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So, T was late as usual tonight's session. He took longer than usual to get me after his previous client left, so I was a little freaked out he had forgotten (duh, of course not). When I get in there, it smells a bit weird. All of a sudden, I notice that there is, on the (hated) glass table, a cupcake with a single lit candle in it. Surprise for me and the kids, it is a belated therapy anniversary celebration. I wish I had thought to take a photo of it or ask to keep the candle or something sentimental like that, but I was so surprised (and anxious), that it took me a couple of minutes to blow out the candle and I only cut off a little bit to eat, because it was too stressful to eat in front of my T. He got a flavor he knew some like (chocolate and mint). He said it all worked out just perfectly, even to the point of finding matches in his car at the very bottom of his glove box, when he was 90% sure there wouldn't be any, as there was no reason for them to be there. He seemed really happy to do it. I chided him for not at least warning me a bit, but he liked being able to surprise me with something nice. It was very sweet.

Oh, and for those who have asked me via PM, here is a photo of the first sock monkey I made, which I gave to T two weeks ago. He gets it out everytime I go there now. Roll Eyes He seems to have more fun playing with it than Boo even does with the white one (avatar) that I have given to her.

Otherwise, it was actually a really intense session, so it was nice to have that really connecting moment at the beginning. A good thing for me to hang onto for the next few days.
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Thanks, you guys! Yes, the brown monkey is a he and the white one is a she...or so I've been told... Roll Eyes

If you look close at the photo, you can see that he really does have "adventure" in his eyes. I was so excited to find those buttons.

There are tons of how to create a sock monkey things online that you can look up. I also bought a book that shows cats and dogs and pigs and sheep and all sorts of others, all with socks and gloves. I did it a little different than the book, which called for flipping the head and feet, but I didn't want to have to stitch the head closed, so I did it the other way 'round. I hadn't sewn since sixth grade, so I've been pleasantly surprised that once a friend showed me how to handstitch again, it wasn't too hard. Big Grin I can find links if you want, Liese. Just let me know.
Too bad H just flew out of there today. If I had known ahead of time, I could have sent one with him and had him post it from over there. Much cheaper. Wink

When I get time, I am going to make one for Little Yaku, but I haven't decided whether a cat or a horse yet. A horse is much more work, though, because you need to attach yarn or something for the tale and mane. I'm not exactly sure how I'd do that yet. The one in the book is a zebra, but she'd prefer a horse and I have no striped socks to work with anyway. Big Grin She loves horses!!!

I am a bonehead when it comes to crafts, but it really wasn't too hard to make!

Sorry, very weird mood today. (((((DraggersLovelies)))))
Awww ((((Liese)))) You are the sweetest! Thank you!!! Crossposted there, sorry. I went crazy when I found the felt, heart-shaped buttons at the craft store and decided every animal I make will have a heart of some sort. The white one has a red heart and it is smaller, because someone says, "Her heart got stuck and hasn't grown up yet." Embarrassed Interesting way of conceptualizing things. I want to make more right now, but H is coming home today and I'm low on thread anyway.

Edit: I would say that every therapist should have a sock animal of some sort, but I actually somehow triggered my MIL, she said something about it made her feel upset about her childhood...only the brown one, not the white one, as it looks more like a sheep.
Hi Yaku... That was very sweet and thoughtful for your T to have a cupcake for you for your anniversary with him. It is a very special milestone. I'm so glad he did that for you.

Your sock monkey is really adorable. No wonder T likes him and takes him out for sessions. He looks so cuddly and friendly. You could start a little sock monkey business for those of us who are not so crafty and creative. I would definitely buy one.

Glad to see you are hanging in there and doing okay. Your dh will be home soon.

Thanks, TN. I kind of like making them as gifts. Or maybe, just have people pay for the materials or shipping or something. It's not like I'd really make much off of them anyway and I'd feel a bit guilty ever charging for them. They feel more special when you think of a person that you want to make it for and then give it away. If I didn't worry about seeming stalker-ish, I'd totally offer to make and send them to others here. Wink
Awww, thanks, you guys. Smiler

GG - Maybe your T took the kitty home? Wouldn't that be sweet? It's nice seeing it in his office, but he is only there on Mondays and Tuesdays, so I have to think of all the other Ts who use that office Wednesdays through Fridays...though, if they ever used my monkey with a little kid, that would bless my heart, not that I'd ever know.
Thanks FMN!

I've made three: the brown monkey with the white face, a white monkey with a brown face (the other monkey's sock "twin," but she looks more like a sheep) and the kitty cat posted in the chit chat section. I started making them at the beginning of the month for the purpose of giving T an anniversary gift. I found it to be a good focused task I could do in order to take my mind off stuff. Smiler It gives me a lot of satisfaction to do something where there is a finished product.

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