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I feel awful...I have a personality disorder and have trouble with attachments. I don't connect well with people in person and struggle with romantic relationships. My husband and I separated recently and I began seeing a therapist. I have recently found my therapist on a dating site and began stalking him. I don't know why, but I had this huge urge and it got out of control. It began with my setting up a fake profile to view his profile. He messaged me so I went along with it. He tried to set a date but I made up an excuse, but then got obsessed and kept checking his profile. After that, I created another profile of an attractive woman to see what he'd do. So he contacts the new profile and it's the same. I turn down a date request of course, and he gives me his personal email for the future. So I maintain control, but lose it and contact him. We begin emailing from our home emails. Again he tries to set up a date but I put him off but try to keep up a dialogue. I guess I want to get to know him, to be someone he desires even though it is all fake. He shares some personal info about his last girlfriend, and I respond. He clearly doesn't like my response as answers, "no, it was nothing like that". He emaied at 3:30 that morning "insomnia?". There was one more email and then he said we shouldn't be in contact anymore unless we meet. I ask if he really wants to meet and he answers that its not a good idea. Now I feel terribly guilty as I clearly hurt his feelings. He's also nervous about being stalked as he knew the previous profile was a fake. It's awful to mess with someone emotionally and that's what I did. I also don't want him to find out its me. Should I tell him and try to workthrough it with him? Should I let it go? If he discovered it was me would he say something?
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