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I had my birthday with T last year and mine is this week too Wink, except i pretty much hate birthdays and the entire month of August.

Last year T bought me a coffee and we went for a walk for the session and then sat somewhere and talked. The session was gentle and we talked about general stuff and not too therapyish. I remember it being a rainy day, but we were determined to go for a walk as the previous sessions had been very difficult for me. so we had to share an umbrella and had a few awkward moments where we accidentally touched and that freaked me. We laughed each time it happened and I said 'gross, icky, we just touched' and she said 'yeah i noticed that, i wondered if you noticed'. So it was a funny time and different and low key.

THEN. it was such a great session and we had been talking about hugs in therapy and touch for a while. I don't know, kind of lost my head and we had just been talking about it and after the session finished, I said to her that I would like a hug. The look on her face - she was so happy that I had taken that step and trusted her and I had to ask her to let me go.

So for me I remember last year's birthday session very well.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY (((((((GE)))))))

I agree with SD and keeping it totally low key.

How about having some of your favorite cake and coffee together, and then talk about the gift of YOU. Here's the trick: you have to push aside the scripts of the past for the entire session and JUST focus on the recent present and the ways you have and are so impacting the world around you.

You are such a gift Green Eyes, and I think this could be so empowering for you!!!

Last year, T actually bought me a slice of cake (AHHHH!!!) and I think had a candle in it and everything and then I felt I had to try to eat in front of him, which I did, but is hard. But he agreed to split it with me, and that made it easier. It only took up a few minutes of our session, but was nice. My birthdays pretty regularly were forgotten growing up and some were traumatic themselves (i.e. getting yelled at, because my mom forgot it and I didn't remind her and made other plans). So, I think T was kind of trying to correct some of my connections to my birthday as a time I don't like, a reminder of my lack of worth or whatever. Anyway, even that he would go out of his way to buy something was really sweet. And he obviously went to a very nice bakery to get it. I still have trouble receiving that even just thinking about it...
happy birthday GE!! I hope you have a nice day and a memorable session. I had a session on my birthday this T and I went for a walk (our first one). I wanted it be more low key, but it wasn't really haha. Oh well. It was nice to walk with her but it was pretty hot out. Good luck in whatever you do with your day and your session.

thanks SD, Amber, Anon, Draggers, Puppet and Erica Hug two
it ended up being a pretty typical session but lighter than normal.
the best gift my T gave me was the message of steadfast hope and belief that I can heal from my trauma and move into a life that is full of freedom, love and joy. He in himself is a wonderful gift and I was glad to spend 50mins of my birthday with him even if it was ridiculously early.
Happy birthday Greenie. I have thought of you all morning. Unfortunately for me you share the day with the anniversary of T terming me!!!! So i will never forget your birthday ever.

Lovely to hear that you spent some time with T. I felt like that last yr when my birthday coincided with a session with T. I thought out of all the ppl in the world to spend time with - I would willingly choose to spend it with her. I think I told her that on the day. Am a little sad that I see her again this week on Wed and my bday is a day later. It isn't quite the same.

Hope your day continues to be a good one.
I seem to have missed this thread. Wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday GreenEyes and I'm so glad you got to spend some of it with your T.

I spent this birthday with T this year. We didn't do anything and he didn't remember so he didn't say anything to me about it. I later sent him an email telling him that it was such a difficult birthday this year without C. He wished me a Happy Birthday in the email.

I once had a very memorable birthday with oldT. I brought in donuts for us and then I read to him from one of my favorite books and we discussed it's meaning to me. When I left he gave me a huge hug... the first hug I got from him. I felt so wonderful that day.

I hope your coming year is filled with joy, healing and good health.


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