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It never occurs to me to do anything for April Fools, because it is my baby brother's birthday, so all my plans center around that. He will be 14 tomorrow. We are going out to dinner and H is invited to a family function for the first time (except my birthday in December). My sisters have said they are OK with his presence if he completely avoids them, so I am freaking out about how stressful it will be for me to try to divide myself and worried about everyone else not hurting. Sorry, wow, just totally bummed this thread.

I have done the pregnancy joke thing on family members before, but they all just ended up being so bummed that it wasn't true. Just realized that I have phone session with T tomorrow too. I wouldn't pull an April Fools joke on him unless he did one to me, just realized, now I am paranoid about him playing a joke on me. I might react very poorly, not because I dislike jokes, but because I'm so sensitive about T. Hrm...
I work in a very virtual environment, small pockets of staff located all over Ontario. We probably have 35 offices for a total of 300 staff My director has about 20 different team leaders and mangers in her group all across Ontario. All of us are calling in sick tomorrow am. We have all agreed to email silence until 9 am and then everyone is going to send her an email at 9 wishing her a happy April Fools day. heeheeheehee.

Should be awesome!

I'm trying to decide what my April Fools will be. My appt. with T1 is not until 2pm her time, so I am guessing I won't be her first April Fools joke, so it cannot be glaringly obvious or she will see right thru it.

I'm thinking I might tell her something like, "Guess where I am right now?" (we do phone therapy). And she will say, "I don't know. Tell me" an I will say, "I'm sitting on your bed petting your cat and smelling your pillow". lol, totally kidding!!!! That would creep the hell out of her, even if its just a joke!
I'm thinking I might tell her something like, "Guess where I am right now?" (we do phone therapy). And she will say, "I don't know. Tell me" an I will say, "I'm sitting on your bed petting your cat and smelling your pillow". lol, totally kidding!!!! That would creep the hell out of her, even if its just a joke!

I just laughed so hard I had everyone here staring at me.

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