Hey there and welcome to the forum,
I would suggest maybe taking it slow and giving the relationship time and a chance to build. During my first several months of therapy I did a heck of a lot of talking about seemingly irrelevant stuff-- books, movies, pregnancy, babies, philosophy, religion, my friends, whatever. It was all interspersed with talk about my symptoms, progress, and goals, but we weren't going very deep. At one point I asked my T if she thought I was avoiding stuff by all the chatter about books etc, and she said that yes, she thought I was, but that was okay because it took time to establish trust and feel safe. And it has happened that I've gradually opened up more and more. I'm glad that she has been patient with me.
Incidentally, a couple weeks ago she informed me that one of the clients before me that morning had spent the entire session talking about reality shows. She said, "It was educational for me. I never knew very much about them before."
lol, so maybe it's not that unusual to beat around the bush a little bit in therapy.
Perhaps some Ts push more than mine does, though, I don't know. But this is my experience for what it's worth.
Best of luck to you!