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huge fear of mine, to discuss / explore with my T, because I am so super sensitive right now to my childhood traumatic relationship with my mother. I see, hear and feel rejection in the slightest of things. I am so fearful (petrified) of being invaded emotionally, I keep large concrete walls up to protect myself from her (or anyone).

The relationship with my mother I can best describe as EMOTIONAL RAPE. She invaded me emotionally, she took from me, all I had, and left me depleted, alone and afraid. Her love was when SHE needed it, never when I needed it. She would be physically abusive or shut me in a cupboard and hold the door shut with her foot; even the I'd be crying out in fear that I couldn't breathe. Then - when SHE - felt bad about it, would break down, open the door, cry and ask for forgiveness.

I would end up having comforting her, for HER pain and regret ;(

So I not only fear REJECTION from my T (ie her feeling too far away from me emotionally) I really really fear her moving too CLOSE. Things that are too intimate to even contemplate: any eye contact with her; talking on the phone; knowing ANYTHING about her personal life - honestly all I do know is her name, her qualifications, her 2 jobs and where they are located. Not a single thing otherwise and I need (!!!!) it to stay that way.

(Reading other posts on here I know I'm not alone in how horrifying it would be to run into her outside the rooms - find out at the same time she has a family of her own - a significant other / lover, or worse - that she has young daughters ).

It's been about a month ago since I've bought it up transference issue with her, and as scary as hell as it is, it also gives me hope that I might be able to work through it with her.

But lately, I am wanting more from her. It's becoming impossible to ignore my feeling of waning to know she does actually CARE. It's raw and painful to be forced to accept the limitations of our relationship - once a week session, an email or two in between (which she might take a couple of days to reply too).

It's hard to not feel she doesn't give a shit because she isn't taking my pain AWAY.

Last night I was in agony, sobbing my heart out, lying on the floor of my bathroom, door shut, lights off, knowing that she as somewhere on the other side of town oblivious to my suffering - That no matter how much pain or suffering I am going through, it has no impact on her wider life

I've processed a lot of it since last night.

Today I feel more in a place of trying to work out HOW I go about asking her for something - for some form of tiny comfort from her, something she will be able to give me, within the boundaries of our relationship.

That I am even THIKNING of it is MASSIVE for me!!! Big Grin

I nee some ideas, support and understanding to help me work towards raising it with her this coming week.

I'm so afraid her answer will be no, to whatever I ask for

But my need - as well as a tiny seed of trust that she does care, and if she said no it would be due to good reasons ( Confused ?????) and not cos she hates me Confused ????)

What I'd like from her
??? a piece of paper with her handwriting on it -at our first app months ago she had given me a piece of paper with our next app time on it, with her name on it - I carried that with me like treasure for months (until it disintegrated Frowner ). I even slept with it under my pillow.

??? To take with me to a session, a small painted stone, have her hold it for the hour, and return it to me, warm. Oh how much I'd want that. How precious that token would feel and how much COMFORT it would bring Frowner

*** she will say no. That I will find out where our boundary is. That she won't want to 'encourage' me to seek any comfort from her, and asking for it crosses the line. I'd feel so damn rejected, I don't knows if I'd cope or survive it Frowner

*** she will think - KNOW - how pathetic I am. Pretty pathetic, how such a small thing could mean so much to me - what a loser.

*** that it will open a can of worms of my wanting, needing, aching and yearning for MORE comfort from her - and of course, it can't / won't / shouldn't happen - I don't at the movement aa yeah, ache or yearn for her to 'be a mother to me'. My aching is limited to wanting to feel she cares. But if she gives me a little, I really fear my aching heart broken inner child will want more and more. And FARK being in that level of need.
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Welcome, Eliza! I've seen a couple of your posts on the forum today, and this is the first chance I'm getting to respond.

Transference sucks so, so badly. I have pretty strong transference with my T (including some of the erotic kind), and a lot of the fears you have I've felt, too. My T cares for me deeply, but he also has very strong boundaries. (I don't even get email contact. Session only.) Asking for anything feels like an act of dismemberment. I'd love it if he called me once a week just to check on me, or gave me a handwritten letter, or let me have a transitional object, but I'm terrified to ask. Being told no feels like the end of the world, and I also struggle with being seen as pathetic.

