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What battle you ask? Which demons? Well, let's see if I can make a long story very short:

1. Saw T Monday night and finally talked about one of the topics I've been avoiding for the last 2 1/2 years. It went better than expected, felt ok with letting another big chunk of my guard down with T.

2. Spent all day Tues waffling between feeling good about previous night's session and feeling freaked out by it.

3. Came across provocative article online about transference and decide to email it to T and ask her some questions about it.

4. T decides to call rather than email me back (grrr...), & doesn't address the article so much as hoping I am careful about what I read online. (She doesn't get online often so I am rolling my eyes now.) Anyway, call is ok & I hang up feeling ok. No better but no worse.

5. Wake up in the middle of the night, can't get back to sleep, start dissecting earlier phone call with T. This is when I start feeling silly about sending the email and wishing I hadn't. I am now remembering the conversation as more of her being kind of unhappy with me. Somehow I get back to sleep.

6. Daughter wakes up cuz of bad dream at 3:30am and I have to get up anyway so I hit the shower. The gears in my head really start turning now and the silly email I sent yesterday has become the most stupid and embarrassing thing I have ever done.

7. Now the battle is on. I know that what I am feeling now does not match what I felt talking to T last night. I didn't feel stupid or embarrassed then but now I am mortified and want to vow to never send another email except maybe one more to apologize profusely for being so stupid.

8. I write one more email to T before leaving for work at 5:30am that describes said battle between the new neural pathways we've cultivating and the big primeval one that has hijacked those poor little suckers. I equate them to little hobbits battling with the nasty Gollum.

9. Now, 12 hours later, the battle still wages but Gollum has gained a lot ground and is winning. He is very ingrained and well practiced. I am rooting for the little hobbits but they really don't know how to fight. They are so nice and cute though I would much rather they win! Smiler) No response from T about 2nd email sent this morning but I don't think I asked her to respond so she might not. I don't mind if she emails me but it she calls I might not pick up.

Ah, transference at its finest! Well so much for making a long story short.
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I'm sorry for how you're feeling but its a very familiar struggle to me. I'm waiting for a call back from my T right now so I'm not in the most coherent place but I did want to tell you that you're not stupid and it wasn't stupid to send the email. It was a brave, courageous thing to do.

And of course the hobbits win in the end. Because they venture out into a larger world than they're accustomed to. They face challenge after challenge and they grow and become more capable. When they return to the Shire, Gandalf leaves because they have grown enough to handle the trouble that they have to face. And they do, handily. They restore peace and order and prosperity. So it's an awfully good analogy because that's what you're doing. (Man, I love that book!)

Thanks for the encouragement AG, it helps to keep the demons at bay.

My phone rang earlier and the caller ID showed it was my T. Surprisingly enough, I didn't answer it. First time I've done that. I listened to the VM and turns out it was Mr. T confirming our martial appt for tomorrow. It doesn't seem fair that they have the same phone #. Holy Cow People! Get With The Times!

BTW Samwise was always my favorite hobbit Smiler

I'm can relate so easily to your story. We all do that reinterpreting your actions to make yourself the stupidest, neediest client any therapist has ever had. I love the Lord of the Rings too and I always think of Gollum ws a victim of the evil Ring. I think the hobbits were really fighting Sauron as a symbol of evil in Middle Earth.

I've just had my first T appointment since Christmas. It went okay I think. Interestingly my transference feelings have really subsided over Christmas. I thought 2 weeks would feel like forever but after the first 2 days it got easier. Actually I wasn't sure how it would be but I was fine and we just started talking. I know it will be back but I'll try and remember it comes and goes.
Gollum ws a victim of the evil Ring

Yes exactly, Gollum is my twisted, sick self-defeating inner voice that developed because of traumatic outside influences and my desperate desire as a child to be perfect so that my family would love me and protect me. The illusive attachment to my parents that I so needed and desired I guess is the "Ring."
River, thanks for this

Yes exactly, Gollum is my twisted, sick self-defeating inner voice that developed because of traumatic outside influences and my desperate desire as a child to be perfect so that my family would love me and protect me. The illusive attachment to my parents that I so needed and desired I guess is the "Ring."

It clarifies how you feel and as an added bonus gives me another way to look at my life. I love this analogy (great fantasy literature explains so much in so many ways). Now I know why I love epic stories of good and evil.
Thanks to everyone for your great responses! It was like the aux troops had arrived - I guess that would be the elves, humans and dwarfs (you can pick which you want to be Wink) - and helped the little hobbits drive Gollum back under the mountain! I wish I could say he fell into the fiery pit of lava but I don't think he'll be quite that easily gotten rid off. I went to bed last night and realized that I felt great. No self-doubt, no internal struggle, just a nice feeling of peace. It was wonderful - very rarely do I ever not cry myself to sleep at night. Thanks again for giving me that extra encouragement and understanding (resonance?) to help me stay in the truth and not be seduced by an old bad habit.

BTW - T did email me back but I didn't get it until this morning. It's like getting closure on the whole thing, the "The End" and the end of the movie.

Originally posted by River:
It was like the aux troops had arrived - I guess that would be the elves, humans and dwarfs (you can pick which you want to be Wink) - and helped the little hobbits drive Gollum back under the mountain! I wish I could say he fell into the fiery pit of lava but I don't think he'll be quite that easily gotten rid off.

I have a really hard time understanding emotion-talk, River, but this stuff is right up my alley! Now let's all geek out and compare out situation to the Silmarillion, aye?
The Simarillion always make me think of The Music of the Ainur through which creation was accomplished. Especially since the discords introduced by evil are eventually resolved. The promise that in the end good will triumph over evil. So I'm good with the Simarillion. (OK, confession time, I have a first edition copy. But again, I must emphasize, I don't speak elvish, either Quenyan or Sindarin. Smiler )


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