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Today is August 12th. Two years ago today, a few days out of surgery, I went to see my oldT. He handed me a list of other T's at the end of our session and told me to go and find a new one to see going forward. I was blindsided and traumatized by his announcement and barely walked out on my own strength. I sat outside in my car and cried for a long time. OldT came out, felt I was in a dangerous place (he decided this without talking to me beyond asking me what was the "problem") and then took it upon himself to call the police to take me away to the crisis ER.

I was mortally wounded that day. Somehow I lived through the night, sleepless, shaking with anxiety in pain from the strain hysterical crying put on my surgical cuts and profoundly alone and terrified. I was traumatized. The person I was then, died the next day when oldT sent me an email telling me that the appointment I still had on his calendar... and that the night before in the ER he reminded me that we had.... was now cancelled and I was fully terminated. Have a nice life. We had been together almost 3 years. I was healing and coming into a really good place. He also abandoned my son. No reason.

It's hard to believe that this was two years ago, yet if feels like a thousand years ago for all that followed those days. The darkness, the pain, the grief, the loss, the confusion, the terror, the was all suffocating me.

The hopeful, cautiously optimistic, somewhat naieve person I was then... she died. She had just learned to trust and was hit by a freight train. That part of me will never come back. I know this. Things can never be the same. My T says it's good that things will be different. He tells me that while I will heal, I will always bear the scar of that day. He is at least honest with me.

I still grieve what was lost that day. Who was lost.

I will buy some flowers later and take them to what I call her gravesite. I will go and acknowledge what happened on August 12th and mark the day alone.

On Monday the 13th... the anniversary of the final banishment... I will see my T. I know I am lucky that I have him because I know he understands.

Thanks for reading
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I understand your pain TN. I truly do. A lot of the words you write are identical to my own words and feelings of what happened to me.

I will be thinking of you today and tomorrow.

I have my own nightmare to live through in 6 days time. My own 1 year anniversary of hell. I have a week after that to get through.

Big hugs to you.
Take it gently TN.


I almost wish I didn't understand what you are going through. Unfortunately I know the pain all too well. It is still an everyday battle for me, and I know and can understand your need to remember and mourn. Perhaps it is the shock, the manner in which a person is abandoned and the unanswered questions that prolong and intensify a persons feelings? Whatever it is I just want you to know that I understand, you're not alone, and my thoughts are with you. May you find the strength to deal with your emotions.

Hug two

Thank you all for the love and the hugs. For those of you who know how this feels first-hand... I am sorry that this kind of experience binds us together. No one should ever be betrayed by a T.

I sent an email to my T and he wrote back a lovely and comforting response. He picked a good time to be his perfect self LOL.

He is my silver lining to all of this. I will always be grateful that I found him and he accepted me as his patient.


I'm sorry that you are facing this anniversary again. Of course, I don't know what you went through with OldT but can only try to compare it to my own life experiences. This quote really resonated with me:

The hopeful, cautiously optimistic, somewhat naieve person I was then.

I was naive as well and too trusting. I didn't pick up on a lot of things that I should have picked up throughout my life. And, so, while I would never wish my emotional pain on anyone, the pain ultimately was the driving force that got me into therapy. I'm stronger now although still have a ways to go. But I'm not as naive anymore. And that's a good thing.

I don't think you are as naive now as you were then. And that's a good thing. We need to be more cautious before we give our hearts away. You will learn who is trustworthy and who is not. You just need to find some hope. You will. It will get better.

I'm glad you are seeing your T tomorrow.
He is my silver lining to all of this.

Hi TN,

I'm glad you found your new T as well, and I'm glad that he always comes through for you and eventually the strength you find within this healing relationship will ease the pain of these anniversaries.

I, too, understand of betrayal of trust within therapy and even though there will always be that scar in my life, I don't feel the pain as I once did and I believe the part of me that seemed to die with the betrayal has come alive again.

I can thank my wonderful P for helping me find her again, but it wasn't just therapy alone. I had to do a lot of soul-searching and allow within myself the belief that I deserved to be happy again, to accept myself again. For a long, long time I got caught up in a pattern of thinking which made me feel as if I wasn't worthy of love from anyone, including myself. I'm sure that all originated with my former P making me feel so loved and accepted in a way that I had never felt before, but then betrayed me.

