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Hi everybody I am new here but did not really feel comfortable posting yet. Only having started T end of November, I clearly do not have much wisdom to share in that area (actually I am here to get a feeling of those things that happen during my T are normal – I am a bit suspicious and have some problems trusting people including my T).

Due to financial restraints which I don’t want to explain in more depth, I cannot afford seeing a private T. After months of waiting I am getting (free) counseling through an organization that specializes in the kind of trauma I have suffered. During the intake I was ‘forced’ to tell what has happened to me though I never revealed to anyone except my hubby before (otherwise I would not be offered treatment – as to my question if they could ask me yes or no questions, I was told that this was not an option). Afterwards I was a wreck being completely alone with the emotions this intake has brought up. To make things worse they promised to call at a certain date and they never did which made things even worse. (My abuser told me that if I ever tell anybody they would not care and ignore me, thus he was right all along). It happened a few more times that this organization (and meaning certified T’s) did not follow up with their promises.

By end of November I was finally matched with my T and despite my huge reluctance based on my experience with that organization she turned out to be a sweet lady and I surprisingly liked her. She knows I am upset about how I was treated and apologized in behalf of the organization (although she was not the one messing up) but also made an excuse why things went wrong the way they did which is not really reasonable. I also told her that I am afraid she will turn away from my when she hears what has happened.

T is supposed to be weekly but due to holidays, office closures etc, I only had 8 sessions during those 12 weeks with another one to be cancelled the week after next. With those two (sometimes 3) weeks interruptions it always feels I start from scratch building up rapport with her.

Last session we finally managed to dig a little deeper on the topic (no details yet) and it was a difficult session. (She says I am dissociating but I am not sure if that is what it is, there is so much confusing stuff about it online and some sounds rather severe and drastic and I simply do not know if it really is that, anyway...) We were then supposed to have a session a few days after our regular scheduled session because that one was also cancelled. The original time was set but then she told me to come an hour later because that was ‘our’ time to meet. I told her that both were fine with me and we agreed with the later time. We confirmed time and date TWICE.

A few minutes before the session was supposed to start she called me and asked where I were and why I did not show up. I told her that we were supposed to meet at the other hour after she had told me to just stick to ‘our’ usual time. Anyway, meeting at that time was not possible as the office was used by a different T/client and she was sorry about the ‘misunderstanding’ and that was it.
10 days of anticipation and anxiety for this particular session (yep, I still thing T is scary) for nothing. Yet again no session after a dreadful 2 weeks in which I was overwhelmed by nightmares, memories, etc. and had a very hard time coping.

I will see her next week but I am feeling that my trust in her is broken. Like she betrayed me. Let me down just has I was told by my abuser if I would open up to someone. I am also upset that she said it was a ‘misunderstanding’ whereas we clearly had agreed on that time and she just had messed making room reservations & putting it in her schedule properly. Not sure but I feel that if someone (that includes myself, btw) makes a mistake, they should have the guts to admit it!

Much of me wants to cancel the next session, especially since I will have yet another half a month break between that one and the next. I am upset. At the same time I feel childish and know that people make mistakes and that she is human. But she is my T. She promised to be there if I start telling and now she let me down. (She also never asked how I was doing or such on the phone.) I am afraid to tell her because there does not seem to be a point (she also made those silly excuses for the organization back then and since she did not admit her fault during the phone conversation I guess it would only lead to more frustration towards her if she tries to defend herself.) I don’t feel like I want to discuss anything at all about my past with her, all of a sudden there does not seem to be a point. I will be alone with this stuff for at least half a month when no additional sessions are cancelled. It does not feel like I have support (e-mail and phone contact are not an option nor are extra sessions). I am afraid that it will be getting too much for me to handle by myself, I am on a breaking point already that is why I finally tried the T route. There are no other options for me out there (I really have done a lot of research), it’s either her or nothing.

I still like her though I am upset with her but the essential trust that was already week due to my trust issues is trembling and falling apart.

