i just think i have to pack it all up because otherwise i am going to be a blanking wreck for the next several years of my family's life and maybe i can just HOLD ON like i have for these first 49 years and these problems will begin to vanquish if i quit paying so much blanking attention to them. all this therapist talk is making me crazy and feel like i am living in a whole world apart from the real world, and i can't do both at the same time
Man, I think I can realte to that one. But I don't think there's any going back, whether we want to or not. All this stuff is out there now, and I don't think packing it up will have the same results that it used to...just my opinion. I too wish I could pack it all up and go back to normal life Jill- but I hope you (and I) will stick it out during the rough times and take the good times until we get where we want to be...
hug, prayers, Jill- oh and don't be discouraged about lack of responses if you are...I used to worry and feel awfully sad about that too, until I was on the board for awhile and I realized that is just the way it works out sometimes and had nothing to do with me. Be kind to you, it sounds like you had two very intense sessions with a new T and are processing a lot right now. also you seem lonely, and I know I use the board a LOT when I am feeling very lonely, and sometimes, it helps, and sometimes, I just have to let myself be in that very lonely place, so hard to do.
I can be in a roomful of people, have crowd that fills the room over (my husband likes to give bashes at our place) and feel lonlier thatn I would just sitting in the woods truly alone, sometimes. Smile laugh, drink, joke...pretend to be interested in the small talk...just to cover it up so nobody knows that I don't feel like I'm part of it at all. I am starting to realize, the lonliness is the thing I must learn to cope with the most. And instead I keep using these coping mechanisms, Jill, and they help for awhile, but only, for awhile. I'm so glad you can pray, that is tremendous. Be kind to yourself, say your prayers, rest, Jill. It will be brighter someday.