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JM, I love feeling missed, thank you!! Big Grin

We got home late last night, we had a great weekend, visited three colleges and my daughter really liked two of them. She's only a sophomore so we have plenty of time but it was a good start. Another parent and two of my daughters friends came with us so we really had a great time along with it being really useful. I missed everyone, I'll be out and about catching up on the boards.

Welcome back, AG!

I have a nephew and niece going off to college next year, which completely blows my mind since I remember them being born what seems like a few years ago.

My nephew is going to Hamilton and my niece is going BC. I'm glad I went to a state college back in the 80s when it was about $6,500/year for everything. Smiler

Hi Russ,
Thanks! It's good to be back!

And let me tell you, going looking for colleges for my youngest was a little freaky. Raising the kids just feels like it flashed by. Its a very bittersweet feeling, because I'm really proud of my kids and very excited for them as they make this huge transition but I'm also very sad to see them go. I really, really like my kids and spending time with them and I'll miss them.

Of course, on the third hand Smiler my husband and I are also starting to realize that it will just be the two of us again and we're looking forward to our freedom to travel and have a clean house. Big Grin

And yeah, as far as the costs, we're calling this the lean years. My daughters are two years apart so we're looking at six years of tuition with two years overlapping. Yikes!

Hope all is well with you and your children. I have one in college. You're right, time just flies by...
I am not nearly as considerate as you in letting folks know when I'll be away, just pop in and out I guess...
My real reason for posting is to announce I've called for another appt. And now the shame of it all...I know, I know, ridiculous. But as we all know, knowing and feeling are 2 completely different things, right? So I just hope I can think of what to say when I get there. Usually I just act like I am more OK than I am feeling and I guess he probably wonders why in the heck I came in in the first place....So, needless to say, I am feeling very much like a failure for having to (or wanting to???) go back, and VERY nervous!!!
(((AJB))) I didn't see you sneak in! Good to hear from you.

Aech! I hear you about the acting like you're more ok than you really are, I used to do that. But I don't think he wonders why you bother coming in. In fact, he is just waiting for you to figure that out. But I am glad you got up the nerve to call and ask for another appt. I know how hard that must have been for you. You're not a failure AJB. I mean seriously, do you think I am a failure for being in therapy for going on 3 years now? And what'd you give it, 5 months? So you are very brave, but don't think you need to tuck your tail between your legs. It's not like that at all, but I am sure it feels that way. HB is right, that might just be a great conversation starter.

Good luck and keep us posted!
The most predictible thing has happened! You know I said I called for an appt. The receptionist first said, yes he has one, then was talking to another girl in the background who said she'd already filled it, so she said she'd call me today "when" she had an opening. Well, guess what!?! No call!!! I don't know why I bother with him. I think he makes me feel worse than my own life in general!!!! I am SOOOO frustrated/mad/hurt. I'm thinking, of course, he must've told them not to schedule me cause he doesn't want to put up with me, right? He thought I was finished, after all. I know this all must sound ridiculous to you, but it's REALLY what's playing over and over and over in my head!! I wish I'd never called. I feel SOOOO embarrassed (again). Why do I keep doing the same stuff over and over? I wish I could just shut myself up in here and then I maybe would stop acting so foolishly. Of course I can't. There's my family and work and school. But I'm SOOOO tired!!!
Thanks so much for your kind response. I was having a really big pity party over evrything yesterday, and the fact that this topic was changed really added fuel to the fire. and again, intellectually i know better and how ridiculous and paranoid it all seems. but tell that to my emotions!! whatever they are. lol. feeling much better today. i know i need a new therapist. the transference thing REALLY keeps me going back to this one though. and the fact that i don't want to start all over.
i like your signature line, btw.
thanks again. have a wonderful weekend!!
NO i certainly DO NOT think you are a failure for being in therapy for 3 years. after all, i wanna be a therapist because i feel so strongly about how important it really is. but like i said to HB, i have been in a really long pity-party mode lately, and it just feels like i can't do anything right. i know it won't last. that is why i keep prodding on. waiting for the light to finally show up at the end of the tunnel. i know it will. it always does. it's just hard to find my way in the dark. it shouldn't be so hard. i've been in this same place often. i shouldn't need any light since it's all so familiar!!!
sorry--got a little carried away!!
AJB, Please don't apologize.... we all go there. Back and forth, and up and down. I know you wouldn't accuse me of being a failure, I just wanted you to lighten up on yourself. But thanks I will tuck that away your thoughts for a rainy day. Big Grin

Pity partys...they're often spent alone, but would be so much more fun together. Perhaps we should start a thread. Big Grin

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