Sorry about the ramble. Guess I just needed to get this out of my chest (nobody knows about my past and being in T and I cannot talk to anybody about this in real life really).

I think I just want to know if I am / my feelings are unreasonable. How can I make this have a lesser effect on me? Is there actually a point in T or will it only make me vulnerable of getting hurt yet again?
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I think as much as possible if you can deemphasize scheduling mixups and unreturned phone calls as anything personal eventhough it feels that way the better off you will be. Just take it for granted a little you are working with a system that is clumsy.

We believe you here. You are believed. Hug two I know its hard but the more you can relax and not take things personally the easier the process of healing will be.
Hi Jen...

First... welcome to the Board. I am very glad you started posting and you did a great job in describing what you are going through. I know it's not easy to share this stuff and also having your abuser tell you that no one would care and that they would ignore you. I'm so sorry. My heart breaks for you. Well... WE will not ignore you here and we do care about you.

What you are feeling is very normal. Very usual for someone who has experienced trauma. Trust is a huge issue for those of us who have abuse histories. It sounds like you are not getting enough support to help keep your emotions regulated. A very very important aspect of building trust with a T is consistency. Absolute consistency. What is happening to you is the unfortuate shuffling through a system that will have a difficult time providing what you need. In my opinion and in my experience you need at least weekly sessions and would probably benefit from having some outside contact with a T. I guess this is not possible because of financial restraints you have with regard to therapy? Can this agency at least offer you weekly sessions?

At this point I would think the best thing would be to talk to your T and tell her what you have written here. Tell her you are feeling very dysregulated in between sessions and that you need more support, especially once you start to really process the trauma stuff. Ask her what she could suggest. Ideally, if she could see you weekly at least and then provide some other resources that you may not know about... a low cost group or some other kind of support that is free and then adding in posting here... you may be able to contain your emotions from weekly session to weekly session.

I am so sorry you cannot afford private therapy. This is a healthcare issue that makes me angry as those who really need the extra support cannot find a way to get it. It also makes me grateful for what I have.

Jen please keep posting to us. You are NOT alone and you are very brave.

Sending you hugs
Last edited by Attachment Girl
Jen, it looks like there are two things going on here.

The first is that the level of consistency you are getting with your T is not very good. Free and public counseling services have a reputation for offering a sub-standard level of care, so it's not just you. It still sucks, though.

The other things has to do with your trust issues related to your past trauma. It's important to realize that what your abuser said about nobody caring and so forth has NOTHING to do with the shoddy policies of any particular counseling venue. At the same time, your brain can't help connecting the two which makes this all very distressing for you.

I don't really know what to tell you except I wish you could get a regular, steady weekly appointment with someone very reliable. Maybe you aren't sure now how to make this happen, but if you found a way, I think it would do a lot to help you feel more secure.

Sorry for what you've been through. You don't deserve to get the run-around again.
I think I just want to know if I am / my feelings are unreasonable. How can I make this have a lesser effect on me? Is there actually a point in T or will it only make me vulnerable of getting hurt yet again?

Jen... I forgot to answer these questions.

You are feelings are NOT unreasonable. I have extreme reactions when my sessions are cancelled and I have a longer relationship with my T. Your T got defensive and should have accepted the fault was hers and also it would have been a good thing to check in with you to see how you were doing. Is she young and inexpereienced?

I don't really know how to make this have a lesser effect on you except for being able to talk about it here with us and with your T. You could also try journaling your thoughts and feelings. After awhile when you have a good solid relationship with a T she will help to regulate your emotions and you will leave therapy feeling calmer. You do need more support in the meanwhile but if you have no financial resources then please feel free to rely on the board.

The point of all of this would be healing the trauma you suffered. But.. that said... therapy hurts. It's painful while you work through the trauma and abuse. So yes, you do become somewhat vulnerable in therapy because the T has the position of authority. The relationship may also inadvertently hurt you. My T reminds me that he NEVER would want to hurt me intentionally but it happens and then we just discuss it. He always apologizes.

Hope this helps.

