this happened to anyone? Has anyone had so much hunger in them for love, acceptance, nurturing,etc. that it has scared people, even a therapist? I feel like a monster...lots of sadness, anger, and shame, too... any thoughts out there? mlc

I've experienced all those feelings in spades and know how overwhelming they can be. I really struggled with feeling like I was going to destoy my therapist and/or the relationship if I got closer and acknowledged my needs. I am very blessed that I have a T who really understood what I was feeling and wasn't at all scared of my neediness. He explained to me, over and over (no exaggeration, he's reassured hundreds of times over the past several years)that I had legitimate needs as a child which were never met, that were NOT over the top or too demanding or monstrous but because of how my caretakers reacted, I came to believe that my normal healthy needs were that horrible.

I don't know if you've done any reading about attachment? Because what you're describing about how you're feeling would indicate attachment problems. When we're small, we are driven towards an attachment figure to meet our needs, to teach us how to identify our needs and name them and how to get them met. These needs are a matter of life and death when we are little. If those needs for nuturuance and care and love are not met or are met inconsistently, we are left with those unmet needs and the intensity can be buried but not diminished. Whenever we meet anyone who holds even the barest hint of meeting them, then can roar to life with an intensity that can leave us feeling crazy, immature, and damaged. But we're not. It's actually a very healthy normal thing that you are trying to get those needs met. I know for myself, I was never taught how to handle my feelings so I tried to stop having them. Working with my T has taught me how to handle them, name them, express them and get them met. Catgirl is right, you're in a good place, we get what you're going through.

If I may recommend a really good book on the topic, General Theory of Love by Thomas Lewis et al. This book explains in laymen's terms how important attachment is and why it drives our behavior and how to heal when we didn't have it in the first place. It really helped me understand why I felt the way I did, I think you might find it helpful.

but her past fear of my hunger is bothering me...I feel alot of shame about it(yet greatfulness that she stuck with me) and can't let it go(even though she has moved passed her feelings)...has this happened to anyone? Has anyone had so much hunger in them for love, acceptance, nurturing,etc. that it has scared people, even a therapist? I feel like a monster...lots of sadness, anger, and shame, too... any thoughts out there? mlc

I have definately experienced all of that as well. In fact, I just talked to my T about how I did not push her away with those feelings, and why she did not run. (which for the longest time, I expected her too. . . that my huge hunger for that love and attachment was going to drive her right away.)

Even now, honestly, when I do feel very securely attached to my T, I need and get a lot of reassurance, like AG, that that hunger and need is legitimate, and has roots. I need that validation

When we're small, we are driven towards an attachment figure to meet our needs, to teach us how to identify our needs and name them and how to get them met. These needs are a matter of life and death when we are little. If those needs for nuturuance and care and love are not met or are met inconsistently, we are left with those unmet needs and the intensity can be buried but not diminished. Whenever we meet anyone who holds even the barest hint of meeting them, then can roar to life with an intensity that can leave us feeling crazy, immature, and damaged. But we're not. It's actually a very healthy normal thing that you are trying to get those needs met.

What a great explanation AG.

I know for myself, I was never taught how to handle my feelings so I tried to stop having them. Working with my T has taught me how to handle them, name them, express them and get them met

AG, this is a really hard thing to do, isn;t it. I struggle with this all of the time. I still don't feel like I even have a name for the full continuum of emotions, so the best I can do is say something like. "I know I am feeling something, but I have no idea what!" My T will work through this and try to put names to feelings and emotions. I used to work very hard to push away anything feelings, or they became so overwhelming that I would just basically shut down. I definately could not stay with them.

I am definately going to get my hands on the book.

Mlc, you are not a monster, you are doing what you need to do for yourself, in the best way you can. Keep posting, and if it helps, reading about attachment. I know for me learning more helped a lot. The threads here are awesome and can give you so much info, and everyone is here to support you.


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