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I'll jsut say that I have had a bit to drink tonight because I am pretty upset with my P. I shouldn't blame her because I am the one that bought the beer and opened the bottles. So i accept responsibility for my behavior this evening and will pay for it dearly in the morning Smiler

Today during my session my shrink .. oh sorry, my 'P' told me to stop blaming my poor excuse for a deceased mother for all of the abuse and crap she put me through as a child and to accept responsibility for myself and my own actions.

I only blame my mother for my inability to be 'visible' and my lack of social skills. WHY? Because when I would show any feelings I would get yelled at, if I cried I would get slapped and told "Here's something to cry about, go to your room, no one wants to see a baby" I was to be seen by company and not heard and I was not to initiate conversation with her unless I was invited - and that was the odd time when she was sober. God help me if I interrupted her drinking with a question or a need .. I might get chased with a knife or stabbed with a fork, maybe tossed against a wall, what ever suited her that particular day. So what do people do in that situation?? Well I spent a lot of time in my room, alone so that I wouldn't get into trouble for looking at her the wrong way or saying the wrong things, or I would do things that might make her happy so that I would feel loved or appreciated for even a minute, or I would spend time with the few friends I had as a kid - friends who thougth I had a pretty good life! Being financially well off doesn't make for a great life!!!

So YES i freakin blame her. She's dead now for 13yrs. I had wished it upon her DAILY since I was old enough to remember doing it .. when my friends would jump over a crack in the sidewalk saying that they wouldn't want to break their mothers back .. I was the one jumping up and down on it as hard as I could wishing and wishing that it would happen to her. I blame her (amoung others)for how I am today, and in turn I blame myself that she became so ill and died a painful death. i nursed her through her death and I took the responsibility of caring for my adopted developmentally and physically handicapped brother, which I still do today (giving up my youth for his full time care) ... WHY THE HELL CAN'T I BLAME HER !?!?!? What could I have possibly done in my life to bring this onto myself and be 'responsible' for my own behaviour? WHAT? If anyone knows i would love to hear from you!?!?! Or heck - if anyone can give me even an idea of how I can get past all of this blame .. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

My P obviously knows but she is too much of a hard ass to share any of her infinite wisdom with a mere 'ill' person such as myself. She made it clear to me that I'm not smarter than she is and that I shouldn't be trying to lead our sessions .. despite her telling me over and over again that for 'insight' terapy to work, i need to talk to her .. she doesn't initiate our sessions - she waits for me to talk .. so is she not forcing me to lead the sessions??? I don't get it!!!

I left my session with her today feeling rage and more anger than I have felt towards a person in a very long time. I just wanted to shake her and tell her that I didn't understand what she wanted from me .. maybe her mission today was to make me angry so that I could 'feel'. that;s not gonna work for me because anger shuts me down - she should have figured that out if she was 1/2 the Dr. she claims to be.'

Maybe this is her way of getting me back for bringing up the transference last week that I know made her feel uncomfortable, despite her telling me that it didn't. But she knows better than I do - she is the Dr. after all!!!

Okay, i apologize everyone .. I needed to vent BIG TIME. Anyone that reads this .. thanks for listening to me rant, I appreciate it. I'll be back to normal tomorrow and will probably kick myself in the butt for writing this in here.

I have to go to bed. Goodnight and Happy Good Friday!


What could I have possibly
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Hi Holly,
i know i am new but i wanted to reply, i hope that's ok.

if you ever find out how to stop blaming your mother please let me know too! I don't even think i have got to that stage yet actually. I am only just starting to acknowledge that her abuse has impacted on my life. And I hate her for it. I hate her for what she robbed me of, for the person i could have been if it weren't' for her, her drinking, her temper and everything else.

Sounds like there's a power struggle going on between you and your T, just because you see her doesn't mean you are less worthy as a person though. And i really don't think she'd believe that either. Can you talk to her about this? And ask her what she wants from you?

