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Last Friday I told my T in no uncertain terms that I have a very strong emotional attachment to her, as I have tried in the past and have been either dismissed or misunderstood. It felt like she finally heard me, and I left the session feeling really good. However, in her attempts to understand where this attachment comes from, or maybe (I think this is more what it's about for her) who I am transferring or projecting onto her from my past, my T wants me to make a comparisons list between my mom and a female teacher I was very attached to in junior high and high school and then another between my husband and my physical therapist who I became strongly attached to this past year. I am also going to do one between my dad and my husband. I am supposed to be comparing their similarities as well as their differences.

I am so strongly attached to my T that it's seriously affecting my life. I'm on meds for OCD because it's that bad. I have always kept to the boundaries with her and am in a good place with her because I've learned all about the pain that comes from not keeping boundaries, etc. I have an ongoing relationship with the teacher still and I haven't been in jr. high for 21 years, so these relationships in my opinion aren't transference. They are real attachments, and there were two other teachers besides the one I am going to do the comparisons for. They were all special women in my life that influenced me for good, that helped me learn things about myself that I didn't see through any other means, and they gave me things I needed during times in life when those needs weren't being met at home. The same could be said about the physical therapist and my T, too. I feel more than a desire to have "needs" met from these people. I genuinely care about them, their past/story, what makes them who they are, what their passions are in life, etc. I don't lose interest in them once they've sort of drifted out of my life for a while. They remain important and significant people in my life and hold a special place in my heart indefinitely, so it seems. In fact I still love my first grade teacher who meant the world to me, whose pet I was, and who loved me back. I'm sure this all sounds really weird, but this is why I'm struggling with my T's assignment. I feel like rather than accepting my feelings for her as genuine attachment, she's looking at them as a transference from the past, like my mother or someone. In fact, she asked me if she reminded me of anyone in my past or present life, and I really don't think she reminds me of anyone I know. That's what I love about her. She seems like a very unique woman, with all of the qualities that I would love to have for myself. I see a lot of her traits as those that I regard as "ideal" for women to have. She's in her mid sixties, has raised five children, has a successful career, a successful marriage (I assume), an awesome personality, great self-esteem, self-confidence, a kick-butt attitude about life, etc. I just like her. Big Grin

So what I'm wondering is, is it just me, or is there a difference between an attachment and transference? I think there definitely is, but I'm wondering if she does. Of course I can ask her this next Friday at my session with her, but I am wondering how helpful (or even fruitful) this assignment will even be. I mean, it's not like I go through life thinking, "Oh, Anne reminds me so much of my mother because she does this or that, I think I want to be her friend." How am I going to really compare an apple and an orange? Ugh!

Another issue I have is that my T offered to help me feel more connected to her by calling me during the week that I don't have a session with her. At first she offered to call me 2-3 times a week, but that freaked me out because I was afraid I would get even more attached and dependent on her to the point that I couldn't live without her. So she suggested maybe just on the off week. We decided to try it out. So she called me and got my voice mail on my cell phone. I wish I hadn't given her my cell number. Anyway, her message was about 20 seconds long with no hope of her calling back. She said I could call her if I needed anything, so I called and left a message and she called me back. It was a huge relief to hear her voice, which I hadn't expected to feel. But now I want to hear from her more (which is what I feared would happen). So now I don't know what's going on with me. I feel like a needy little toddler who wants my mommy. So--transference, or attachment? What do you think?

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MTF, for me it's both.
It is genuine, it is real and true and it is also transference. I think you shouldn't be afraid of this and shouldn't worry that if it is transference, then it's not real attachment and admiration that you feel for this person.
I recognize my love for my T as something from my past, something long forgotten and I was waiting and looking for somebody like him. I was looking for a man that I could love like that. And it doesn't matter that this was for somebody else at the beggining. This is for him now. I desperately need to love him and I'm happy that I can. It never happened to me before to love a man without fear being attached to it, so it is not exactly the same. I do see some pattern of my past transferences. However in my search for a father I was never attracted to older men. I didn't look for older men. But I also notice that I have some feelings for my ex-boss. I like him very much, he was always very supportive of me, he praised me, he was impressed with my work and whatever achievements I've made (like getting a driving licence). I loved when he talked to me, when he smiled and I think I wanted him to love me as his daughter. Once his workmate`s teenage daughter was supposed to come to work in our team for a week (work placement or smoething like that). He send us email about with a subject: "Daughters are precious". When I saw it for a second I thought that me and my workmate are his daughters and my heart pounded. Smiler Now I just smile when I think about it. It's all (or mostly) about a father for me. But it doesn't change a thing about me loving my T.

