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I was excited to have a Friday night at home alone with nothing to do. I planned to read, take a bubble bath....all the good pampering there never seems to be time for. Before I realized it was happening, I was fighting back against a mini-meltdown. I felt so lonely and like a loser stuck at home alone on a weekend night. No friends to hang with, no boyfriend to cuddle up with, and my 13 year old daughter now knows more than I do and hates my company! I know this sounds like a pity party, and it was, but what was really coming up was the feeling of not belonging. I've never felt like I've belonged - to my family, friends, or even the world. I believe that belonging and connection is essential to being human, but I don't. I know it's my fault. That's partly why I started therapy 15 months ago; because I wanted to feel whole and experience the joys of life. 

When I was young, I fantasizes about belonging to my friends' moms, teachers, camp counselors - basically any motherly figure that acknowledged my presence. I never thought too much about belonging to a peer group. My family pretty much moved yearly after I was 12 and I knew I couldn't make close friends. My fantasizing slowed down when my second younger brother was born when I was 11. I had to take care if him and he felt like my baby. He loved me and needed me. Then my youngest brother was born when I was 14. I only remember feeling three things when I was a teenager: taking care of my brothers, succeeding in school so I could go to college and get away, and wishing my parents cared that I existed the way I was.

I did go away to college and had a great 4 years. After I graduated I moved back to the city my family had ended up in because my mother had finally left my psychopathic father and I felt like I needed to be there for my brothers. I often felt guilty for leaving them, but knew I needed to. I wasted my expensive college education for 6 years while I waited tables and bartended. I met a friend who introduced me to partying and drugs and the years slipped away with me feeling a false sense of belonging. This friend ended up cheating on her husband (also my friend and still my friend) with my teenage brother. The one born when I was 11 who I loved so much. I felt total betrayal. She and my brother are still together, caught up in a web of hate, lies, and manipulation. They are also parents to two precious children who I love dearly.

When I decided to try therapy 15 months ago I was in a depression because it was the second time in 4 years that I was "dead" to my brother and the kids (that's another long story and this one is already long enough). My parents and 2 other brothers went along with them because they were afraid of being cut off from the kids too. No one stood up for me and I honestly did nothing wrong. It was his wife, my ex friend an now enemy, who made up lies to get him to banish me.

So it's really hard for me to feel belonging because if years if abandonment, abuse and betrayal. I'm so numb to feelings, I probably wouldn't know it if I had it. If I had it I'd screw it up by pushing anyone away. I am a master of minimizing and can actually convince myself that everything (that I can remember anyway) was nothing to be upset about. I've pushed so much so far down that I don't remember a lot. Then I get myself thinking that there is nothing and I'm just crazy and shouldn't be feeling so much pain. Maybe I'm trying to make stuff up or remember stuff that doesn't exist. Dies anyone ever feel this way?

I still have trouble sharing in therapy and don't trust T even though she's great. I just know she's going to have enough of me soon. I numb out and freeze and can't share, even when I've rehearsed and/or bring my journal. I nearly always feel nothing until after I leave. I want therapy to work and I can't do it! Does anyone else experience similar patterns or feelings? I dissociate by going into daydreams, but I don't have other parts. I especially hate when T gets silent, waiting for me to feel or let something sink in, and I'll go somewhere else in my mind and forget what we're talking about. I don't know how to stay present and have feelings.

I would be so grateful for any thoughts, ideas, suggestions ir feedback anyone can provide. I feel like I'm running out of time and I not want to be a failure at therapy too.

Thank you,
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I can totally relate to and empathize with what you are going through.

I am curious how your father was a "psychopath" and how that pattern of what you learned from your parents plays out till today amongst the dynamic you are describing w/your brother and his wife.

I feel like I understand and accept my abusive childhood but am not sure how to fill up the hole of emptiness it left in me. I know I need to give myself the love I didn't feel in the world but I am not alway sure how.

I had major attachments issues with my two therapists who dropped me. I keep reading these posts and thinking why are we getting attached to random people who show us love. Its such a limited love.

There are good people out there that will love you. I think its worth spending your life trying to find them and not breathing into the negativity of the past.

Those are my deep thoughts for tonight Smiler

I still have trouble sharing in therapy and don't trust T even though she's great. I just know she's going to have enough of me soon. I numb out and freeze and can't share, even when I've rehearsed and/or bring my journal. I nearly always feel nothing until after I leave. I want therapy to work and I can't do it! Does anyone else experience similar patterns or feelings? I dissociate by going into daydreams, but I don't have other parts. I especially hate when T gets silent, waiting for me to feel or let something sink in, and I'll go somewhere else in my mind and forget what we're talking about. I don't know how to stay present and have feelings.