Like i said, i don't think i'm as far along this road as you, but I'd think assigning blame to an abusive parent was a positive thing, rather than blaming it all on yourself...?

i hope the drinks gave you a peaceful nights sleep if nothing else Smiler

Whew, I really went on a rant didn't I!
I don't think that I would change anything I had written. For the record, I never drink to make myself feel better or to cope. Last night was the 2nd time I have done that, the first being the 1st anniversay of my moms death when I downed a 40 of Vodka, Woo, I became good friends with the toilie that night. Anyway, I don't want to give you all the wrong impression of me. I'm a tea drinker preferably!

Hi HummBird; Thanks for listening and your kind words, it's really appreciated that people here will listen and not place judgement.

Hi Cassie; Welcome to the Forum! Sorry you had to pop in on my one night of whining Roll Eyes Your mother sounds like mine, I totally hear what you are saying, I hated my mother, and still do even though she is gone and hating her isn't worth the effort. but I look at what I could have done, what I should have done as a kid and also where I could be if it wasn't for her. I know that I am the only one that is incharge of my destiny, but it's hard to get past all of that when in the back of your head you are hearing 'you're stupid, you can't do that, you'll never amount to anything yadda yadda yadda'

I don't think there is really a power struggle b/n the P and I perse (sp), last week I told her that I had some transference and was attracted to her. She changed her facial expressions and her demeanor that day, and this past week was no different. I don't know whats got in her bonnet (it's not like I want an affair with her, I'm happily married) - it's supposed to be a good thing to talk about transference, but not in all cases apparently! I am going to talk to her next week about how I feel so angry at her, I have written down all the things I felt and why, and I'll read them to her so that I don't miss anything. I've asked her in the past what she wants from me, and I think like most P's/T's she said she doesn't want anything from me, I'm there to get her help.

I've been in therapy for about 8 months, but didn't say more than 10 words a session for the first 6 months!! How long have you been going?

I know that you can't get through life blaming people for things that you are inevitably in control of - but I don't know how to stop and she offers no insight to me on it, and I feel like she wanted me to change right then and there. I know she doesn't want me to blame myself either, it's more about accepting some responsibility for it .. but I'm not at the point where I can do that, and I don't understand how to go about it. Frowner

Blah blah blah .. Anyway, thanks for your comments, I'll look forward to talking with you again!

Hi Holly,

that sounds a bit much on your plate. Having told your P about the transference and on top of those rather vulnerable feelings opening the blame/responsibility-can-of-worms as well. Plenty of grounds for turmoil, so please, vent all you like!

I'm coming to this blame crap from a different angle - still blaming myself that is. God, what's going to happen once I erupt...

Anyway, my t explained something to me the other day that rather helped to penetrate the fog of my utter incomprehension. What he said was to imagine that someone in my family had died and rather than inheriting a nice big fortune I end up with all their debts. Now, I'm are not to blame for any of this (sigh), but saddled with the burden I am nevertheless - I'm the one paying, taking on the responsibility for it in the here and now. All that rubbish past down the family lines, one generation to the next. Strange as it sounds, instead of adding a burden it seemed to lift one. At least a bit.

Take care!
Hi SB Smiler

Thanks for your note.
I didn't even initiate the conversation on blame, my P did. I just wanted to talk about some crap that happened during the week and how I managed it. I had asked if 'we' were okay and if what I had said the previous week (being attracted to her) was going to be an issue during my treatment. She snapped at me about how she was a quite fine and I need not worry myself about her. I commented back, that I felt she appeared uncomfortable last week and that's why I asked. SOMEHOW this lead us to the blame stuff .. I still don't get how the whole session unfolded and how/why she made me so angry (though in her presense I was not showing anger, just frustration in her abrasive comments and her ability to twist my words into something I wasn't saying). ARGH! The stupid thing is .. I still think she's hot! What the heck is wrong with me Red Face

