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Today was hard to say the least... T is pregnant and due sometime next week, which means this was our last session before she goes on maternity leave and I work with her supervisor, (who I'll call Dr T since she's, you know, a Dr. Wink ). It's a particularly difficult time to be switching everything up for me, since a few days ago a friend of mine passed away and it's been really hard on me ED wise; I've been slipping up quite a bit due to all the stress of the situation.

T and I got to talking about how I don't think I'm very strong and she said, "I would give you a hug right now but it'd probably be uncomfortable because my stomach's so big. You're battling (insert problems) while still maintaining your grades and all of this stress you've been under. Compared to my other clients, your strength is overwhelming." I started to tear up. I don't want her to be gone for so long but I know I don't really have a say and she doesn't either. It's going to be hard adjusting to Dr T; a friend of mine from group that sees her told me that she's not as empathetic as my T and that she's a bit rigid, for lack of a better word. Maybe I'm too attached to T, or maybe I just feel weird about someone I've never met knowing everything about me from reading over T's notes. It took me almost six months to get comfortable with T, so I feel like six weeks with Dr T will be a little bit pointless. Anyone have experience with temporary T's?
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Hi Rachel,
It has to be really hard facing that long a gap with your therapist. I am sorry for the loss of your friend, that's difficult to handle at any time but having it happen at a time your own T won't be available feels pretty scary, I'm sure.

I haven't ever worked with a backup T for any length of time, but my T does have a backup T who answers emergency calls when he's on vacation and I've talked to him a couple of times. They have individual practices, and backup T has an office next door in the same building. I have talked to him in person a few times in the waiting room also. And while its not quite the same as talking to my T, he is a really good guy and its helped when I've talked to him.

And I know it could feel pointless to work with someone for just six weeks (because I know it would take me longer than that to build a deep enough trust to start doing deep work), I wonder if looking at it differently would be helpful? That seeing this T is just to help you get through the six-week gap. You may not do any really deep processing, but it would provide somewhere safe to be able to discuss any feelings that arise about your T's absence and if you need help with grieving. I think the support of a caring person is better than no support at all even if its not as good as what you would get from your T. There is no need to face this alone. I wish you the best getting through this.


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