For what it's worth, I've experienced all of these things. I started dissociating in my session yesterday, and my new T told me to try looking around the room and put my feet on the ground. So I actually looked out the window and she pointed out the nice play of sunshine on the stone wall outside, and by the time she was done saying that I felt like I was back and had calmed down again. So maybe there's something comforting that you could look at to try to bring yourself back when that happens.
I have focused on a wood grain pattern in her door - it looks likea face. Thinking about it, it does halo me stay "in the room" so to speak. I kind of tune her out, but not so much by escaping into a daydream.

At this point I have every intention of doing the work - I just feel like I need a swift kick in the butt sometimes! I read recently that the original meaning of courage us to tell your heart's story. I like that meaning and hope to have continued courage.
I read recently that the original meaning of courage us to tell your heart's story. I like that meaning and hope to have continued courage.

I like that too Raven. The word courage comes from the word for heart. I know in Italian the word for heart is "cuore" and I think in French it's "cour".

You will get there one small step at a time each building on the other until you can take larger steps and get to your destination.

Hi Raven,
I can really relate to the feeling of not belonging. I have always felt like an outsider even though I have family and friends. I agree with you in that I think that belonging and connectedness are a basic human need - it keeps us alive and feeds us. It's very painful to feel on the outside of all of that.

I have used therapy as a way to try to feel more connected. I find though when I have face to face conversations with my T, they fall far short of allowing me to feel any sense of connection. I now feel very connected with my T though and I think it has come about as a result of reading from my journal to her or having her read aloud what I've written. I feel that way, she has really gotten to know 'me' vs. the everyday social mask that I wear. Maybe some alternative ways of approaching T might work for you? I know that I have had a session with my T in her play room. I just sat and worked with clay and she did most of the talking, which was okay with me. It allowed me to have my space but be in connection with someone. It felt like the precursor to staying present and having feelings at the same time. I was allowed to have the space, and have someone simply be with me, while not asking me to be, say or do anything. This gave me a little room to feel more safe. Does your T work with alternative approaches? I hope you don't give up with therapy, it just might be that the therapist that you are working with currently isn't your best match for your needs right now.

I can't give you any words of wisdom, as I am where you are and have a simular story, even down to the baby brothers... All that I can say is that you are not alone in your struggle.

I dissociate too, also by day dreaming and there is also nothing worse than have my T sit in silence. I have started to talk a bit more, but in the last few minutes only, and then I have to stop. The past 3 sessions she has sat next to me and put her arm around me and that has kind of opened the way for me. Maybe I'm too scared that there will be judgement or hatred in her eyes, if I had to look at her. So her sitting next to me has helped a lot.

I hope that you will be able to open up more. Like my T always says to me - 'baby steps'

So it's really hard for me to feel belonging because if years if abandonment, abuse and betrayal. I'm so numb to feelings, I probably wouldn't know it if I had it. If I had it I'd screw it up by pushing anyone away. I am a master of minimizing and can actually convince myself that everything (that I can remember anyway) was nothing to be upset about. I've pushed so much so far down that I don't remember a lot. Then I get myself thinking that there is nothing and I'm just crazy and shouldn't be feeling so much pain. Maybe I'm trying to make stuff up or remember stuff that doesn't exist. Dies anyone ever feel this way

Raven I could have wrote this word for word darling, I know exactly how this feels like. I've never felt I've belonged anywhere. I'll be on a train or in a crowd and I feel lost and confused but almost comfortable in that confusion even though I'm not....its only what I'm used to. Awww I really wish I could properly hug you. I feel like this all the time. I'm doing things and they are not clicking. I just feel that there is no security. I've felt like it all my life so much so that I'm used to it. I've numbed myself to it. There are almost no feelings and I'mused to not belonging. I'm used to escaping to different countries even and finding places there but I never do. And I repeat it and repeat it and repeat it.

I've actually becomed so accustomed to it that I don't even really feel anything. There's nothing to feel but a plain of no end. Thats all I can say about it. I could travel the world and find everything and nothing in the four corners. When I'm with a group of people I hate it because I really feel outcasted. I don't belong in company. I'm detached. I'm gone. I'm somewhere else but I don't know where and the only thing I want is to go on a long stretch of road that never ends. I want to be in a magical place like Avatar.

