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I don't know if April 1st, fools is something practiced in Canada or elsewhere but some here in the US take it seriously like me.. LOL. I had therapy today and tried to play a practical joke. I emailed some of my listserves about it so I will post what I planned to do and what happened...
So... just thought I would share my April fools plan...

I have a therapist I see on Tuesdays so since it's April 1st, I plan to take some fabric and drop something on the floor. I do this so often cause im a kluts sometimes.. lol.

ANyways, i know she will pick it up because she seems to be so eager to help me before I have a chance to try.. lol.... so when she bends to get whatever it is I drop, I will rip the fabric.....

Im very excited about this... lol..... and I will report on the outcome. I just hope it's loud enough and that I can manage keeping a straight face..... hehehe

and the outcome:
Well.... I'm not sure... lol.

I had a really HARD day public transportation wise and so I got there kinda late and couldn't do the trick and the start. It felt odd and I felt odd trying to stop something inconspicuously. You know when you try to do something on purpose, you feel guilty! LOL. I just felt like OMG< It's sooo obvious.. okay I can't do it yet!!

So at the end of our appointment, I 'dropped' some paperwork stuff she gave me .. and ripped the fabric but she so did NOT react. I mean, I detected a SMALL reaction but I'm not sure if it's because I was looking for it so hard or if it was natural.

Like i thought I saw her hesitate briefly than she was kinda hesitating getting up but at the same time with my big ole scooter, maybe it was coincidental. Than, she opened the door but in the end, she basically she did walk in front of me latter when she went to open the outside door because this place is so not accessible so I dont know if she didnt hear it and it only looked like she was hesitating or if she did know, ignored it, than decided that I might tell her so she went ahead and walked well in front of me where I could say something.

She was wearing the perfect pants too! They were kinda fitted.... LOL. Well her lack of clear reaction made it hard for me to decide to say April Fools. I tried to see if she went into the bathroom aftrer but there was too much glare on the window!! LOL. Sooo yeh... well im not sure it worked and if it did, she faked it off... LOL.

Darn... my therapist from last year soooo would have said something but this year.. the one I have now Adrine is a little serious and uptight... LOL.

Oh well.. I WILL do it to someone else and some point.. LOL.
Original Post
I was too busy trying NOT to get tricked by the kids that i didn't have time to come up with a good trick to play on anyone else. LOL.... they did their usual stuffing my shoe toes with paper so my foot doesn't fit (you'd think I'd figure that one out eventually!) last year they switched tne salt and sugar so i kept checking before using either yesterday Smiler

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