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These Doctors sound incompetent.

Put it this way, I'm not therapist but if I was one, I'd be far more compassionate. If you had knocked on my door, I would have accepted you in but also calmly and empathetically explained that the boundaries were for the therapy room only. I wouldn't have gone so far as to call the police and all that rubbish.

I'm angry to know that such incompetent people actually exist in the therapy profession.

I'm sorry you've had to go through this Are you on route to see a new therapist? If so then on this board you will see a link at the top of one of the pages where there is guidance in what to ask your therapist before you start therapy. I would take a browse through it. And if you spot any warning signs of what Dr B and Dr A were like, run! Lol.

I think though things like this hurt, unfortunately people can get restraining orders etc for harassment. Are you seeing a new therapist? Maybe it's good, if you are, to address the very issue as well, of how difficult you find it to work over things.

I must admit I would be beyond devastated if my therapist took such actions out on me.It would take a long time to work through that pain and I hope you are Laura. Never give up. There are good therapists out there Smiler

I'm sorry that you had such terrible experiences in therapy, especially as a young adult. It would have hurt me terribly also. Dr. A. does not sound like the most compassionate and understanding person. It also sounds like Dr. A and Dr. B violated your rights to confidentiality and both behaved unethically and unprofessionally.

It is all one big mess but dealing with either of them isn't going to help things get better. Are you still seeing Dr. D? It would be better to try to work it out with a different therapist and try to trust that you will eventually be able to let go of Dr. A. Trying to get closure from her would be like trying to draw blood from a stone. She's just not going to give it to you. Frowner For your own peace of mind and your own happiness, it would be better if you tried to focus your energies on building a life for you.

I was so grieved for you as I read this, Laura K. Then I read FMN's reply and I really think she put things beautifully. She said much that I was feeling and trying to think how to say. Smiler

It's far from unheard of for a client to inadvertently run into one of their T's boundaries, out of unawareness that the boundary exists or out of desperation for contact with their T. In fact, many of the discussions around here center around the pain, feelings, confusion, and hopefully growth that can come from that very thing. A kind, compassionate, and skillful T will gently but firmly explain the boundaries and help you work through whatever issues that brings up for you. Unfortunately there are those who take alarm and abandon or shame their clients. This is awful and can do a lot of damage. Fortunately, you *can* move on and heal, but it still sucks. I'm so sorry you were treated like a criminal, and can't imagine the pain that must have caused.
Thanks everyone for your replies. Its been very painful. I appreciate the responses & support. I may have a follow up threeway with Dr B if she allows it - just to discuss what the f*ck she was thinking in person. It would make me feel better/heard to be able to discuss it and understand her perspective. If it was a mistake or she really felt what she did was perfectly ok to abandon me and try to become friends with my previous therapist.
Laura, to me that they would hug or know each other is really their own business and has nothing to do with you. But the way that they both treated you, and later terminated you, was the real problem and the definite gripe I have with them. And if they discussed you between themselves, breaking confidentiality, that is also a serious issue.

I want to add I understand how seeing a picture like that could be so amazingly painful though. I am really sorry you had to see it and that things turned out the way they did

Even though you saw a picture of them hugging, it does not mean that Dr. A loves Dr B or Dr. B loves Dr. A. They may not even like each other. You will never know how they really feel about each other.

They probably didn't see it as a betrayal. Just a professional courtesy they extended to one another.

But I can totally understand why it would hurt so much to see the picture. It would hurt me like hell to see two people who have hurt me hugging each other. I'm wondering if you feel ganged up upon and excluded, like girls do to each other sometimes. It hurts like hell. Girls can be so mean.


Alpaca I was the one who introduced them! They only know each other through me. As part of the therapy I signed a disclosure agreement saying they could converse. I signed it almost a decade ago - not sure if it expires or what not. It did not include Dr A's son.

The entire reason I saw Dr B was help to get over Dr A. Dr B rejected me and now as I see it went out of her way to go to a dinner in Dr A's honor. That is what has me so upset.

Its not so much how they feel about each other but more so that I find it incredibly disrespectful of me and what I wanted from them.

But I can totally understand why it would hurt so much to see the picture. It would hurt me like hell to see two people who have hurt me hugging each other. I'm wondering if you feel ganged up upon and excluded, like girls do to each other sometimes. It hurts like hell. Girls can be so mean.

Yes, It def feels like mean girls.

If you went into therapy wanting help to get over someone and that therapist kicked you out of therapy and tried to become friends with that person wouldn't that upset you?!

Even though I think the dinner has less to do with you and more to do with them and maybe even moving ahead professionally, I would feel the same way too. And you are entitled to feel hurt by it.

And even though you signed the consent forms, the outcome of that union was ultimately very costly and painful for you. There are a lot of reasons to feel hurt here.


