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Wow! I'm learning soooo much in my T training. I'm quite overwhelmed and wondering how T's do this all day and how my T makes this look so natural!
They have a tough job from what I can tell. I thought being a client is still is...I miss my T so very much right now!

I now see the WHY in what my T does. It might have been helpful for her to explain many of these things to me. Or maybe I just needed to find out on my own....who knows...

Some of things T was telling me that I thought were "coded" stories were actually intentional ways of telling me specific things, so I guess they were coded in a matter of speaking. Also, some of T's stories about herself were letting me know things that she needs to ethically explain to me anyway. I didn't understand that a therapist has an ethical obligation to explain that they are going on vacation and what to do if you need assistance. I thought T was just trying to talk about her upcoming vacation instead of listening to me. Now, T has shared way too much of herself with me, so she does tend to go that way as well.
I just see a bit more clearly now why T does the things she does. I wish T would be more straightforward about these things with me though.

I just finished my first project with my first "client" and my first voice recorded session. I think it went well. I had to type up a transcript of everything I said during the session, my intention of every statement or utterance (lots uh huhs, um hmmms and okays etc.) and what effect that had on the client. Then, a paper on the session, plus the actual recording of the session w/consent form.
Just thought I'd share!
Thanks for reading...
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Thanks for updating us on your T training! It sounds absolutely fascinating, so I hope you continue to share whatever you feel comfortable with. I have often thought how hard it must be to do what they do all day, so it must be even more illuminating to get such an inside look. Good luck with your training; sounds like you're off to a good start!
I have thought about how hard it would be to be a therapist, many times. And how emotionally exhausting it must be to be a therapist. its important for therapists to maintain self care (which could then be modeled to patients).

But I also think the interpersonal skills come more naturally for some than others. And it would likely taint/intellectualize the therapy to explain the therapeutic mechanisms behind the actions, dont you think?

Thanks for sharing this and good luck with your paper!
Yes, in a way I think knowing my T's intentions with me during sessions would have tainted or intellectualized the actions.

Thanks for responding to my post ya'll! Smiler
I'll write back another time.
Off to study ethical codes and case studies for my upcoming exam......

BTW-self care of therapists/counselors is actually stated in the ethical codes as an ethical obligation to clients...
and i think what you have "disclosed" is very insightful and helpful, to me. i can see where it would be TMI to others. it helps me to be more empathetic to the T ... i KNOW it's about me, but really it's about us learning/re-learning about relationships, and relationships are always 2-sided. just my thoughts. thanks for sharing!

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