Hi Jendark,

Welcome to the forums. I’m glad that you posted. It really sounds like you are in a difficult situation. Your feelings about the inconsistencies you’ve been running into are understandable, especially with a trauma background. These kinds of inconsistencies are especially difficult for trauma victims, because as you yourself clearly recognize, trust is very difficult and the slightest lapse in care can evoke very strong feelings of “see, I’m going to get hurt again” especially this early on in the relationship. I can understand that human mistakes are being made, and as LauraK pointed out, these mistakes really more than likely have nothing to do with you. But I agree with your assessment that the mistakes should have been owned by the people who made them. I really would have expected your T to apologize for the mix-up.

So you have this potent mix of intense reactions from the past mixed up with real failures in the present. It’s hard enough to sort through these kinds of feelings when the person on the other end is consistent. I am sorry that the treatment you are getting is reinforcing your abuser’s threats. I want to agree with TN, that we really do care about what happened to you and you being to heal from it. And we believe it happened to you and understand how difficult it is to heal from these kinds of injuries.

So if you had other options, I am seeing enough red flags here in terms of inconsistency, dropped balls and non-responsiveness, I would have probably recommended looking around for another place to go. But you’ve made it clear that you don’t have other options.

OTOH, it sounds like you really need some help to deal with what happened to you and I do believe that therapy is a good idea. While it can be a difficult, painful, slow process, it is possible to heal from what happened to you. You also said that you like your T which is very important. The strength of the relationship is an important factor in healing. So at this point, I would agree with what TN said. That you go back and talk to your T about how all this is making you feel and how it is making an already nearly impossible task, that of trusting her, even harder. I would also talk to her about providing you with some tools to help you get through between sessions. When addressing trauma, sometimes the slower you go, the faster you get there. I think you need to work on building rapport and trust with your T first so that the inevitable failures will not feel quite so threatening. (Sidenote: one of the things that we should experience as children is that when a misattunement on the part of our caretaker occurs, sometimes called a disruption, and they fail to understand our needs or meet them, it should be followed quickly by repair. That is how we can learn that we can be safe in relationship, even when we get hurt in a relationship. This is an important lesson, since all human beings, no matter how much they care for us, will sometimes hurt us BECAUSE they are human and will fail. Abuse, by definition, is a gross misattunement,, since your distress and pain is being brutally ignored. And it’s a misattunement that is never repaired. So the horrible lesson we learn, is that if you get hurt in relationship, get the hell out of dodge. It’s why you’re experiencing such a strong sense of why bother? Not to mention that when moving closer in relationship gets your hurt, then moving closer in any relationship is going to feel scary even if there’s no danger in moving closer now. ) You will need to trust her more and know her better before you’re going to be able to much deep trauma processing. The beginning of building that trust will be seeing if she can handle you coming to her with these disruptions and remain non-defensive and work on repairing the rupture. I really do hope your T rises to the challenge since as I said I think therapy is a good idea.

And for getting between appointments, this forum has often been a good resource for a lot of members because it’s a place to speak where you can be heard and understood.

Thanks to all of you. I feel very humbled that you all took the time to read this post and reply. I will see and try if I manage to post more often. Talking about feelings still is rather scary but maybe the anonymity makes it somewhat easier.

Laura, you are right, I should be less emotional about this, I realize that. Hard to do so . I can accept that the organization/system is clumsy but not my T (if that makes sense). I will definitely ask for e-mail confirmation of appointments if there are ever any different then on our regular schedule. This way I will catch anything that is ‘off’ right away and we can still try to fix it.

TN, yes the healthcare system certainly has its flaws. But nothing we can do about it, thus I need to work what I have. I don’t think I would be able to handle a group yet, that would be too triggering at that point. I already access the free/low cost option in the area, there is not much else. I really did a lot of research to get some help.

The sessions are supposed to be weekly, however holidays always fall on our day of T and she simply cannot catch up all sessions from a day, of course (she would not be getting paid for that, it would defeat the purpose of having a day off, plus they don’t have the office space to hold extra sessions). Last week there was a cancellation due to a training but she was tried to make up for that session but that is when it went wrong.