Just read the whole thread.

Putting myself in your shoes, it would hurt. I am thinking of the person I currently confide in. Telling them what happened, and thinking that they were "in my corner" supporting me. Believing me, that the whole nutty drama happened, but in the end becoming friends with the one that betrayed me. It would feel like a betrayal. What makes it tough is that we can't control the actions of others, in this case, it would lead to more frustration, I would think.

But that does not mean that the anger isn't there or isn't valid.

Would it/does it help just to have someone validate the intense feelings of betrayal until it fades? I experienced a major betrayal about 2 years ago and my T just listened to me, validated me, until the feelings began to dissipate. I'm not sure there is a shortcut for this, if there is let me know. It's painful as hell, but I think it takes more energy to contain it then let it out and let it go. I'm glad my T didn't judge me, but let me just get it all out instead of burying it, because it is almost gone.

Sending peace. Smiler
Back when I saw her I always wanted to keep in touch with Dr B once the therapy ended. To just be able to check in every few years if I wanted to just so that the ending didn't feel so traumatic.

Dr D. Is going to ring Dr B on Friday and see if she is open to having a threeway chat about the status of the relationship and what happened RE: the photo.

I totally understand why you would want to stay in touch with them and feel like you could call them to check in or touch base or whatever, especially if Dr. A was your attachment figure. But neither of them seem to be aware of how they are contributing to your pain.

Just my opinion, but I don't think you will ever get what you want from them and you might have to accept this or you will cause yourself some problems that you don't want.

It sounds like you are saying that Dr. B didn't have a problem working with you and terminated you solely because of her conversation with Dr. A. Have you talked to Dr. D about how Dr B terminated you after talking to Dr. A?

Laura, it sounds like you have to really focus your efforts on forming a strong attachment relationship with Dr. D. As hurtful as it all is, the truth is that no one owes us anything. Neither of them owe you anything in the same regard that you don't owe them anything.

You are getting what you want now from Dr. D in that he is calling Dr. B re: the status of the relationship and about the photo. But what if she says no to the threeway chat? How are you going to feel then? Will you be able to let it go?

What if she says yes but then tells you on the phone that she doesn't want to have a continuing relationship with her? How will you feel then and again, will you be able to let it go?

You need to think these things through. You need to think through what has happened in the past between the two of you.

Laura, I know it's all so painful. And I would have felt really hurt under the same circumstances. But as another T on here did, he made the client wait until she was stronger before they arranged a meeting. Maybe you could hold off a little longer?


Dr D has made contact with Dr B and they coordinating a time to discuss the photo. I went to the gym tonight but was majorly distracted. That love youtube video

really made such a great impression on me yesterday. I'm going to listen to it again. My emotions feel so fluid when this past shrink stuff bubbles up. These relationships were 12 and 8 years ago. The possibility of healing them melting away some of my past stuckness makes me smile inside. They both banished me never to speak to them again. I have a community in common with Dr A. I didn't know but apparently Dr B is also in the same community or joined it.

I am very serious about the idea of focusing on love and trying to overflow with it per the youtube video. I wonder how that factors in to this.

I am and was kind of shocked Dr B betrayed me like that. Maybe not that shocked because I sensed the betrayal 8 years ago. Dr B acts like she did EVERYTHING right and has no faults. Dr B kind of copied Dr A's stance on me. I challenged Dr B a lot on the basic boundaries but it was nothing worthy of the police. Thanks everyone for your feedback.

Dr D and I really have a great relationship and that helps a lot.

Dr B had refused to meet for 7 long years on our awful ending. Our reunion meeting 2 years ago while limited was really productive/healing. I know Dr B felt better after it even though she has been majorly against it.

Oddly I knew Dr B for 5 years but Dr D pointed out she really didn't have a great sense of who I was because I was shy back then and I am so much more communicative in writing. She would not let me write to her. Dr D and my relationship is at least 60%+ in writing/email.

Its weird to think how she got such the wrong idea about me. She basically seems to have labeled me as borderline but Dr D says I am not.

I think no matter what I'll be able to let go now. I will go to some school dinners though. I wonder if Dr B will cough up Dr As phone # so we can also speak to Dr A. We are out of touch with A who seems to be retired.

I hope they understand it was wrong not just because I caught them. Dr As phoning Dr B (over my bad behaviors ie continuing to contact her)influenced/ interfered with the relationship. Basically Dr Bs empathy was for Dr A not for me Frowner Now I have the visual proof. I can frame their betrayal.

It hurts. The way they teated me made me feel powerless, inferior and broken.
Laura ~ I'm so sorry. The pain of betrayal is one of the deepest kinds... What you needed was to have a clear sense that Dr A and Dr B, during the times you were seeing them, were your allies. Clearly, something went ary and you didn't feel they were your allies - something was missing in the theraputic alliance, by how they ended, so badly.

