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I found this in an article and wanted to share:

Attachment relationships can be instrumental in psychotherapy to produce change in the patient's characteristic ways of relating to the world (Cozolino, 2002; Wallin, 2007; Siegel, 2010). The person of the therapist is an essential feature to affect developmental processes in both the formation of the attachment bond and the continued work of the psychotherapeutic relationship (Cozolino, 2002; Wallin, 2007). To be such a presence in this process, the therapist must be willing and able to reach the patient at very deep levels emotionally and not be repelled by the disturbances and intense affects that come forth. As Amini et al. (1996), describe: "If therapy is to be successful, this will result in the evocation in the therapist of genuine affective responses matching the pattern of the melody that the patient knows by heart [. . .] The therapist's job is to allow the duet to begin and to take up his/her place in the melody, so that the piece can gradually be directed to a different ending" (p. 234).
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I'm glad you all liked this. I did, too. It really resonates with me because music is such a HUGE part of my life. The idea that T and I have to get into a rhythm and create music together really leaves my heart feeling lighter. I like the idea that my T is going to help me re-write this sad song and turn it into something more positive and upbeat. What once was heartbreak, sadness and pain will soon be turned into a beautiful piece about love, kindness, and trust. I'm looking forward to the day when we play back that song and get those warm feelings and be reminded of our process of writing that song together. When I have that song stuck in my head, I will know at that time that I am healed--that I can make it on my own since we will always have the song.

I like the idea that my T is going to help me re-write this sad song and turn it into something more positive and upbeat. What once was heartbreak, sadness and pain will soon be turned into a beautiful piece about love, kindness, and trust.

I'm looking forward to the day when we play back that song and get those warm feelings and be reminded of our process of writing that song together. When I have that song stuck in my head, I will know at that time that I am healed--that I can make it on my own since we will always have the song.

Poetic. Speechless. You have quite a way with words!

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