I'm trying to work out how I feel and it's very confusing, because I am having so many reactions:
* Grateful/relieved that he intervened in something that was feeling increasingly impossible to do, because it went very badly last time.
* Indignant at the loss of ability to do it for myself, which was a growth opportunity (though T did point out I will have a lot more practice on this issue and others).
* More fully understood, because he was on the receiving end of the reactions that I would usually get for being the one to stand up.
* Protective over my H, because is one of a few things related to my treatment that is undermining his sense of therapeutic alliance.
* Scared to share things that might cause similar actions in the future.
* LY feels safe, because someone finally protected her.
* More avoidant parts are upset, because they don't want to rely on anyone. "I take care of me," except I was failing. The idea of being protected by anyone literally makes them nauseous.
* Worried about becoming a burden or causing a rupture that results in abandonment by T or H or both.
* Oddly trusting of T's discernment, while questioning my judgment on that. I mean, it would have been a simple thing to ask me if I was OK with him doing it. He knew I'd be at least a bit upset, because he said, "You're going to be mad at me."
So, I can't work out where I am at in terms of MY relationship with T. Do I trust him, because I know he will do whatever is best for me and my safety, especially when he feels it is imperative/urgent, even if he knows I will be mad? Or do I not trust him, because he basically made a decision for me without consulting me. It was the decision he knew I was leaning toward and had committed to in the past. I suppose, ultimately, that he cares more about my safety than my liking him is important with how destabilizing our work can get. I'm just afraid that I will start to categorize in my conversations with him...and then sift out those things that I worry might trigger protective impulses, because it is so uncomfortable for me to be protected in that way.
Has anyone had a similar experience where your T had to intervene for your safety (whether it was changing your treatment plan or disclosing information to another party)? Did it interfere with your ability to share afterward? Were you able to work through it quickly? I'm so confused right now. I don't think this is an unfixable rupture. We have already been texting about my discomfort and I have no plans to cancel tomorrow's session, nor do I really feel angry at him. It just feels like, I don't know, really confusing that he was helping to fix a boundary problem by crossing my boundaries. I guess, ultimately, when safety is an issue, sometimes they have to make those tough calls. It must be really hard to be a T. I kind of think we'd be better off with separate Ts (not that T could have predicted how my treatment was going to go). H has been with our T longer, but the work I do with him is much more intense and H has zero transference/attachment issues with T, so it would be easier for him to leave. Yet, I would feel like I had stolen his T and forced him to start over. I don't know. It feels pretty trapped right now.