For the record, though, I have gotten a couple of "no's" from my T, and I didn't die. It hurt like hell, but I kept breathing. It's possible.

I know in the face of strict boundaries, it can seem like our Ts don't care. They see us once a week or so and don't know if we're crying our eyes out at home. But most of them do care. It's just that they can't give us everything we want or all the things we missed in childhood. It's impossible. It would drain all of their energy, and it still wouldn't be enough to fill that yawning hole of need inside. That's why this is so painful. Encountering their boundaries makes us realize what we should have received in childhood but didn't. That realization feels like dying. And, at some point, that loss will have to be grieved over. But because the loss is so great, it feels like the grieving would kill us or never stop. So instead of grieving on the front end, we look to our Ts for whatever comfort they can give. In reality, this is a necessary diversion on the path to grief. Once we can get in a safe enough place with our Ts, having some of our needs met, then we can grieve our real losses without feeling like we'll be consumed.

If your desires are too hard to voice, why not write a letter to your T? Many of us here have done that with good success. And, just to add, a good, ethical trauma T won't shame you or your feelings. Attachment issues are very common in this kind of work. It's normal. Your feelings are normal. It's ok. Take your time and be gentle with yourself. Hug two
Ouch. Even hurts having it spelled out like you have - even though I KNOW it already (and I know it wasn't your intention to be hurtful ST ALL).

I don't want a lot from my T - I'm deathly afraid I will want more; but it would be nice to have SOMETHING.

I hear you on the 'a little won't ever be enough' - even THINKING about it hurts so so so much.

It makes me so uncomfortable when I read how other peoples Ts hug them - that would be my WORST NIGHTMARE. I couldn't cope if she moved her seat a little closer from where it is now (a few feet away). At our last session it freaked me out and left me feeling so YICKY when she got up out of her chair to get something behind her. She didn't even move towards me or near me, but even her moving out of her chair was too intense and left me feeling invaded Frowner

My feelings change on this all the time. This morning I felt like I could work on asking or talking to her about it - but right now, it's so raw (just from reading about what I you put), I feel sick inside. And so much SHAME.

I have been honest with my T in that I feel my presence, just EXISTING around her will somehow taint her. Pollute an otherwise good thing, a decent human being. Like she will get ruined via my badness.

I also feel she will be utterly REPULSED by me if I were to ask her for any needs if mine to be met. Hell, just HAVING needs leaves me feeling I'm repulsive.

I couldn't phone her inbetween session either - even if it was an option. It would feel she is too invasive.

The feeling invaded thing is exactly the same feeling like if a dirty old man came and sat next to you on the bus - he wouldn't have to try anything in order for you to feel YICK. That is how I feel when my T does something very small towards me.

Hadn't realised how I had felt about it when she moved up from her eps eat - but that is how I felt - like a dirty old pervert man had sat beside me on the bus. I wanted the feeling to go away so bad. Still feel like it's happening now, just by sharing about it.

Bloody hell - if her getting up out of her chair - away from me - leaves me feeling like I've been invaded; how would I cope if she did reach out a little to meet my needs - all very good in theory I'd love a piece of paper with her handwriting on it - or for her to warm a stone, but... YUCK Frowner.

She did give me a piece of per yesterday with her writing on it - a phone number and website for a peer led anxiety support. I didn't realise I feel grossed out, invaded by having that piece of paper.
Has anyone else been THIS sensitive to feeling grossly invaded??????
I can't say I've been that sensitive, but I know what you're talking about. Right now, there's two areas of your brain in conflict: one is the hurting part that so desperately craves comfort. The other is your survival mode that views anyone capable of providing that comfort as a serious threat to be avoided at all costs. That's how you want so badly to have her near and are utterly repulsed by her at the same time. I've gone through this exact same thing with my T, and occasionally still feel it. I swear my hair starts to rise when I think his feet might be getting close to mine during session.

