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I'm sick of hearing things people aren't saying. The current series in church is "How to..." and this week was on praying. Our pastor was going through the different ways we can talk to God and using the "Our Father" as a template and that sort of thing. When he got to the forgiving others part, he kept using this phrase to "not rehearse your hurts," or something like that. So, of course, I hear, "Stop talking about it and keep that $#!+ to yourself." I told him so after church. One part got super stirred up and I had sudden SI urges in the middle of church, including images and sensations. Basically, there was this awful feeling that we should never bring up the bad stuff that happened, because that means we're not forgiving and we're bad and anybody we share stuff with like the pastor or T is wondering why we don't get over it and forgive them. Honestly, I don't even feel like I haven't forgiven. It's more like I never even fully FELT the feelings, so there was nothing to forgive. So, I guess there are parts stuck in unforgiveness.

Now, I know my pastor very well and we are actually pretty good friends and I know that he would NEVER say that I should just stop feeling hurt or not share about them. He is VERY big on how we can't do life alone and we're meant to carry one another's burdens and encourage each other and all that. He would have never meant what I was hearing, but I couldn't stop hearing it. And between the two services (I was singing, so I attended both), I must have heard him use the phrase like eight times.

Now, even though I KNOW that's not at all what he meant and he wasn't literally targeting me with that statement, I can't stop thinking over all the stuff I've told him about the past and how he must have been wishing I'd just get over it. Now, I don't want to bring up any of this past stuff to T and am sinking back into a self-destructive state. It helped a little that I was able to tell him (and then run away) how I mis-translated it, and he joked around with me about it to let me know that's not at all where he was coming from. It just hurts that I can't feel any other way than in trouble or despised for sharing stuff. I'm so tired of going it alone, but it's so scary and painful to try to connect with others with all these messages kicking around my brain. Frowner This SUCKS!
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I hate all the forgiveness stuff too because, like you, I don't even own yet that bad things happen To me. And so i csnt get to that stop complaining type of thinking yet because I think it's essential that I own all this stuff and then I integrate it. Just keep reminding yoursel that you are not there yet. Eventually it would be nice if we could get Ti that step. But you and I aren't doing it to blame. We are doing it because we have to integrate it


Now, I know my pastor very well and we are actually pretty good friends and I know that he would NEVER say that I should just stop feeling hurt or not share about them. He is VERY big on how we can't do life alone and we're meant to carry one another's burdens and encourage each other and all that. He would have never meant what I was hearing, but I couldn't stop hearing it. And between the two services (I was singing, so I attended both), I must have heard him use the phrase like eight times.

Yaku... I have struggled with hearing things correctly too with my T. He would say the tiniest thing that was questionable and I would seize upon it and beat him over the head with it after I sunk into self-hatred and self-disgust telling myself that is why he hated me too. It was an awful few months of this on and off. What I am learning to do now (with my T's guidance) is to look at the whole picture. Think of the T that I really DO know and remember the experiences we have shared, what he has told me, how he has been there for me, his behavior towards me, and put THAT up against what I was hearing in my head.

You KNOW your pastor so when you hear the wrong stuff, then shake your head NO and go back to the kind, loving, caring person you know him to be and keep that in the forefront of what you are thinking and mentally chase away the devil on your shoulder who is whispering the wrong stuff. I have a picture in my head of me sweeping out with a large broom all the wrong messages and cleaning up so the good stuff can be heard. I'm fortunate in that I have SO MUCH wonderful stuff that my T has told me.

In fact,.... I think I need to share this with him. He would be pleased.

Warm hugs, Yaku. I hope you are okay now.
(((Liese))) (((TN)))

I'm sorry I'm not in the greatest place to respond today, but I did see my pastor (had to go his direction to get a prescription, so I dropped off some chicken and dumplings for him and his wife, since they love our cooking). He was his usual, friendly self, invited me to sit for a bit, chatted with me and played with Boo. It was reassuring to have things be normal.

My projections have now moved onto T. I'm having trouble nailing down scheduling stuff with him. I know it is just because he is so flexible with everyone. But, I keep feeling like he doesn't really want to offer all he has been in terms of hours and numbers of sessions, etc. That is just a sort of "you break it, you bought it," attitude regarding helping me, since I was so functional before therapy and now I'm not. I would hate if that were how he felt about me. Frowner I think this is one thing I will be too chicken to tell him tonight.

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