Doyou believe that memories are often stored in our bodies? How can we relieve these and overcome the pain of these? - the dude
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Debra (Guest)
Hey Dude:
Yes, I believe that painful memories can be deeply embedded within our bodies ....(It is my experience, anyway).....
Yes, I believe that painful memories can be deeply embedded within our bodies ....(It is my experience, anyway).....
How can we relieve these?
the dude
the dude
Debra (Guest)
The Dude:
Well, I am certainly no expert.....however, I became aware through many years of therapy that I had actually been "hanging onto" these painful memories....not the other way around as I had thought (those memories were "hanging onto me")....It was unconsciously done....(that reptilian brain!).....I guess my answer to your question is really to seek out a that you can bond and connect with.......and help relieve you from these memories that are causing you so much pain.....I am hopeful that your physician gave you a prescription for some analgesic (pain killer) at least relieve you from your physical pain....Is this helpful at all??
Take good care
Well, I am certainly no expert.....however, I became aware through many years of therapy that I had actually been "hanging onto" these painful memories....not the other way around as I had thought (those memories were "hanging onto me")....It was unconsciously done....(that reptilian brain!).....I guess my answer to your question is really to seek out a that you can bond and connect with.......and help relieve you from these memories that are causing you so much pain.....I am hopeful that your physician gave you a prescription for some analgesic (pain killer) at least relieve you from your physical pain....Is this helpful at all??
Take good care
I've got a good therapist (perhaps we have the same one??) And yes, I'm on massive pain killer.
Debra (Guest)
Hey Dude:
So glad to hear that you have a good do I and she works in Coquitlam....
So glad to hear that you have a good do I and she works in Coquitlam....
yes well... you also gave her initials elsewhere! (CG right?) 

Debra (Guest)
Well, we have the same therapist??
So it would seem!
Debra (Guest)
I'd say that we are both very lucky people!!
I'd say that we are both very lucky people!!
Well, uhm that's quite interesting. I don't think this happens very often. I hope that's okay for you both.
Shrinklady...on the Run.
Shrinklady...on the Run.
Debra (Guest)
It is certainly okay with me...
It is certainly okay with me...
It's fine by me... I suppose it'd be different if one of us HATED her.. that could cause some troubles...
Hi Deb and Dude, that's good to hear. It's kinda cool in some ways too. I only asked cause I know...from personal experience...sometimes we can go through periods when we don't like our therapist very much.
Thanks to both of you for sharing,
Thanks to both of you for sharing,
Debra (Guest)
I find myself in a place of wonder?? Why would an individual continue to see a therapist that they didn't like very much or HATE?
From inquisitive headquarters...
From inquisitive headquarters...
LOL... wellllll.. i DID tell her last week that i hated her! sometimes therapy isn't easy...
Debra (Guest)
Hey Dude:
I believe there is a fine line between "hate" and "love"......they become interwoven at times.....
I believe there is a fine line between "hate" and "love"......they become interwoven at times.....
ain't that the truth!
I've been in & out of therapy for about 8 years now, I'm kind of an incurable case. I do know what you mean by holding onto painful memories..
My experience of late has been realizing that I need to "let go", not just of the memories, but of the emotional pain and damage that I feel as a result of them. I need to cry, kick, scream, push... and have someone be a solid rock for that.
Unfortunately you can't hit your therapist, but you could hit an inanimate object... eh, unfortunately that doesn't work for me. I guess something I've also realized is that some people are incapable of understanding those of us with problems. A guy I know thinks life is all about what you make it, you can "overcome" anything, you can change your life, you can just simply "be happy" if you want to. I say that's a load of crap, but those who haven't traveled such dark waters can't possibly understand the tides.
It's a shame, isn't it?
My experience of late has been realizing that I need to "let go", not just of the memories, but of the emotional pain and damage that I feel as a result of them. I need to cry, kick, scream, push... and have someone be a solid rock for that.
Unfortunately you can't hit your therapist, but you could hit an inanimate object... eh, unfortunately that doesn't work for me. I guess something I've also realized is that some people are incapable of understanding those of us with problems. A guy I know thinks life is all about what you make it, you can "overcome" anything, you can change your life, you can just simply "be happy" if you want to. I say that's a load of crap, but those who haven't traveled such dark waters can't possibly understand the tides.
It's a shame, isn't it?
Debra (Guest)
Yes, it sure is......some of us have a more difficult journey than others.....
Yes, it sure is......some of us have a more difficult journey than others.....
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