The only thing I blame myself for is my mothers death. I know intellectually that my wishing her dead isn't what gave her cancer, but mentally I feel like I did it to her and taht's why I cared for her in her last year of life and allowed her to die at home in her own bed while I cared for her. Oddly I resented her for that too, and for dieing and leaving my brother to my care. I'm messed up! So I have the blame coming and going. The thought of eurupting scares me, I was very close last summer when I had a few back to back traumatic incidents at work that seemed to trigger incidents from my past ie: Kid trying to kill me at work with a knife .. Mother chasing and swinging a knife at me in a drunken rage. Anyway, I snapped my crayon and that's wherwe the shrink came in. I had become extremely angry to the point of being physical, wanting to smash my truck/self into a pole at 100 clicks, and crying all the time .... I was at the verge of erupting and it was scary for me because I am a fun loving, easy going person by nature who never hurts or offends anyone, hence I was good at my job in Child Protection.

Interesting analogy your T gave you, it does sound strange that it felt like it lifted a burdon from you. But if it did that's great! Who cares what works as long as it opens your eyes and gives you a chance to figure things out.

Thanks again for your note, always nice to hear from you!

Hi Holly,
I'm kind of new to this room. However, I just read your initial post and a thought occured to me after reading the following quote from your post:

I just wanted to shake her and tell her that I didn't understand what she wanted from me

I was thinking about transferences and I wondered if you ever felt the same frustration with your mother...of wanting to tell her you don't understand what she wants from you.

I think blame is actually making an assessment of a situation. It's pointing out what went wrong. The next step is making a "corrective action plan" as my T calls it. She would say to me, "that's a great assessment, now what are we going to do about it?" (More like what am "I" going to do about it).

At any rate, I hope you're feeling better.
Originally posted by HollyBaby0:

I know that you can't get through life blaming people for things that you are inevitably in control of - but I don't know how to stop and she offers no insight to me on it, and I feel like she wanted me to change right then and there. I know she doesn't want me to blame myself either, it's more about accepting some responsibility for it .. but I'm not at the point where I can do that, and I don't understand how to go about it. Frowner



Sorry you're having a rough go of it lately (I've always wanted to say that. Doesn't it sound like I'm from England or something?). Seriously, it sounds like you're in one of those hard places in therapy. Those bumps in the road come up, and then, usually, on the other side of it, we know more about ourselves and are more bonded to our therapists, at least in my experience.

Anyway, what I wanted to say is that you don't have to know how to fix it or change it right now. The first step is recognizing that it's an issue for you. It takes a while for this to sink in. But, now that it's brought to your awareness, you'll be thinking about it, and when you start blaming someone, you might notice it, but not be able to change it yet. But the fact that you notice it is the first step. You can't change unless you're aware.

You don't have to know how to fix it all right now, just be where you are. Where you are right now sounds like you're questioning whether this is an issue for you. You'll get there step by step, day by day, moment by moment.

Questing and Cassie,

Welcome to the forum! I'm somewhat new here, too. I've found it to be a wonderful place to talk about the stuff that I can't really talk about with other people.

Hi Questing,

Nice to meet you and welcome to the forum.

You had a good question in wondering if I ever felt like shaking my mother and telling her to listen to me. Yes and no, I think that I wouldn't have been able to shake my mother, it would have ended up being uncontrolable punching her and screaming. I'm sure that my anger with the P is transference of the anger I have towards my mother.

I'm still angry, but I have been feeling better, thanks for asking.

Hi CG, Happy Easter.

A rough go of it .. that would work with an Aussie or an English person. I'm English and I have family in Australia so I can hear it from both sides. I'm glad that you finally got to say it ! LOL

I've definately hit a bump in the road with my therapy. I'm hoping we can get over it because I really don't want to have to quit therapy after what I've already put into it.

Thanks for your insight, it's always appreciated.

Today during my session my shrink .. oh sorry, my 'P' told me to stop blaming my poor excuse for a deceased mother for all of the abuse and crap she put me through as a child and to accept responsibility for myself and my own actions.

It is never a P's place to TELL you what to do. NEVER. They can guide you and direct you but to tell you to stop blaming your mother is to me out of line.

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