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I talked too much yesterday and I lost my voice. Smiler I thought it would be back by this morning, but so far, nada. Drinking some hot tea and hoping to coax it back. I have therapy in two hours! It should make for a very unusual session if I have no voice, lol, but I don't want to cancel. . .

Have any of you ever gone to therapy without your voice? How did it go?
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Well, I used to struggle to talk much on a regular basis, so losing my voice might not have been such a big deal, lol. I have never lost it most the way since therapy, but I did have minor oral surgery beneath my tongue the morning before a session and couldn't talk much (plus, sounded ridiculous when I did). Come to think of it, I have no memory of that session except explaining thus to T and a tiny bit about how the appointment was triggering, so I guess CPs attended and I have no idea what we did instead of talking. All I really remember from that day was the joy it brought my H to tease me about my talking and the fact that I had to make a second trip, because it was bleeding (I thought) too much. It was probably a very fuzzy day for me, because it's only a few months ago...hrm, sorry, that ended up being not very helpful. :/

Hrm, right after we posted that, L said she thinks she did coloring when she was there ("We did coloring!" in a sort of, "Duh, you're silly, how come you don't know that?" voice) and showed me a picture I guess she made? Just in case that is a helpful suggestion, figured I'd include other input from inside. I guess others (G?) who didn't talk often then came and just sat too and were safe, took that in, which is nice.
Sometimes I get triggered and don't talk much - for some reason not talking makes the session time fly by... I assume I'm dissociated or the time would not be up like that.

I hope you can get it back! Maybe color with your T, I actually do this with my T sometimes it's just nice connecting time.

Or you could interpretive dance what you need to say Smiler or a walk OR... I don't know.

Did you try gargling salt water?
(((anon))) (((catalyst)))

Thanks for sharing, you two. It was interesting to read about your voiceless or quasi voiceless sessions. Coloring would have been fun. Maybe I will try that next time Smiler (if this happens again).

My voice was still mostly gone for the earlier part of the session, but I brought Baby with me, and so we played with him and just exchanged some sporadic comments for awhile. It was too funny, because T kept matching her voice to mine. I don't know if that was intentional or automatic. Smiler Voice got a little stronger as time passed and it ended up being a fairly "normal" session- just kinda slow and murmury and not terribly deep. It was still good to see her so I'm glad I went.

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