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Well Liese, we have not started to scratch the surface for me - so I have about 5 or more years of this to go. I am still barely getting to phase 1 so boredom is not a word in my vocab yet.

My T is also a companion / coach for me so that I have someone to help me with my life - I can't see myself at that stage for years to come as I can't get through a day without contact from T to keep me safe.

But... I have done CBT therapy when I was younger and had fortnightly and then monthly sessions and I did get bored with that, so I do know what you mean. It lost its appeal after a while and that is when you realise that you don't need therapy to function.

It is an interesting phase for you to be in Liese. What is your next step.

I haven't completed phase 1 either. My T and I went over the phases together and it was really helpful. Almost done with it but he says I still have a fear of mental contents. We've probably dabbled in phase 2 and 3 just because that's what life brought us but they do say it's a bit of a spiral and as we integrate new material, old fears come back up to the surface.

Problem is my real life is incredibly stressful and that interferes with our ability to stay focused on the phases. The boredom could just be a protective thing because life's been a little shaky lately and maybe I'm just tired of feeling too much and that's why I want to quit.
ha, that is why I asked because i suspected the boredom was a protective cover for you.

My life too is chaos plus and so far in 2 yrs we have barely done any therapy on the past issues - just the stuff that comes up each week in my life and of course the stuff that comes up between T and I.

I don't envy your shaky life - it is hard to keep things together when everything feels out of control.
TAS and others....

You can google trauma therapy phases and find some good articles on this. Here are some:

Dr. Christine Courtois writes extensively on complex trauma and this site has a selection of articles on the topic. It's not easy reading but very helpful and informative. Learning about complex PTSD and the stages of treatment will help in your therapy. The second article on the list is a must read and towards the end discusses the 3 stages/phases of trauma therapy.

You know Liese... one of the steps of healing and progressing in therapy is understanding what you are struggling with and what you suffer from and why and then to understand the road forward. For me it's very affirming to know that there IS a road, one that good T's put to use to help us and that if you work hard there is healing out there for us. I'm not there yet and I've hit some bumps and detours but I am in the hands of a knowledgeable T and I know that there is a real plan and that helps me to see our progress.

I don't mean to hijack your thread but I think you have really understood this and that you (and T) have come a very long way on this road. Maybe you are just taking a breather before you drill down to the next level of processing. That's okay. And maybe you are in avoidance mode. You will tackle what is left when you are ready.

Just my opinion.


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