It's ok. This is normal. You're a good, sane person who is simply hurting inside. You aren't going to taint her with "badness." The abuse you suffered made you believe you are bad and unworthy of love, but it's a lie. Needs are normal and healthy, and for the first time you're entering a space safe enough to express them. Go slow. Be gentle. You can heal.
I just want to know my T cares. But the problem is, it doesn't matter how much she 'might' care, it's not enough, and never will be.

I've spent most of the entire weekend, obsessing, thinking about her all the time, what she might be doping to spent her weekend. And here i am, feeling so awful, so uncared about.

I want to email her, to say 'it feels like you don't care'. Can I guess the answer? either 'we will talk about it friday' or she will point out that i might FEEL that way, but it doesn't make it true.

But - if its how i FEEL, then doesn't it matter if its true or not? it's how i feel - even if the fact was she did 'care', if i can't feel it, then it's exactly like she doesn't' anyway.
It's very difficult when we have had invasive or abusive (or both) mothers... it leads to that painful dynamic at times with therapists - I think it's her job to contain those valid and very real feelings and experiences you are having right now though.

Go really gently EJ. Really really gently. You have been hurt as a little girl and that part of you may be very fragile and frightened and feel totally that no one cares.

I've some bad 'mother' experiences too - so I can feel where you are coming from... it does get better gradually, but hurts like h*ll at times until then. Hold on in there, you are doing really well to express how it feels for you right now.

Thinking of you,

Thank you sapphire for the encouragement and reassurance. The intensity of those feelings has passed; I'm with a new set of yucky feelings now. Yesterday it was at overwhelm stage; I'm HOPING I've started to come out the other side of the huge wave - a wave that threatened to swamp and engulf me.

It is really hard doing this work. I haven't ever really explore the transference / relationship with T before - probably because deep down I knew how potentially freaking hard and horrible it was.

It's very scary going into I chartered waters. I struggle to hold onto who I am, where I am, what I'm doing.

Lots of strong intrusive Images from my childhood - with my T right in the middle of them.
EJ, I totally know how you feel. Just in bringing up my Transference at all I was terrified, shaking and ended up having to write it in a letter to tell him.

It's hard to open yourself up emotionally to anyone when you've had such a hard time growing up. My situation is different, my family didn't hug, kiss or say I love you. We were to keep to ourselves. Opening up to my T was so hard because I was afraid of being rejected or told to take it back and hide it.

I feel totally weird when people say they hug their T too. It's a boundary I was never allowed to cross and it scares me but I've wanted to. I've even thought of sneaky ways to try and get a Transference object from him, like asking him to write sometimes down so I don't forget it, but in the end, not talking about it won't help.

The worst that your T can say is No. But it won't be like when others do it. Your T understands you wants and needs and the are able to address these needs without being cruel. It's so hard for people who don't understand and they react badly, taking advantage or pushing us away and it leaves scars behind. Your T is there to guide you through those terrible and confusing feelings.

When I did tell me T, he helped me realize what I needed and what I was looking for and how he's guiding me to find those things in my own life, outside of the office.

I know it's always asking so much to trust your feelings and overcome fears but it's something that just might pay off. Just ask. Tell her what you want, or do what I did and write a letter and leave it for her after you go. It was easier for me that way.

I wish you luck and I hope it turns out for you. Even if you don't get what you want, I hope that she can help you see what you need and help you take steps towards recovery. Keep in touch and let us know how you're doing!!!
I'm sorry you didn't get hugs etc growing up - i don't think its that un-normal for us on this forum - i imagine form most of us, childhood wasn't he rosy white picket fence seen on tv … with hugs abound left right and centre …

i have got my T to write things down for me, purely so id have her writing on a piece of paper for comfort (and not tell her that is why i wanted her to write it down). i don't feel guilty about that.

im not wanting any thing form her anymore. I think I've felt so wounded this week, I'm recoiling as if from a hot stove. I'm definitely too fragile and vulnerable to ask for something and not receive it - i am so super sensitive to previous abandonment and rejection i FEEL rejected at the mere HINT of anything that MIGHT lead to a 'no' or 'rejection'.

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