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My T and I are in disagreement about how to deal with my health insurance company. It's t the point of being something that makes me not want to see her.

I have two health insurance policies. Insurance A, works ok. Insurance B - is a *&$!@ nightmare. I have a neuromuscular disease that has been in long term remission. They think may never come back, but it's a bad pre-exisiting condition to have. Most insurance companies run like the wind. There is a state law that protects me, and keeps insurance affordable.

Both insurance companies used to pay for pretty much any medical care my doctors asked for, fairly easily. Insurance company A still does. I can't afford the medications I take to keep the neuromuscular disease away unless I have insurance B. When both policies are combined, then I can afford everything. It all used to work fine for years. Then health insurance company B got wind of the fact that I'm in therapy for PTSD.

They are now stating, illegally, they will "indefinately postpone approving or denying any requests for care" until my T not only talks to them, but works with them. This is illegal on many levels... but I don't have money or time to sue them into the ground like I would like to. They want my T to case manage any care. I have withdrawn all medical care except for my neurologist who is now writting off costs until we get this sorted out. I get sick over trying to accept his kindness. I'm running out of needed medication and I'm about to scream at insurance B. A state senator has been involved but the situation continues.

My T does not contract with nor bill either insurance company, and it's fine for me. She has NEVER contracted with them. Insurance company B has been informed she does not do case management, is not trained to do that, I can not afford to pay her to do that, and no one but them feels I need that. They continue to stand their ground on this. They said they need notice she is not seeing me in order for them to approve or deny new care requests. If they don't even deny anything, we can't actually even appeal their decisions (and I was winning appeals myself as late as 4 months ago, until they started pulling this crap.)

T and I agree that she should not work with them. She actually tried once, and it became awful. They maligned her, and were simply awful and then got mad she said she would not be interested in contracting with them. She even sent her records to them, which they sent to me. I cried when I got them, unmarked. I read the first page, realzing they were her therapy notes, and then turned the rest to her. I knew I didn't need to read that stuff... She was livid. My T doesn't really get mad. She is really sweet in her demeanor in general. She tried talking to them, and all the company did was tell me she was a horrible tehrapiust and that I need to go to her to get medical care - which no one could make sense of, as she is not a freaking medical care provider! The insurance company leter did send a letter stating they made a mustake, and then sent another letter failing to approve or deny medical care again saying it was their understanding I was seeing my T to get my medical needs met. In that letter they acknowledged she is not contract with them, but seemed to again forget she is not a freaking doctor.

But it lead to their stance of: we won't approve nor deny, not even deny stating we don't have enough information, until your T works with us, since you are seeing her.

Here's where T and I disagree:

T has offered to terminate therapy, and send them a letter stating such, just to get them off the issue. Then to restart with me a few weeks later without telling them.

I would like T to send them a letter stating (in a lot more polite manner):

Dear Insurance B:
I will not work with you. I will not discuss janedoe with you. I am not contracted with you and will not discuss her needs with you.
thank you,

She won't write anything like this unless she can also say she is treating me. But when she states that it fuels their fire. She is admant that she should not discuss that treatment with them. She is admant that she will not respond to their phone calls or letters, unless I ask her to respond. She is adamant that she will protect my privacy and only communicate what I'm ok with. She is also admant that if she talks with them at all, she needs to tell them she is treating me. All I want her to say is that it's non of their bussiness if she is or isn;t. If she tells them she is treating me, but won't talk to them about me, they get all the more fired up and bring her up all the time with me. They said if they got a letter from her stating her treatment is none of their bussiness, then they would leave it they say - who knows if that can be trusted. And either way, my T won't do that.

I stopped medical care in the middle of being evaluated for surgery for a possibly serious issue and in the middle of getting physical therapy to recover from a bike vs car accident (I was on the bike). The physical therapist, who is usually in high demand, well respected - was very irked I ended PT. He also was getting calls about my T though, and when I explained why, he was ok with it. (he had no idea I had PTSD and was in therapy for it.) The insurance company stopped approving or denying his bills, preventing him from being able to bill my other insurance company per some weird policy in place. Without even a denial, he couldn't bull me. So even he was like who is this T and why is her treatment of you holding up MEDICAL care? I also stopped stupid allergy shots (and they were helping after 3 years of building up to the point of them helping). Yeah, I'm really healthy. not. But I just got SICK of getting a call about my T every time my insurance was billed for a stupid allergy shot.

I'm frustrated. I'm so frustrated with my T. I think my real frustration is with the insurance, and it's bleeding over to my T. I don't know...

I got so fed up that I recently left a voicemail message with my T telling her she should just go ahead and fire me. I then started to feel pain, for about 1/2 a second, before I got defensively mad at her, I think in an effort to push away the pain. I started to look for reasons why she is an awful T, and why we should quit therapy in general.

It feels pointless to talk about this with her. I just end up feeling mad. She holds her ground. We've talked it through already. I don't know what else there is to say. I'm just so frustrated about this.

Any input welcome. I don't trust my perspective on this much.

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Lilies ~ thanks for the input and support

Yeah, I think I'm going to call around and try finding an attorney again. I've been told that a handful of lawsuits are pending against this company for similiar stuff.

My T has offered for me to read her notes in the past, only together, so I don't get triggered, or that we can talk through anything that comes up. Shiesh, I really do trust her on that... but not ont this... I guess on the notes, it's easy to see how she wants to protect me on that. With the insurance, I don't feel so protected. I feel like she has all the power. Which isn't accurate... sigh.

I am supposed to have an appointment with her tonight. I am so dreading going. I just wish I could make it all go away.

I just really don't know what to say. The actions of that insurance company are so illegal and nonsensical it makes my head spin. Like I really do not understand why they would care at all about your T. It makes no freaking sense. And so I want to tell you get a lawyer and fight, fight, fight, because what they are doing is so wrong. But I can also understand you just wanting this over with, especially with all the crap you've been dealing with recently, so if your T won't write the letter that you want, then maybe terminating with her for a short period of time so she can honestly write a letter saying that she is no longer working with you is the way to go. Even though it seems totally unfair that you would have to do something like that. Does she have any vacations planned this summer? If there is one coming up soon, that might be a good time to terminate with her.

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