T is not very old but has experience with sexual abuse. I assume though that the more skilled/experienced professionals would rather work private and make more money than working for a non-profit organization like this one. From the impression I got so far she is very intuitive and really seems to know what is going on inside me which gives me some feeling of security. (I am not really good expressing my thoughts/feelings in T, so it is helpful that she ‘feels’ what is going on inside me).

Alpaca – yup, agree, free counseling services are probably not the best ones. Quality comes with a price tag. But since I realized I cannot get through/over this by myself, I guess it must be better than no support at all.

trust is very difficult and the slightest lapse in care can evoke very strong feelings of “see, I’m going to get hurt again”
– this probably hits the nail right on the head. I guess in a way I was just waiting for this to happen, I actually told her during the last session that I am so afraid of her letting me down sooner than later. Because of this it probably hurts even worse.

You are right, lot’s of red flags, and I have really tried hard to find another solution/resources but there isn’t anything. Fortunately it was not my T who dropped the balls until that last event though. I realize that I must not judge her on something like this.

AG & TN you are probably right that it would be best to talk to her about it. But I am not sure if I can do this well. If I muster the courage to go to the next session I probably see what happens. If she apologizes for her mistake, I can accept this and start working on restoring that trust from there. I know people can make mistakes and if she has the integrity to stand up to it, I’ll appreciate and honor that (for me it’s actually a sign of personal strength ). If she continues talking about a misunderstanding I am afraid of what that might mean for our relationship. I really do like her and I think she is sincere and genuinely caring, but at the same time I need someone with backbone who I can completely rely on and who is completely honest and not someone who comes up with lame excuses when things go wrong.

And I guess I should probably tell her at some point how I really feel and struggle but instead I am trying so hard to make her believe that I am okay. (I doubt that I am very convincing since I also say that when I am getting overwhelmed during the session, but still.) The fact that someone would know how I really feel and that I am weak and wounded makes me so vulnerable. I am just not ready having someone see how broken I in fact am.

I will see how it goes. I still have not made up my mind on if I should go to the next session or if I should cancel it due to the week off thereafter. I don’t want to talk about things and then have to deal with those feelings alone for half a month.
You obviously don't have to answer but..

Was it an ongoing abuse or essentially a one time deal?

Was it someone really close?

Even Ts are clumsy. Just try not to take it personally. Its not really about you.

Its ironic I am sure she would think to be in therapy for sexual abuse if you are really ok Smiler
She has seen your intake docs.

You write well.

Hug two I'm sorry you feel broken.
To give you a short update - I went to see her today after all and did not cancel the session.

It went so much better than I anticipated. She apologized right away for 'her' mistake in a sincere way and we left it with that and switched the topic. (The fact that she recognized she was wrong and admitted it really makes me trust her a bit more.)

She was very kind and caring and did not seem to be distant nor like she had turned away as he had told me would happen. She dug a bit deeper on the issue we started discussing last time and she heard some of those bad things I did.

T was very sweet about it and tried to reach my rational part but had a hard time to get through to my brain. Now I am terrified that she is secretly just disgusted by my cannot work with me anymore and that the next session (which is in half a month) will be cancelled because of what I told her about the abuse.

As much as I realize it are my emotions speaking and that my thoughts are rather irrational on various levels, the fear seems extremely real.

In a way the communication between my brain and my heart is broken. Logic thinking does not tame those feelings inside me.

How long did it take for you to internalize some of those things your T's try to show you and to get rid of those wrong believes that are fostered inside? Are there ways to speed up replacing those destructive feelings by correct aka rational thinking?
Hi JD,
I'm really glad the session went well and you were able to connect to your T.

In a way the communication between my brain and my heart is broken. Logic thinking does not tame those feelings inside me.

