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I noticed that I am often confused about what can I expect of other people, how close to other people you can get and how much of yourself it is alright to reveal.
I remember that as a child I always wanted to have a close friend with whom I could trust my secrets. I didn't really have any big secrets but I dreamt of a great intimate frienship. I guess children don't really form this kind of relationships between themselves. I suppose that it should be a mother with whom a child should really trust and have this really close intimate relationship. I'm not sure if I'm correct here.
However as I grew up I had a few friends with whom I was really close, friends who also had some family issues and we were almost each others confessors. This was the kind of frienship that I was longing for as a child. Later on, I thought that only this kind of relationship is true and meaningfull and in order to bond you need to be able to spill out your guts to the other person. I'm a bit confused how much you can actually expect from people, because apparently not all people expect to be trusted my problems and all. Basicly I don't know how much of yourself you can share, how far do you go to have a meaningful bond with a person, how do you develop it and maintain. I guess that's why I am in therapy.

I think with some people I tend to share too much and risk getting misunderstood and hurt, and with others I keep to much distance because I don't know how much I can tell them about myself, how much do they want to know me, how close is alright with them. I am afraid of keeping too much distance and appear as cold and reserved or be too needy, too clingy, too much, too burdening with my own stuff. I think sometimes I may expect some people to became my therapist or my parent and sometimes I pretend I don't have that need, because I am afraid of loosing them. Sometimes I would like to talk about myself a lot, and sometimes I feel I should be really quiet because it is not appropriate to give intimate details about yourself.

I got really upset today with my friends (with whom I probably shared too much and expected too much, only my therapist actually has that kind of empathy for me). A friend of mine just finished reading a book about a few women meeting for a group therapy. The therapist was very challenging with them, was disputing issues with them, suggested different approach and attitudes to situations they were dealing with. Since I told my friends that my therapist doesn't give me advise, doesn't tell me what to do what or to think, doesn't try to comfort me and cheer me up when I'm crying and feeling sorry for myself, doesn't suggest to find different attitude to me being single and alone, and allows me to be in love with him, then basicly he must be a dodgy therapist, some unexperienced individual trying out his own approach on me. I got really pissed off, but I knew I can't show my feelings to them the way I would show them to him. Basicly we were at canteen and that was not the place to start a major fight, especially that some were already getting agitated and I was getting angry. I swallowed it up and feeling pissed off now. I feel that I crossed certain boundary with them and gave them information that is beyond their comprehension (none of them were in therapy and they don't have a bloody clue). Beating myself up for this and feeling really pised off about how dared they suggest that my therapist is in any way bad, unexperienced, does something wrong or doesn't have a clue what he actually does.
really pissed off here...

What do you think....
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I'm sorry you're so pissed off right now, but I think you have a right to be. It's hard to share things with people we care about and want to be understood by, only to NOT be understood by them. I have similar issues. Boundaries are tricky things for me. I have admitted to a couple of people that I have an attachment to my T, and often wonder when it's going to come back to bite me. And people will ask me why I don't change therapists, like it is as easy as changing your socks or something. They don't get the transference/attachment issue and how hard it is to try and tear yourself away from someone that is so important to you as your therapist can be. It's hard.

If some of my friends attacked my T like your friends did your T, I would be angry, too. We all get our first impressions of therapy from the media and it's not a black and white, one-size-fits-all sort of thing. Your friends are getting a limited perspective on what therapy is, and that is what most of us get. That's why I ventured onto the internet and found this website was because I had one view of what therapy was and I was getting something different than that in my sessions.

I don't have any wise words to offer (I hope that some day I'll get to the point where I will), but I do want to say that you are justified in feeling angry about what your friends did today. Saying things about your T without knowing the whole story and seeing the big picture is really unfair and wrong, in my opinion. I'm sorry you're feeling hurt and angry. I would be, too.

Hugs Amazon,
I am sorry your friends were not supportive and didn't try to understand you. Frowner Attachment is definitely a tough subject and most people just don't get it at all. I hope you aren't questioning yourself because of what they said.

Could you try to explain that there are different types of therapy approaches and your Ts is a good fit for what you are needing? Not sure if that would be helpful??

I also have huge difficulties navigating relationships. What seems to happen naturally for everyone else is just so hard for a lot of us here. I once told a friend I had met for coffee (and this is a 25 year friendship) that my T was supposed to have called me about something, and I was upset that she hadn't yet - I got a very strange look, so I dropped it. Frowner Also the fact that it sounds like there was more than one friend saying these things to you I am guessing left you feeling ganged-up on? Not fun and not fair!!

I am glad you at least have this place for some understanding. Hope you can feel better soon....Frowner
I feel like I am learning to navigate throught the relationships just right now.

The other "mistake" I've made was that I mentioned to my friends feelings so badly, so miserable couple of days ago, that I wanted to die. I didn't really want to kill myself, I just wanted to stop living if there was such an option. So then I hear comment that is this therapist really helpful if I'm feeling like this? Again just one side of the story someone sees, because I'm going into the really difficult stuff with my T, and after feeling so badly I was able to pick myself up, go out and actually have a lot of fun. So the therapy is working!
On top of that probably all of these girls need therapy themselves.

I basicly need to figure out how much you can tell to others about who you are, how are you feeling, what do you go through and what you think.
I wonder how far other, "normal" people go in revealing things about themselves. I am really struggling with this part.

Guys, I think most people would thnk that the attachment you have to your therapists is wrong, inappropriate etc. Nobody will have a clue that it is the attachment that you need to work through to heal your inner child and yourself.

I think I just need to basicly stop talking about my therapist, because nobody gets it.
I suppose I'm like a child who wants to be proud in front of other children about having this wonderful, perfect person who cares about ME, and is so good to ME. I never had that, so I'm kind of acting out something that should be a thing of the past.
Amazon, I relate so much to what you're saying. I have had the same sorts of problems with my friends. Unless people have been in therapy, I mean really been in therapy, not just a few sessions with some T they didn't click with, they just don't get it.

About a year ago I was really struggling with the erotic transference feelings I had (have) for my now ex-P, and I opened up to a couple of friends about it. They said, "Just get a new therapist. Then you can have an affair with him!" like it was no big deal. Um, no, it doesn't work like that. Now here I am in the process of divorcing my husband, and I've quit therapy with ex-P, so I feel like I'm going through two breakups (one public, one private) at once, and on top of that I find out ex-P is gay... and my friends think it's hilarious. Roll Eyes They just don't get it. I really don't think it's possible to understand this connection and feeling of being understood/known unless you've experienced it.

OK didn't need to vent all my stuff on your thread. Sorry about that. Red Face But I do understand what you're going through. I have an easy time making friends, but those relationships are mostly superficial. I also struggle with knowing how much of my personal life and inner world to disclose. There's always that fear of rejection if they know the "real" me; that they will think I'm crazy or something. Then I have people (ex-P and current T) tell me that I'm not an easy person to get to know, that I always seem to be holding back or hiding something. It makes people nervous I think.

It's a fine line. I don't know if I'll ever figure it out. I think people want us to be authentic and open, but only if we are who they want us to be.

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