I am new to this community, just found it a night or two ago. I am really glad that I found it as there are so many experiences that I can relate to. I am coming though with a question and a lot of pain around my relationship with my T both as a result of my attachement to her and as a result of her recent illness. This post will probably be a bit disjointed though - sorry about that.
So I have been in therapy for a couple of years now with my T. I have become so attached to her that it feels difficult for me to function for a few days after my session. The longing and yearning are so intense for me I feel that I can hardly cope. It's not getting better - I have mentioned it to my T but don't know how to work through it with her. She says that we can talk about it though I feel that she does not really know how to work with me around it. Part of me feels that I should just quit therapy to take away the grief that I experience om 'losing' my therapist every week. To help offset this pain, my T has has allowed me both e-mail and phone access outside of our scheduled sessions. The additional contact does not seem to always reduce my level of distress (sometimes it does) - sometimes it inflames it... leaving me feeling even more distressed that someone can actually hear me and respond to me.
I'm not quite sure of what to do - it seems too painful to be in therapy and too painful to quit therapy. I'd recently shared with my T that I was going to shift my sessions to every other week which would give me a week to recover somewhat before another cycle of extreme distress.
In the midst of trying to figure out how to negotiate tx, I received a call from my T's office this week saying that my T will be out of the office for the next couple of weeks because she is ill. This is really difficult. My T has a chronic illness and I fear for her health. I also fear that she will find me to be too much to work with and will tell me that she won't be able to work with me anymore because of her own health needs. This happened to me a number of years ago when I worked with another T that I was very attached to and who became ill with a chronic illness and told me that I needed more than what she could give, so she dropped me. I was absolutely devastated. I am afraid of losing this T. I find myself trying to be a 'good' client. While she is out, I will not e-mail her even though she passed along a message through her colleague that I could contact her via e-mail. The last thing I'm sure she needs to aid her recovery is a needy, crisis ridden client.
Yesterday I went to my T's office to drop of a bouquet of flowers and a get well card for her. I thought that being at her office would make me feel comforted and remind me of her presence. It felt empty and sterile even though her secretary and colleague were there. She was missing and I really miss her.
So I guess I just have to go through it? I thought more people would understand here than if I were to touch base with her colleague. My T's colleague called me the other night at the request of my T to check-in with me. I really appreciated it & it made me feel cared for. I didn't think though that there was any way in the world that I could describe to her the depth of pain I feel around my T's absence. What was I to say? I have decided to give her (the colleague) a call next week to see how my T is doing.
So this is where I am... just wondering how does everyone deal with a sick T? And also, I know this question has been put out there before, but has anyone been successful in walking through deep attachment/transference issues with their T?