Thanks! In the beginning I felt like it had maybe to do with transference type stuff. I instantly idealized her and put her on a pedestal like I did all my other past attachments. She soon fell off the pedestal, but I still think the world of her and love her for who she is. I don't want to be her daughter, and think that would be weird honestly. In fact, I can't really see myself interacting anywhere outside of her office with her. But I just have such strong feelings for her and it makes me wonder what it's really about. I'm so stuck in my head these days that it's hard to separate thoughts from feelings and look at them separately, if that's even possible! Wink Thanks for your reply, as I appreciate you sharing your feelings about your T and I have seen through reading your posts that you have really come to love this man in a deep and real way, not just because of transference. I'm glad for the relationship you have with him and the happiness it brings you. Smiler

Hahahahaha! You're funny, Dragonfly! Glad I've got you thinking!! Wink I agree that we sound a lot alike in this! Glad to hear, as I have wondered about myself. I could have written your reply, as we've got a lot of the same stuff in common here. I'm just having a hard time making the comparisons, but it's interesting that you say that the women you've formed strong attachments to all have the same attributes and characteristics, because now that I think about it, I think that the women I have been attached to also are very similar, although they don't really strike me as being similar to my mom. Do you feel that those women are/were similar to your mom? Or do you think that maybe they are what your mom wasn't--that they are the opposite--like what she was lacking that you needed and wanted but didn't get? Because when you say that you love being in your T's company, and you love the way she makes you feel about yourself and the feelings she evokes in you, that's the same for me--both with my T, and with all those other women I have had attachments to in the past. And yes, they cared about me when no one else did. You know, I never had a clue how much stuff could be dug up in therapy. And it keeps on coming and coming... Big Grin

Thanks for your reply!!

I feel both a deep attachment to my T, and strong transference I know is wrapped in there too. I think it depends on how you define transference - some use the word when they speak of the therapeutic bond, but to me that bond is attachment. I like others here, idealize my T, and want to possess many of her qualities/attributes even though she has made mistakes in front of me, so I know she is not perfect. I have a desire to be her friend but also know I don't really want a relationship with her outside of therapy - that thought is completely mortifying. I think the attachment has a maternal-like feel to some degree - wanting to be taken care of and unconditionally accepted but, my T is close to my age, so she does not feel like a mom to me at all. I have not really experienced any attachments to other women in the past - at least none that were 2-way. If I did idealize or feel deep respect for someone, I kept it shamefully hidden for fear of rejection.

MTF, so glad I am not the only one feeling like a needy toddler right now! I am glad for you that you are getting phone contact with your T. It really can make a big difference just to hear their voice and get that reassurance they are still there.
I have to say that all the women that i have formed very strong attachments too, all have the same attributes /characteristics.

it's interesting that you say that the women you've formed strong attachments to all have the same attributes and characteristics, because now that I think about it, I think that the women I have been attached to also are very similar, although they don't really strike me as being similar to my mom.

Hm, that's interesting. Now that I read your posts dragonfly and MTF, it made me put together some thoughts about a few women that I know/known in the past. I felt there was something very special about them. I think I kind of track these feelings back to my aunt, not my mother. They were not like my mother at all.
My aunt was babysittig me when I was small, I don't know if it was on one occasion or more, but I always had this special feeling about her. Like she was somebody special to me and I liked her more then any other aunt. I know that when she was babysitting me, she didn't have children yet and I know that she had to undergo treatment to have her children. So her being older then my mum, not having her children yet and wanting them, I wonder it she must have been very kind and attentive to me. Could it be something that I remembered? Every now and again I meet a woman that perhaps reminds me her somehow and I feel this strange attraction, like I want to be very close to her, be very good friends and spend time with her.

I can see and feel what makes some women special to me. But I can't put a finger on why I would feel attraction to certain men yet. Yes, I know that this part is more complicated. There were some women who cared about me, but I never really felt being taken care of by a man, so it's just chaotic.

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