Communication is not broken, it's just that your brain and heart learn in different ways. We learn about relationships and what to expect from them implicitly, through our experience. Everytime something happens to us, we analyze it and sift through it and assign meanings and stories. If we experience abuse and hurt, especially from our caregivers (I don't know what your history is so please feel free to take or leave what I'm saying. And it's ok to not speak about it until you're ready, I also don't want to feel any pressure about saying.) what we learn implicitly is that moving closer in relationship is dangerous. One thing you have made clear is that your abuser reinforced this by telling you that everyone else would act like he did and not care what the abuse was doing to you.

So it doesn't matter what you understand cognitively as an adult, you are fighting what you took in on a deep level when you were younger. Moving closer is dangerous. And to try to stop you from moving closer, you became ashamed of even wanting to.

So you moved closer to your T and of course, you're reaction is to now feel scared of once again being rejected. So what actually fixes this is moving through your fear again and again until you have enough experiences of that turning out well to counterbalance all your previous experience. It can be a slow, frustrating process but it does work. There's not any way to really speed it up, it's just about being willing to keep repeating it and tolerating the frustration that you can't just "learn" it the way you would a new fact.

There's a post on my blog that you might find helpful about this: Disorganized Attachment or Why you think you're crazy but really aren't


PS Edited to correct a typo in the quote html
Last edited by Attachment Girl
Thanks for your reply AG. I have been reading over it a few times and have to say, I guess it makes sense to some degree.

I have a hard time trusting people on a deep level and keep most of them (friends included) on an emotional distance so it won’t be too hard to loose them. Though having been together with my husband for many, many years I still expect him to leave me any day. He as well does hardly know anything about the abuse except that it happened.

Having to talk about it in therapy makes me very so insecure. The more she knows the more she can hurt me. In a way I am plain terrified to expose my past, weaknesses and vulnerability because they’d make perfect target points to cause more pain. Plus, I truly feel now that she (or anybody else for that matter) finds out about those ‘dirty’ details, she will terminate me as her client. In fact I fear each day to find a message in my mailbox telling me not to come back (which is a completely crazy thought as she does not know my e-mail address Wink The words of my abuser still have this incredible amount of power. Wish I could just ignore them but they have been proven right before.

T must be getting so frustrated by me for not ‘getting’ things like I can trust her and she won’t hurt me, etc. (Nope, so far she has not expressed that to me; in fact she just told me I was doing good during the last session – whatever that means.) As I said logically I realize the wrongness of my fears and the mistakes in my perception. But internally logical thinking is overruled by emotions. (Her main approach is CBT, thus my way of ‘thinking’ is to be fixed; not sure how long she will try until she gives up on me.)

All of a sudden things seem so complex and difficult. Though I had expected things to be difficult to talk through, I had not anticipated the therapeutic relationship becoming such an important part of the process and me breaking down the emotional distance I tend to create to keep myself safe. I hate that I feel that I ‘need’ her even though we have only just begun working together. No matter how hard it is, I think my only option is to learn to trust that T is a safe person.
Hi JenDark, it seems that you are doing a lot of projecting onto your T. The things you think that SHE is thinking are really your own doubts and fears. The only way to know if she is thinking any of this is to ask her. I know that is easier said than done.

The therapeutic relationship is the most important aspect of therapy. It is often said that it's the relationship that heals and that the relationship IS the therapy. My T and I spend a lot of time just discussing our relationship, how what he says or does makes me feel or think and he has me examine my reactions to certain things that come from our relationship. When you have a trauma/abuse background it can take a very very long time to just establish trust and safety in the relationship and without that you really cannot do the work. I don't think you should rush yourself into doing the trauma processing until you feel more secure and have learned some coping skills and put some kind of supplemental support in place. I think you T will understand that it takes time to build trust.

I just wanted to mention that you should decide who to trust based on your observations of them and not just blind leaps of faith. People who prove themselves by being consistent and steady and who do not get defensive and are willing to apologize for mistakes are people we should consider trusting. Pay attention to your instincts and listen to them if something feels "off".

I wish you a smooth journey as you and T come to know each other.


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