I had to deal with something similliar (but different too) with my old T who knows my uncle. I've seen pictures of them toegther, and it is deeply painful. I can't really have my uncle in my life - for this and a variety of other reasons. It feels deeply betraying to me after the way my old T treated me for my uncle to be friends with my T. They were friends before, and friends after, but still, it hurts a lot. There isn't really anything wrong with it - not with them being friends, nor me being hurt so badly by it - just as long as they never talk about me. I never signed a release form for them to talk about me, but my uncle knows I was in therapy with this T (I told him) and my T knows he is my uncle (it was a bad idea to go to therapy with her and think it would all be ok - but that's a whole other issue) - and yet, they still have every right to be friends even after old T trashed my heart. And my uncle is a phsyoclogist by training, although not in practice, he knows about this stuff - or should. Yes, I'm hurt and even jealous of it as I had an awful unexplained ending with old T, and yet my uncle goes to movies with her and posts them on facebook. ugh. I had to block all of them because it does feel ike a deep betrayal.

I did try for ahwile to sort out what happened with my old T by reaching out to her through my old T. For me, it never got anywhere. It just ripped open the wound deeper every time. I think now, 2 years later, I might be close to being in a good place about it to see her again to understand what happened better and why, but I'm very leary as I don't want the wound ripped open again. It could be really productive and helpful, but my old T was pretty unaware of her part of the relationship falling apart when it happened.

The most healing thing for me has been to work through it all and build a new kind of healthy boundaried relationship with my T now.

Borderline is a label sometimes the label gets put on patients that a T has a lot of counter transference with and considers beyond that T's help. Boreline is also a diagnosis that sometimes gets used in the right way and means the right thing (which is NOT as a clinical definition of pain in the butt patient). To me, it seems like the label that the T put on you as borderline is more about them, and whatever was going on with them - than them actually seeing YOU, and who you really are and what would help you, borderline or not.

I'm really glad you and Dr D have a great relationship - it sounds like he really sees you for who you are.

many hugs and good thoughts to you on this healing journey. Betrayal by a T is one of the worst things.

~ jane
I know this isn't what you want to hear, but from my (admittedly very limited) point of view, it sounds like you crossed a boundary by repeatedly calling, leaving angry messages, and showing up at the office when you were no longer a client - after they said no and filed a police report! I'm not calling you a stalker in any way, but I had a stalker (who eventually broke into my home) and he also repeatedly left angry messages, and it was a scary experience for me.

I'm sorry you feel so hurt and betrayed, but it doesn't seem like you're going to get much out of talking to either T again. It technically isn't any of your business if they're acquainted; they're adults and don't have to divulge their personal lives to a teenage girl. I'm glad that you found Dr. D who is competent and you like him, but it would probably be best if you spent your time with him focusing on your own issues now, rather than digging up photos online of Dr B.
Ouch Greenleaf. Well the police report was 8 years ago. Its been awhile since I've been a teenager Smiler I paid Dr B thousands of dollars over 5 years to help me with getting kicked out of therapy with Dr A. Dr B kicks me out and starts socializing with her?! So not cool.

Yes, I guess people can do whatever the hell they want to do.

I met with Dr B 2 years ago in therapy to try and sort things out and it was a mutually beneficial meeting. There really was no reason for Dr B to file a report back then. She overreacted to me being angry with Dr A as if it was directed at her. Dr B and I didn't really have an issue until she started threatening me with the police and expelled me.
Oh, sorry, I didn't realize this was all years ago! I assumed you were still 17/18 and the police report was filed recently, which was setting off warning bells in my head. I only read your first post so sorry if I missed the details Smiler In this case I'm surprised that you want to meet with Dr. B at all now. I guess it could provide closure to put an end to all this.
I am so sorry you went through this. I have been reading a book called
Shouldn't I be feeling better by now? client's Vuews of therapy
edited by Yvonne Bates


Broken boundaries Stories of Betrayal in RElationships of care

both are really good at looking at similar issues where the therapists are doing the wrong things and the client is so distressed that it is hard to get the therapist to really acknowledge that they are doing the wrong thing, ....

And I have been there at least twice as a client.

sorry for what happened to you and thank you for posting.
Update Dr D is speaking to Dr B on Thursday.

Dr D asked me how I'd like this to be resolved. Two years ago when we met after 7 years Dr B offered 50 minutes take it or leave it and then we were to never speak again.

Who knows what Dr B is open to now. I've always dreamed of having full closure on it directly with her. Talking to her will be really hard. I have some big questions to ask her.

I told him my ideal would be 3-5 sessions with one of the sessions in her old office.

I wonder if one of the meeting would be Dr A, B & D with me meeting if that would be too overwhelming.

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