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Hi all,

I'm a sixteen year old girl who used to (I dunno if I still do) suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Last year I had a great year and made loads of new friends and my anxiety from two years ago (so crippling I couldn't really go into school and found any meeting with friends total distressing) but over the summer I began to feel my old flutters of anxiety. I had nothing in my life except my friends and no hobbies so any tiny fluctuations in my friendships made me really anxious. I stressed about losing friends and my friends seemed to be able to have no hobbies and just hang out with their friends and it didn't make them anxious or depressed. I used to enjoy study, as I am quite academic and thought when I got back to school I would enjoy it and the friend things would fade away. But I've been back three days and feel swamped with work and still feel anxious about friends and nothing is getting easier. I thought I would settle back into things and the friend things wouldn't bother me because I'd be busy. But I go home and do homework which I don't enjoy and stresses me out and then just hang around with nothing to do except worry. I feel stuck in a rut...I worry about my friends, I feel out of the loop and I don't know how I can go on when just thinking about and seeing some friends makes me anxious (even though nothing happens, and they are fine...I just feel like things have changed and I'm not in the loop). Last year, I was so self assured and now I feel like I'm floundering. I actually USED to be interesting and do plays and be fine and funny and now nothing interests me...I want to have hobbies but I'm just not motivated. WHAT SHOULD I DO?! Everyone keeps telling me I'll settle in...I don't believe it, it just feels like nothing is going right...

Please give me some advice, I'd love to here of some past or similar experiences,

Thanking you,

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Totally cute name. I don't know if I have any advice on the back to school anxieties, but I wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you. I understand how hard it is to start back to school, and the stress that is related to friendships. School is difficult, and the friendships when you are in high school shift significantly. Summer brings about separation, and it's true when those who have told you that you'll settle in. BUT, until you settle in, it's still a struggle, right? I remember that struggle, and I am sure we all have had those feelings upon returning to school after summer.

I felt that struggle so much during my HS years and I think the one thing that allowed me to calm a little was to find a secure base with(one or two friends) or a teacher.

I had GAD all through HS and really isolated myself. I regret that now. I wish I had been less afraid and more willing to try new things. I keep thinking what I would tell 16 year old me today...and I think one thing that sticks out to me is that you have just as much as a right to enjoy yourself in HS as all of the others. You are interesting. You are a good person, and basically everyone is VERY much more interested in themselves that they are not paying too much attention to you. (I would always feel like everyone was looking at me, that I wasn't good enough, didn't deserve to be there, and I didn't fit in). But, those things were far from the truth.

Why do you feel out of the loop, and like you are floundering?

I hope that you are doing well, and that this week of school goes better for you. Peace to you.

Thanks for the reply, I really appreciated your advice and past experience. I feel a bit better, today was the first good day. I guess I just feel like I'm floundering in work (exams before college in two years and they're piling on the work) and stresses with friends and even at home I feel stuck, like in a boring routine. So I don't feel relief anywhere, but today was good and I'm in good form now...but am already worried about school tomorrow.

What I really want to know is WHEN! Like, when will I be able to deal with study and not get really stressed? When will meeting up with my friends not scare me? When will I have interesting things to do at home?

At times like this, I REALLY miss my T who I finished up with in March when I was great. Man, what I would do for a coffee with her. Just the thought of meeting up with's like, I know she'd make it better...but my mother refuses to contact her again unless I'm in a crisis...

I'm so sorry that your mom wont allow you to contact T. Frowner I am sure that's very difficult for you, especially since it sounds like you had a very solid attachment with T. I can understand that you must miss T very much. I think T must have had a calming presence on you and it made you feel secure.

I was your age and very much understand all of those feelings you are having. What about your friends scares you? Is home life difficult because there are dynamics in the family that create anxiety within you? I wasn't allowed to be in therapy when I was I turned to a teacher for security. Is there a teacher/counselor at school that you'd be able to confide in?

If you don't mind sharing, I'm intrigued at what is causing this fear and anxiety within you? When I read what you'd said, I almost feel as if I am talking to my 16 year old self. Frowner

Hope you are well today.
Brokes- thanks for all the advice, really hice to hear from someone else who's had similar experiences Smiler What is the main theme of my anxiety is my friendships like "Was she being cold with me?" and then I get reaaaally worried and obsess over everything that happens between us. I also worry about being left out of the group and stuff. But lately, having gone into a serious year I am stressing about study and school etc.

Update; I had two TERRIBLE days, where I felt everything was just...crashing down in side me? And I was just crying in complete panic, I felt I couldn't deal with anything (friends, school, home) but today was pretty good, and I even went out with my friends and it was good. I just wish I could predict when it's gonna happen and know what triggers it.

Okay, I probably explained the situation wrong. I know why my Mum won't let me back to my T, because when I am in a complete tiz, I just REALLY want to go back but she knows me so well that she knows it'll take less than a week to go back to normal. I do miss my T, like losing a close friend but like I understand she went above and beyond and my Mum realises it would be pretty unfair to call her every time I feel a little panicked. If I was in a serious crisis for a long period of time, she would call her. But actually my Mum is the MOST amazing person ever. I actually love and respect her so much. She deals with SO MANY THINGS, like my Granny moved in and she has to look after her and organise all of her care and stuff with her siblings, she is the boss in her office and goes to loads of meetings and she has to deal with my brother and sister as well but always has time for me and gives me great advice and comfort.

I've basically realised that what's making me most anxious is that I'm not entirely sure who my best friends are. Like I know who my friend group are...kind of...And I think that's why when I see my friends chatting together I feel so anxious because I feel that they will all become best friends without me...Probably makes no sense because my friends are great...but I just feelings...


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