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Hi you guys

I don't know if anyone is here that remembers me but it's been a while. I wanted to stop in here and tell you guys that I am doing well. I found a therapist who is truly helping me. I thought that'd never happen after the T I saw for so many years retired. I am in a group now too. It's one of the hardest things I have ever done. I guess it's hard for me to be in a group. But I make myself go every week.

Hope all of you are doing well too.

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Hello Jo, I joined this forum after you stopped posting so we haven’t met, but I have read some of your threads. It’s certainly been a while since you’ve been on here!

It’s nice to hear from you and it’s good you’ve been doing ok - glad you have found a therapist who is really helping you! That must be a big relief.

Interesting that you find being in a group really difficult - what sort of group is it? I tend to be a bit dubious about group work now (have done a fair bit before) because I find I end up playing a role in them (caring about everyone else) and stuff my own feelings and needs (which I end up resenting). Just wondered what it was about the group that you’re finding hard?

But good on you for persevering. I’m glad you’ve come back here to give an update Smiler


Of course I remember you! It's really great to hear from you and even better to hear that you're doing so well. I know group therapy can be really tough, you should be proud of yourself for having the courage to continue. And for having been able to go onto working with another therapist when yours retired. I've had it happen and it's a difficult transition. Hope you're sticking around for awhile!


Hi Jo, welcome "back"! Big Grin It looks like you stopped posting right around the time I started. But I've read your posts, and I remember how hard it was after your first T retired, especially with all the BS that T2 put you through. So I'm thrilled to hear that you found a T who is helping you now! Smiler I'm looking forward to hearing more about it, and your group therapy too (which you have my utmost admiration for btw Wink ). See you around!

Hi there, Jo!

I feel compelled to say welcome back, although I'm too new to the forums to have known you when you were still posting. Wink Nonetheless, I'm glad you have a good T, especially since it sounds like the retirement of your last T was very distressing. I also wanted to say that i know how you feel when it comes to group therapy! I just finished up group therapy, although it was very short-term. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, and I was pretty much shaking from nervousness every week. It's awesome that you're able to keep going, and I hope you're able to get something out of it. Smiler
Aha!! There I go again with my not getting back here to reply. Yes you do look like HB!! That's okay though. Glad to meet you too. Strummergirl, thanks for remembering how this therapist retirement new therapst thing went for me. It's nice to know someone was keeping track with me. It was so painful. I am getting up out of that pain now. I really do like my new T. Well I've seen her for a year now. She's very good at what she does. AG It's always nice to come back here and see you! You've taught me so much. Your candid posting about transference etc has really made me think about how to approach therapy in a more effective way. You are a trooper and your support here is immeasurable.

Thanks for the welcome from the ones I have not met yet. I hope to get to know you all better soon.


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