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I can read all there is to know about say, childbirth, but to fully understand it I would have to feel it. That will never happen because my child bearing days are over, also the thought of me giving birth had always been alien to me. My emotional problems prevented me from feeling any need to have children. Instead, motherhood conjured up a real sense of my limitations of me ever fulfilling that role in any capable caring capacity. I could connect with and dictate what an infants needs were but was unable, or unwilling to fulfill them. My 'inner child' was screaming, "What about me? Why should I give what was never given to me." Again, I hear my parents. The family circle in me ceased when I denied access to it. Thankfully, my unborn children never asked to be born.

Suffice to say, readers might have a concept of my experiences in therapy, but will not fully understand unless they have felt it.

And what I have felt intensely in therapy is the one thing we all fear the most, anger. I'm not writing about the huff and puff, shiddy anger that most people are fairly comfortable with. This anger/rage is the real rotten core stuff, inaccessible to anyone with half an ounce of control. It has taken thirty seven years of therapy to reach thus far, so rest assure it wont happen to you.

Having typed that much, more needs to be said about the effects of no love on the individual and society in general. I think we get that picture each time we watch the news.
His shrinkness is head down bum up with his scribes re the above. I am not at all optimistic that anyone will "get it." After all, he writes about what I write, and who in here wants to know, and feel that?

Because we are so afraid of anger we don’t want to know about it, or we don’t want to know what we are so afraid of. We have to feel anger/rage to understand it, and who wants that?

"Juice cleansing has been all the rage for some time. And I used the word 'rage' advisedly; one must push a violent flood of liquidised vegetables and fruit through one's system for at least three days in order to perform a 'cleanse.'"

Sloane Crosley

One more day to go before Nuclear a brain 'cleanse.'

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This really resonated with me as anger was so problematic for me for so long. My father was often violent and it took a very long time to learn that there was a difference between anger and violence. So I became very scared of my anger and what I would do if I acknowledged it. I have also done a lot of work to access it.

Just last August, it came to light that my aunt knew their was an incident involving my father and a young child but had never told my mother. In processing that in session with my T, I accessed a deep and violent rage about how unprotected I had been and how angry I was about what happened to me. It came out in a very intense and raw manner. So much so that when I had calmed down, I actually told my T that it scared me to allow him to see me like that, that I didn't like knowing I had that kind of rage inside me (you're right its not about control or thoughtfulness, it was about revenge and wanting to strike back and hurt the person who hurt me). He just told me that he was glad I felt safe enough to be that honest.

I also remember once telling him that I could have flayed my father alive and then stood there laughing and wasn't that a horrible feeling? And he simply asked me "is it really a horrible feeling?" And it wasn't. Being angry was the only relief I got from being scared.

It is very hard to face those feelings. Thank you for talking about it. Hope the 'brain cleanse' goes well. Smiler

Nope, it was never about revenge AG, it is about survival. It is about venting what threatens me the most~ my anger towards BOTH parents for not making me feel safe. The child says I need to feel rage and become stronger than my parents to survive. Sometimes one has to become a 'monster' to fight a 'monster' to feel safe.

I'm sure the cleansing will give me a sense of fun. It usually does for the child within.

Last edited by muff
(((Muff))) and (((AG)))

I can relate to both of you. My childhood was riddled with abuse. I had blocked most of it out. Now I know about it from my older siblings. They have told me about some of it. It's so weird to know intellectually about intense abuse happening to me as a child but not being able to remember it. It certainly explains a lot to me about my current problems and issues.
Turtle, I dont remember not being loved as an infant. Once a sociopath always a sociopath so it doesnt take much to add it up and know how I was treated in infancy. It's what I do remember that confirms everything about my families behavior towards me. Yes, our past certainly does cause problems for us now. Some of us pay dearly by giving up our lives in one form or another.

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