I still have trouble with anniversaries whether or not I consciously acknowledge them. It's as if those experiences are imprinted on me and I have to accept I will re-visit this pain from time to time, but it does get easier, especially with P acknowledging the pain and never saying - we're done with this subject!

I hope your session with your T is especially good tomorrow to help erase some of these bad memories and feelings.

You will learn who is trustworthy and who is not. You just need to find some hope.

Thanks Liese. I have learned a lot in the past two years from my T regarding how to spot people who are not trustworthy and who I should avoid. I know the red flags now. And I have learned WHY I am attracted to certain types of people.

So many things we should have learned as children but didn't. Guess better late than never, huh.

I hope therapy has been going okay for you.

Thanks for your comments Summer. I know you of all people understand how this feels. The dilemma I have grappled with for so long now is how can I be worthy and acceptable to anyone if my (old)T did not want me and threw me away? How can I accept myself if he could not accept me. T's are supposed to accept us with all our issues and baggage. I thought it was safe to allow him to see all of me. And then he didn't want me. That is such a hard thing to overcome. He threw me away and so I did too. My T thinks I wanted to do this because it was a way of punishing myself because I blamed myself for what happened. But 2 years ago I had NO explanation and no answers for what happened to me and so it was my fault.

I have so many more answsers now from working through this with my T. While we don't have confirmation from oldT (in fact my T thinks oldT has no f'ing clue as to what was going on) we have pretty much figured out the why of what happened and what made him behave like he did. It has helped somewhat to have some answers.

I know you sought answers for quite a while as to what really happened with your oldP. Yet, when we get them they don't always immediately make us feel better. Again, it is something that needs processing with another T/P in therapy.

I am truly happy to hear you are in a better place these days and that things are going so well with your kind and understanding P.

He basically feels that old T had some major counter-transference going on with me. Both positive and negative. It is a good bet that he was having strong loving feelings for me that scared the crap out of him and he found himself out of his depth. My T said I made oldT feel really good because I took care of him and treated him so well.

On the other side... he did not understand attachment and my feelings toward him while they felt good on some level, also scared him. My T says that oldT was behaving more as a client with an avoidant attachment issue than as a T. This was part of his constant inconsistency with me. Moving close to me and when I moved close too he backed off and got hostile.

He as also incompetent and out of his depth with attachment and trauma and I knew more than he did which scared him, made him angry and also blew his cover as a competent T. I knew that his gig was a sham. He knew VERY little about psychology for a phd and I outed him. I didn't do it in a mean way, I was so careful never to hurt his feelings or make him feel inadequate but it was impossible because he had no self-esteem.

So that is it in a nutshell. It is never good to have a scared, incompetent T and it's not good to know more than they do about their job!

Hope that helps. Were you perhaps thinking of your own situation? Just curious.

Thanks for explaining that TN. I think it makes sense to me.

I guess I was thinking a little about my own experiences, both with oldT and my ex-friend M. In the case of my oldT it was probably more straightforward: she liked me but thought her inconsistent contact availability (probably combined with transference) was preventing me from stabilizing. This was partly true IMO but T and I both believe what she missed was seeing how her failure to contain things in session (i.e. going too fast) was causing me to have fallout in between sessions. In addition she did basically nothing to either orient me to the process of therapy or to help me address my overall stress level at the time which was through the roof. Those are real mistakes, but based on her willingness to hear me out after I left, I haven't lost respect for her.

In terms of M...I doubt I will ever understand exactly what was going on with her when she rejected me. The nice thing is that I'm starting to care less, which means I guess that I've accepted that whatever it was said more about her than about me.
BLT... thanks for the response. I do agree with your assessment of what happened with your T. They were basic mistakes and she was probably not experienced in treating trauma. There is a definite containment needed for working in that area. I do think you at least had a civilized ending with her and she gave you reasons that made sense. It's so much worse when you don't have any answers and are confused as to why you MUST go and go quickly.

Take care.
OH. MY. GOD. ((((( TN ))))) and everybody else that has gone through something like this ... i can't begin to imagine the level of hurt, betrayal, abandonment. i am SOOO sorry and wish i could give you all a huge, non-cyber hug. TN i hope your day is going as well as it can. thanks for sharing your painful story, and i hope sharing it here helped you heal a little bit more. do take care of your sweet selves, all of you

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