I haven't posted here for a long time really. Hopefully some of you still remember me. I see quite a few familiar names are around.
About a month ago I had to cut back to fortnightly sessions for financial reasons. Over Easter my T took a holiday so it ended up being 3 weeks between sessions. When I went for my session this week I found it very stressful because so much had happened in that time emotionally it was hard to remember all the things I wanted to tell her. My old T used to be very keen on discussing breaks, so much so that a week's break would involve discussion to prepare for the break in the session before, having the break and then discussing the impact of the break in the first session back which would infuriate me as the break seemed to take up three times as long as it should! But this T just said it was only a week longer than usual, seemingly not understanding why I was making an issue of it. For me, a) three weeks is still a long time in therapy and b) for over a year I've been seeing her weekly and haven't really adjusted to the fortnightly thing yet.
I saw her yesterday and I had a job interview today and waiting another 13 days to talk to her about it seems soooo looooong!
I can email her although she won't respond with more than a few words but I try not to.
I think I want to tell her that I'm struggling with the gaps and that three weeks is a big deal. Do you think I should email her? Or get through it and see how I feel in a fortnight? I definitely can't afford to see her more often. I can't actually afford to see her as much as I do.