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Hi All,
I think I kind of owe everyone an apology. I really did think that the only reason I wasn't really around much was because I wasn't feeling well (which I really wasn't, I'm still not feeling completely better, that was one nasty virus.) and I can't tell you how much I appreciated everyone's care. But I also realized when I went to therapy yesterday (ok, it crept up on me gradually the closer I got to therapy) that I was really pulling back because of what I was dealing with. But I think it was so painful that I was really just trying to ignore it, 'cause I really didn't want to go there. I was feeling very needy and very young because of the stuff coming up and my reaction to that is to pull back and go into hiding so I can stay "safe." And I think the mom thread was really triggering for me so it was just easier, although unconsciously done, to fade into the woodwork.

In my last appt with my T, we talked about the phone call to my mom on Christmas day and my T really helped me sort it out and realize a lot of things about my relationship with my mom and the need to change it now that I had changed so much. But in order to do that I have to face and accept the reality of who my mother is. In order to do that I have to let go of the "relentless hope" that I can get what I've always wanted from her, what I didn't get as a child. But letting go of that hope, which I need to do to, brings me face to face, unavoidably (and trust me I tried to avoid it Smiler) with the incredibly powerful, deep sense of loss over what I didn't get.

So I have been shut down. Letting go of my expectations of my mother, seeing her for just who she is, is leaving me with a terrible sense of loss and grief. It hurts so much that sometimes the pain feels intolerable.I think I was staying away from it until I got to my appt yesterday because I needed to know I was safe. And I think I'm finally getting to my mom because I finally feel secure with my T. I wasn't willing to fact this loss until I KNEW I had someone to depend on. He was really clear about how I was feeling. I think the most important part was receiving affirmation that it really was difficult and that the amount of pain I'm feeling is appropriate to the loss. That the problem wasn't my needs, the problem was my needs not being met when they should have been. I was holding this in so tight, I think I couldn't talk and so the dearth of posting.

Near the end of the session he asked how I was doing and I told him that I was simultaneously soaking up feeling safe and contained while being scared that I had to leave soon and handle this on my own. His answer was really perfect. That of course that would call up feelings of getting a little and then being told I have to handle the rest on my own, that I could even be angry about that, and feel like how could he know what kind of pain I was in and still send me away? But that the connection would still be there, I could call, and I could know that he trusted me to be able to handle my feelings.

Its getting a lot easier to talk about however I'm feeling knowing he'll understand and accept it, even if it can't make a difference. I was even able to tell him that I just wanted him to fix this. I feel a lot better now, there's a sense of much less pressure and like I can talk again.

Of course I broke my own record and called him a mere nine hours after the appt. Smiler And although I am grieving and the pain comes and goes there is a bedrock sense that I'm going to be all right and I can get through this. And that as painful as it is, I'm healing. In fact, my T told me on the phone last night, that the way I'm feeling is a sign that I am facing this. So I asked if I could run away. Big Grin OK, we both agreed I had tried that and it didn't really work very well for me.

So sorry about disappearing for a little while, I wish I could have been there more for everyone. But as you can see by the length of this post, I'm think I'm back. Smiler You guys are the best.

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No apology necessary! I can imagine that being sick made dealing with everything else even harder.

the incredibly powerful, deep sense of loss over what I didn't get.

I went through this grieving process when my mom thread got cancer and we knew it was terminal. She had schizophrenia and was never there for us, in fact we took care of her even when we were kids. So when we found out she was terminal it hit me that I was losing my mom but I never really had her. I never got to experience what a real mother/daughter relationship could be, and neither did you. I think this kind of grief is very hard to deal with.

I'm glad you're feeling better now (physically and emotionally). And just for the record, I think I can speak for everybody here when I say that we think that you are the best, too.

it's interesting... this little forum of people... and how we connect in cyberspace... how we worry about each other, and yes, even about how others think of us!

we here are back in the swing of school and placements... 4 days a week full-time!

we've also been snowed in... beating all-time records of snowfall.

