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Hey BLT - I'm aware that you've become an administrator and the last thing I want to do is raise another cloud on this forum but have to confess to being a little puzzled at your need to remove your posts for privacy reasons!!

If, as an administrator, with privileges and responsibilities similar to Shrinklady, the site owner,I'm wondering why you feel so vulnerable!

I'm afraid I just don't understand - if you're not safe - who is?

Just putting it out there.

With care and concern for all. Morgs
That is a valid question, Morgs. As all of you know, aside from the private forums, this forum is completely public. The only protection is anonymity. Sometimes it happens that anonymity is breached, either because someone in real life found a poster's account on their computer, because identifying details were given in a post, or because someone chose to reveal their true identity to someone on the forum. It's always good practice to be careful about those things, as nothing the administrators do can protect you from them, aside from deleting all your posts in the event that something happens. In my own case, there is very likely no reason for me to be worried. However, I have had some fairly bad fallout in the past due to losing anonymity on a similar forum when I wasn't expecting it to happen. Therefore, I am extremely jumpy about it.

If anyone wants to talk to me more privately about safety or privacy issues on the forum, I'd be happy to do so.
not to stir the pot any more, but i agree with Morgs. i want things to turn around here. it used to be a safe place, a comforting place to go between sessions, but it's just getting more difficult to show up. i'm not going away. i'll lurk and i'll throw in my occassional comment if i think it's helpful. i expect this place will build upon itself and i expect to see it happen, hopefully be a part of it, even.

BLT i think you do a wonderful job and you have alot to contribute and have great insight. it seems things are tough for alot of people right now. we're behind you. you have to believe that.

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