And yes, I'm so numb to feelings that I don't know if I am in a permanent disassociative state or what. I simply cannot tell. The trauma must be deep. I'm extremely uncertain. I feel dead inside.

I was betrayed so much in my childhood and suffered so much loss that finding out I had an older sister when I was 15 rendered hardly any feelings in me. Imagine that? Frowner And at the same age, I attempted to burn the house down and run away. My Dad had arrived in time for me to stamp the fire out. And all I felt was excitement and nervousness of it burning down. All I wanted was to and the pet dog. Just us on our own. Me as Mowgli, a street kid and her dog living in the wild.

Thats the sadnessI had. I used to hate myself. I don't feel anything now. Nothing. I do self loathe Ilm sure, but I just cant feelit.

Raven, what can I say hon, all I can say is that therapy is probably key and do you get to see your therapist more than once a week or...? Do you get to emailor text or whatnot?

I guess for folks like us, we will need yearsof realize what feelings are. How to feel. What to you often question other people on what it feels in this or that situation? I do because I just don't get it.

I don't want you to feel worse for what I'm saying. I guess I'm just venting. But I just want you to know that you are not alone Raven. Were all here. This forum is a blessing for us. A real blessing. Keep coming to us and I guess its about patience and letting go too which is not easy if were doing the opposite and closing off because of the pain.
to you. I really feel for you. Be strong, all will be revealed in
one small step at a time each building on the other until you can take larger steps and get to your destination.

Somewhere in my mind I know this is true - I'm just feeling at the 15 steps backwards place right now! Hopefully I can make up with at least 16 baby steps or more to get back ahead of myself Smiler

she has really gotten to know 'me' vs. the everyday social mask that I wear

I don't think I could say this about my T. I don't think I've allowed her to get to know the real me under the mask. Interesting though....I think this is something I could ask her about and get her opinion.

So her sitting next to me has helped a lot.

Mine has never tried to move close to me and I think I would totally freeze if she did. she's very much a blank slate who just listens and only asks some prompting questions along the way. Maybe she isn't the best T for me. I really like her, but she's really only the first T I've worked with. I've tried a few others at different pooints in my life, but never for more than a few sessions because they've lied to me or abandoned me. I guess I need to give her a chance because I know right now it's me having a really tough time sharing my heart.

When I'm with a group of people I hate it because I really feel outcasted. I don't belong in company. I'm detached. I'm gone.

Totally. I used to be very social and over the past couple of years I'm very uncomfortable around groups of even friends. I didn't think about belonging before I started this "healing" journey ~ and now I'm aware of it all the time. It's like starting therapy opened the crack and now I somehow just "know" that I don't belong. I also don't feel self-hatred - I just feel nothing really, but I must have something that is inherently unlovable and untouchable. It's like I would just like someone to tell me what it is so I can fix it!

all I can say is that therapy is probably key and do you get to see your therapist more than once a week or...? Do you get to emailor text or whatnot?

No, I only go once a week. My insurance only covers 20 visits a year and they're almost up. My T doesn't email or text. She feels it can cause miscommunication and more damage. I can see her point.

But I just want you to know that you are not alone Raven. Were all here. This forum is a blessing for us.

Thank you all your posts made me cry tonight because I do feel the caring and this forum is kind of like a life line. While it sucks that others have to feel this way, there is a strange comfort in knowing you are not alone.

Ah Raven,
It's really hard, isn't it? At times (ok, most of the time) I feel that therapy has just made life worse for me. Trusting something that is good, knowing very well that it might end up in a huge disaster some day. But I've had to let go a bit and allow my t's comfort and connection - because I have never had that, it's very threatening and I just want to run away, but I need to do this for myself - I'm hoping that I do deserve the care she gives me..
I really try hard to look for every reason to doubt therapy, but looking back at the past year, she has not given me even one bit of reason to doubt the process and at every corner that it has been really difficult, she has been there and that is more than I can say for anybody ever. It's tough and it's always, one step forward, two steps back, but at least there is movement and I'm not stuck even though it feels like it at times.

Trust in yourself and your ability to face therapy. At the end of the day, it is a choice we need to make and opening up will not expose you to the world - only to your T and one day when you leave, all your secrets will remain there, but exposing them IS the way to healing.

Good luck and hope you feel better soon xxx
Yep - I pretty much feel like that mist the time, too. In fact I know I feel worse than I did a year ago. I'm not giving up yet. I don't feel much connection with T, but that's my fault. I'm going to try to disclose more and see if something shifts. I know I want to feel whole and joy-filled, not numb and nothingness the rest of my life.

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