Gosh Antoni, you just have all the fun! Big Grin And I thought getting hit with Lake Effect from both Ontario and Erie was bad. I hope being back in school goes well, glad you had a break.

I'm having a really hard time. The intensity and frequency of the grief are unlike anything I've even known (and I thought I'd done pretty intense already). I'm maintaining a balance but I'm working really hard at it using all my resources. It reminds me of a quote from a Jars of Clay song "Work."

I have no fear of drowning, it's the breathing that's taking all this work.

Because I'm back in a place where its so hard just get from moment to moment, it can feel like all my gains and growth have disappeared. But I called my T (again!) and he was able to reassure me that all of it was real, that my ability to feel this is because the work that we've done has increased my capacity to contain and process my feelings.

I've also realized that I still want to hide. That when I'm this sad, and feeling needy, it feels like I shouldn't let anyone see me. But a very wise friend told me that this is part of who I am and deserves to be seen as much as any triumph, so I'm writing this post.

It just hurts. So much so that from moment to moment I can doubt my ability to survive it. Which gets pretty scary. Sometimes it hits so fast and hard it likes getting punched in the gut.

On the up side, I'm getting why this stayed tucked away so long. Smiler

I've also realized that I still want to hide. That when I'm this sad, and feeling needy, it feels like I shouldn't let anyone see me. But a very wise friend told me that this is part of who I am and deserves to be seen as much as any triumph, so I'm writing this post.


You are so brave to be posting this instead of hiding. My T reminds me all the time that it takes a lot of courage for anyone to take such a close look at themselves as we all are. Many people are not so courageous and therefore continue to live unfulfilled lives.

I'm sorry that you are having such a difficult time right now. But, remember what you posted on the other thread, about feeling a breather and relief. Even though you will not always feel that sense of relief, know that you have felt it before and you will feel it again. I understand how hard it is to believe that when you are in the middle of intense feelings. Just know that we are all here for you and hoping that this will pass quickly.

I've also realized that I still want to hide. That when I'm this sad, and feeling needy, it feels like I shouldn't let anyone see me.

I for one am glad that "little girl" doesn't have to hide anymore. Please keep posting and don't feel you have to hide just because you are hurting. Give us an opportunity to grow with you and help you through your low ebbs too.
We're all friends here with a common purpose.
AG -

I'm really sorry you're having a bad time and I hope it passes soon. You are brave, honest, and generous, and I am so glad you are around and not hiding. It really means a lot to me that you share so much of yourself here with us.

The beauty of this board that even on your worst days, we all understand. We revel in your triumphs and we are sad with you when things aren't going as well.

I am confident you can get through this. We'll be with you all the way.

Thank you all, when I get all of these responses I wonder why I ever felt the need to hide. Big Grin
Your understanding of my feelings really helps me to handle them. I think I keep trying to minimize it somehow when really it is very painful. Its easier to deal with when you recognize what you're dealing with. I'm feeling better, the intensity has subsided and I feel like I'm good until my next appt.

River, I keep thinking that my T is REALLY going to regret convincing me it's ok to call. Poor man, he had no idea what he was getting into. Smiler

HB, I'm so sorry for what happened to you. Somehow being left by your mom seems worse than even your father. And what you wrote about your knees wanting to collapse described it exactly. At one point I was walking down the steps, and literally had to sit down because my knees gave in and I was afraid to fall. It's really a comfort to know that other people understand what this is like, although I deeply regret how you arrived at the knowledge. And thank you for the encouragement, your story really gives me hope that there is good on the other side of this grief. So save me a seat at the top (but only if I don't have to look down, I'm really scared of heights. No really, you have seen me whimpering through the Rockies the one time I went. Smiler)

Thank you all again, I have no words to describe what your support means to me.


I'm really sorry for what you've been going through. But it's gotta be pretty great, through all that pain, to be able to feel like you've got a bedrock of self that isn't going to go away no matter how bad it gets.

I've been hiding a bit, too. Not even reading. S'nice to feel like I can handle coming back.

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