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This gallery contains triggering artwork...please use discretion when viewing.

I tried to edit that the warning would be displayed before you enter the gallery. For some reason the widget won't let me modify it. apologies to those of you who see it before I get a chance to change it. I'm working on it.
Hi Soulful. you are not only skilled and talented but you also are intense and express yourself well!!

I am truly enjoying your gallery.

I have done art intensively since about the year 2000. I used to sell it but have stopped doing that for now. Unfortunately I sign most of my work so if I want to show it here I have to blur out my signature on them first. Perhaps I will do that soon. I paint mostly right now. Was an illustrater first. Found I got more money for paintings. So there are paintings I have done for profit and paintings I have done simply to express myself.

I use a lot of color etc.

I have used art as a way to crawl out of depression before.

Anyway the expressions on some of the faces are absolutely gripping. I will go check out your gallery now. (I just looked at the strip of pics on your first post so far)

I would love to see some of your paintings. Are you currently painting? If not...then pick up that brush and get to it! Smiler It may be the best therapy for you right now. Paint some anger...I know you are feeling it...along with all those other feelings that you are experiencing. Anger is always a mixed bag.
I paint a little...but I'm just not good enough with that medium...and don't know if I ever will be. My drawings are still pretty amateur, I have only been doing this for the last 10 months or so...but I have a ton of pencils. Big Grin I'm working on it.

I would welcome any interpretations that anyone has to offer. In would help me out alot! Wink Most of them are not titled either...but when I uploaded them I had to name them something...or they would say....001...002....003....etc... How boring is that? So title suggestions are also welcome. I could use some critiquing too...I'm sure.

I don't always know what they mean...or why I do them. I just "channel" them. LOL.... They started happening because I had severe writers block...and because I can't feel anything. Now...I need to be writing...but can't stop the drawing.
They are pretty intense...most of the time. I'm beginning to wonder if I know how to draw a smile. hmmm....

Thanks for looking and thanks for your comments.

Yes I do enjoy your work. It has a voice to it. It speaks of a lot of pain but I see hope too.

This is a very interesting observation. The part of me that does most of these drawings...does not speak. So this is her voice. I hope there is some help/hope for her. It's been painful for me and everyone around me. I'm reluctant to show most of these pieces to anyone but my T. And she always wants me to interpret them. Is she kidding? Good grief!

Soulful, This is amazing work! You are extremely talented. I really enjoy looking at them. I think the dpeth of your feelings are very clear in many of them and I can see how therapeutic this is for you.

I have done a little painting, but haven't I really used it to express my emotions. I mostly write and even then I experience such a block sometimes.

Thank you for posting these. They are amazing!
My drawings are still pretty amateur, I have only been doing this for the last 10 months or so...but I have a ton of pencils. I'm working on it.

Wow only 10 months! You really are great at drawing hands and faces which oddly enough are some of the most challenging things to draw. Van Gough spent a great deal of time teaching himself how to draw and paint hands.

I'd say you have true talent and trust me I would not say that if I didn't mean it.

Also your composition is great too. Again you have accomplished something that many beginning artists struggle with and never get past and that is fitting the objeect of the drawing on the paper or what have you.

I see a lot in your work. I do miss painting/drawing simply what I want to draw or paint for myself. Selling your work can taint what you do.

I will work on getting some pics of my work out so you can see them too. I know what you mean about having a hard time showing your work to others particularly the more personal pieces. I sometimes ask myself if I even have a right to call it art. You know how it goes.
Thanks Jo...and JM

I have to explain that I have been doing this obsessively for 10 months at this time. I had a lag of 20+ years....but I used to draw and took classes 25 years ago. I just wasn't really in attendance. So...what I am really saying is that an alter took the classes. And...I guess she remembers it well. Wink I have done a few throughout the I knew I could do it. I just avoided it because I really space out when I'm doing it. I really only draw late at night when I can't sleep. When everything is so still....quiet. I love 3:33 am.

Thanks SC...and welcome to this forum. I'm glad you decided to join us, I'm sure you will find it quite rewarding.
It feels like words aren't enough.

YES...this is exactly how I feel about my drawings. Words have been inadequate to describe my feelings so this has been my outlet. My T even seems to be at a loss for words when she looks at them.

It's nice to hear that the drawings are resonating with those who view them. Sometimes I would like to know if there are any particular drawings that people have a visceral response to. Which ones did you react to? I have over 200 of these and will post some more when I have the time. They have been my journal for the last 10 months...and the basis for my therapy work right now.

I could see how your T would be at a loss... I think I am too...

I think there's two things about your drawings that really speak to me. Some of them hit me in a place of "wow, that's really creative and neat..." I hope this doesn't sound minimizing, it's not meant to be... The ones that fall into this category are:
-prisoner of obsession
-the power of a tear
-push or pull
-oh no…not again-- this one is really powerful..
-the ties that bind
-coming out

The other "category" I would say that i respond to is some of the expressions on some of the face ones...
-Jamie  something about this one I can just *feel* in my gut…
-Who cares? – same with this one…

Also, in a category of it’s own – Alone with Me. It’s just so raw… and the cracks in the wall and in the face… whoa.
Thanks for the feedback SC

It's interesting to know what appeals to other people. I do this purely for my own process and not specifically to sell. I'm sure if I were doing this to try to sell my artwork it would be much different.

A bit of a funny little story about "push or pull." We were watching the summer Olympics when I was drawing that. The S.O. asked what I was drawing...I was pretty checked out so I kinda shrugged...shook my head and looked at the paper....and said..."Gymnasts?" LOL....that was what was on TV at the time....although it had nothing to do with what I was doing. She knew it...and we just laughed, who was I trying to fool?

And yes...I feel the same way about Alone with's an emotional piece....and has a very lonely and needy component.

Jobie and Jamie are very personal for me...and I love them....and Need...well...enough said there. Carry is special to me because she was the first one to show up. My T actually gasped...(just a little) when she saw that one show up. Shane's shame is another very vulnerable drawing...I feel so cold and desperate when I look at that one. Same with the untitled piece.

One of the latest ones is Fleeting Freedom....I raised horses when I was young. And this drawing is so symbolic for me. It represents the last free flight of a filly that is about to be caught and "haltered," with the responsibilities of an adult. She's so beautiful and free in her flight that I just want her to keep running... Wink

Thanks for looking....

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